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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. A political activist who condemns a winning political majority in a fair and open election but does not challenge with equal fevor a seizure of power in a 2014 military coup that retained practically an unelected coup assisted prime minister before the last alleged election in 2019 might better fit the title fascist activist who can't tolerate opposition.
  2. The MFP democratic coalition must not be sacrifice the ideals of the majority for the imprisonment of the minority. If the government (whose-caretaker?) collapses, Thailand becomes only half of a State. Surely not an international position to be in for the minority. The highest voice of the land needs to be heard.
  3. Greater - nice government pension. But I don't throw money away.
  4. F-15's or F-16's for Thailand when US denies aircraft to Ukraine engaged in a war with Russia (US is allowing Allies with both aircraft to train Ukrainian pilots with possible transfer) Thailand at peace with its neighbors should consider it lucky to be offered the two aircraft types.
  5. May 1st I got my 5th vaccination - bivalent XBB.1.5 while in the US. Last I heard Thailand has not ordered the vaccine to cover that bivalent.
  6. They may want to get guidance from the Supreme Commander of the military aka Head of State who is necessay for endorsement of the new PM and Cabinet.
  7. Police-military persons have been known to join anti- military protests in civilian clothes with intent to break laws so as to discredit the protest.
  8. There is another issue regarding replacement of Senators - at least to me. The current Senate is 100% selected. The junta eliminated the prior Senate that required 50% be elected. Obvious inappropriate to Thai-styled democracy. So who would now select any retired (current term was five years - seems overlooked or reinstated by the junta?) or discharged Senators? Analysis appreciated. I'm thinking the PM and Cabinet but until a new PM and Cabinet is installed as our Royal endorsement, any caretaker government cannot. So it's possible the Senate temporarily loses a Senatorial seat?
  9. Not a lie please. There are 4 LTR visa types - I have the pensioner annual income must exceed $80k USD. Obviously, one's financial situation may change after 5 years and it's is reasonable for Immigration to review that the visa holder's income is still at the minimum required by the LTR visa. Like with any visa an applicant needs to understand how they are maintained. In my own situation my pension will only increase, based on US inflation rate regardless where I live; recent US COLA was 8.7% vs Thailand 3.5%. In terms of paying an additional 400k baht for the subject 20 year visa that bypasses predictable terms of review seems more frivolous than practical.
  10. Regardless of Pita's guilt or innocence, there is a greater flaw to EC's review for candidate "suitability" that is corrosive to FREE and OPEN elections. EC traditionally seems to wait until elections after results are known to it (sometimes the election results being withheld from the public as was the case of Yingluck's elections in February 2014) before it concludes whether a candidate qualifies for public office. So a party and its PM candidate can be essentially held "political hostage" after an election that gives (in two actual cases) opposing political parties advantage in formulation of a new government despite of electorate votes to the contrary. In essence one might label such EC review as a coup (remember EC members did not resign subsequent to the 2014 coup that withheld public elections until 2018 nor was there any protest by EC to the NCPO's self appointed House ministers and unilateral selection of coup leader Prayut as PM), and the NCPO allowed EC members to continue in their positions with pay despite "timing out" their service terms in accordance to the Constitution. If the EC truly plays an necessary role in candidate qualifications (apart from issues of what, if any, these qualifications are), it must make any adverse conclusion PRIOR to the election. Not to do so disenfranchises people's vote (ie., a stolen election). As both the EC and the current PM must agree on an election date ( albeit within a constitutional time frame, ie., 60 days), there should be adequate review during that time. Even if not sufficient time, the accused should be given adequate time to go to the Courts regarding any EC adverse ruling prior to the election that would disqualify the candidat.
  11. It is according to the Constitution. Talk rigged elections.
  12. Get a 10-year Long Term Resident visa for 50,000 baht, renew visa another 10 years for 50,000 baht. Annual (vs 90-day) notifications of residence. So 20 years for 100,000 baht. Granted no golf discounts and limo rides but do get airport Fast Track and other benefits such as multiple re-entries and duty-free entry. Also can include children under visa.
  13. If the Senators had any political morality to see democracy finally emerge, they should all resign. Let a new Senate be developed under the tutelage of the MFP.
  14. Just don't be surprised with civil and criminal defamation law suits. "Baby Steps" first.
  15. I would add #9 Government Accountability. The House would have power by majority vote to subpoena any government/quasi-government organizations (typically commissions chaired by the PM) and government oversight committees (ie., EEC, anti-corruption commissions, Industrial Estates), Cabinet members and associated top-down executive leadership to investigate any alleged corruption and/or failure to enforce laws and constitutional rights.
  16. Renewed my passport Nov. 2022. Bangkok US Embassy required mailed in application, existing passport, receipt for prepayment (Pay.Gov) of new passport and Thai bank draft covering Thailand Post EMS mailing back of old & new passports. DHL refused to mail current passport to the Embassy and so mailed via Thailand Post EMS. Within 2 weeks received both old and new passports, and permission for transfer of immigration stamps from old passport to new passport. Then went to BOI in Bangkok who was hosting a 10-year Long Term Resident visa (50,000 baht). BOI is at same location as Immigration office near MRT station. Had stamps transferred by Immigration, new passport stamped for 1 year (vs 90-day) annual report of residence for long stay, 5-year stamp to extend stay for another 5 years and a multiple re-entry stamp. About 2 hours with BOI and Immigration.
  17. A referendum (only providing a "yes" or "no") is an useless exercise if the Prayut political backers choose. A new constitution or amendments require Senate approval, not to mention royal endorsement. Also the NCPO put words in their written constitution that gives it essentially extra-constitutional authority in case of perceived potential harm to the nation's security as determined by themselves to legally block constitutional amendments.
  18. There is no current legal authority for your solutions and recriminations.
  19. This sounds like the case of a broken clock can still be correct twice a day. The clock needs to be replaced for it to have any creditability.
  20. What would happen if the Senate is unable to vote for/against for a PM candidate? Let's say theoretically (certainly not all the possibilities) the Senate chamber is unavailable, or a quorum is not obtainable? Can the Senate meet covertly or in some private venue (ie., military base), or must it convene in a public venue for transparency purposes? Rather than having to concede to an undemocratic Senate block of MFP PM candidate, might there be an action to take other than ineffective street protests for which the military likely will have the Constitutional authority to break?
  21. Do you have proof or is this wishful thinking? Frankly, I'd expect an "inexperience" political party like MFP as you define it to fail at losing their graft simply because it has not ever been in power to "take" graft. Unlike PTP, Democrats, and the various junta/pro-military parties essentially being in sole power of the government since 1932!
  22. Either Bhumjaithai and Democrat parties likely will want Minister of Defense that includes in effect control of the military political arm ISOC, effectively neutralizing political freedom that might be pursued by a new government.
  23. This refusal was predicted in Sept. 8, 2022 "Thai Parliament Rejects Opposition Bid to Reject Senate's Power" It required a third of the Senate to vote " in favor of reducing their own power....Used by the military as a means of preventing the people from making a wrong decision." Ref. thediplomat.com The senatorial position reinforces Thai people are Not Citizens of Thailand as an Electorate in control of their government but rather Subjects ruled by those who have extra-constitutionality as the 'Good People.' From that perspective, in reality Thailand is no more a democracy than is Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar. Foreign embassies in Thailand who represent 'recognized democracies' should protest and take diplomatic reprocussions against Thailand. But of course they won't because they want to preserve what they believe is their political influence in Thailand. What I call "Patty Cake-Patty Cake Diplomacy."
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