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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. Thailand has always been a social welfare state - just not a very well funded one by those who don't need welfare. Just the control it provides.
  2. The Omicron variant BA5 while not as viral as previous mutations, it is more easily infectioness. So it might add to the covid spike. As far as I know, it's vaccine is not available yet in Thailand. It has begun to spread in the US and I got vaccinated for it in the US last month.
  3. What kind of job is Elon Munk doing on Twitter with all his years as CEO's? It's not about corporate experience.
  4. It's not about "inexperience" but about the continued stranglehold the Deep State has through the judiciary and Senate that prevents fresh (aka "progressive") addendum to divert since 1932 from Thailand's undemocratic traditional and cultural societal traps. The "intern" needs to break those barriers (the "glass ceilings") with unconventional populist addendum to move the nation out of those traps rather than adjusting to those traps. MFP seems very capable to do so
  5. It was the Council chaired by PM and Defense Minister Prayut who agreed (with himself?) in January 2022 to restructure the military by FY 2027. This time frame appears in part to accommodate retirement of "experts, specialists and specialists experts" who routinely hold general rank (what!) and would not be replaced in general rank. So it would seem that with the new government under the MFP coalition such restructuring is not locked into place, time-sensitive nor in details, unless the military is allowed Defense Minister control. It appears that it has been tradition that a former general get DM, likely more as a military/royalist check on any overly progressive government. It would be very democratic that the next DM be controlled by MFP et al.
  6. Going back to 2562? Excerpts from "The Independent Systems for Handling Police Complaints in Thailand: A Brief Assessment" by Dhiyathad Prateeppornnarong. "Nonetheless, dealing effectively with police complaints is laborious, especially in an authoritarian democracy (sic) like Thailand where the police have always been subjected to undue influence members of the political and economic elite." Note the composition of the Board reads like the directory of the Thai Hi-So. "Recent study on the internal police complaints system of the Thai police indicated that most Thai police cannot deal with complaints against their colleagues effectively as the police-led system seriously lacks impartiality." (2017) Thus, the first case ever?
  7. "Somkiat said after the signing ceremony that this cooperation would be valid for three years and be automatically extended by five years if neither party objects." 2 years gone but can extend 5 more years. What exactly has been the planning and action? Based on out of control flooding in the last two years - nothing. "the two sides will exchange know-how on water management, assist experts who dealt with the national floods in 2011, find solutions for flooding problems in Bangkok and its vicinity, and improve the weather forecast system to be more accurate." Isn't one problem is there is no Thainess-knowhow to exchange with the Dutch? And those experts who dealt with the 2011 flooding, would their "expertise" be relevant unless another failure is planned?
  8. Can happen by action of the Constitutional Court that may take another month, then establishing a new election by the EC within 60 days of such judgement should the court find against Pita & MFP. However, there is a looming reality that cares not what party controls government - Budget for FY 2024 that begins 1st Quarter September - November 2023. Essentially, two months available for Q1 budget legislation! Otherwise, no FY budget legislation requiring both full House and Senate, no government funding for the 1st quarter. No increase in any debt ceiling to keep up with inflation. This represents a major threat to national unity and economic survival. Standing in the way of moving forward in the formation of a new government may not be in the best interest of the country, however flawed the EC's election certification process may be carried into a post-election period.
  9. Cut to the chase (if there is one). Thaksin's "unencumbered" return to Thailand is best possible under the MFP coalition without Prawit's party connections.
  10. Vaping exposes users to fewer toxins and at lower levels than smoking cigarettes. Switching to vaping significantly reduces your exposure to toxins that can cause cancer, lung disease, and diseases of the heart and circulation like heart attack and stroke. https://www.nhs.uk › better-health Vaping to quit smoking - Better Health - NHS Seems reduction or elimination of tobacco smoking should be the first priority.
  11. And Might that be the cumulative affect of the EXISTING government now out of office having done poorly for the last 8 years for the economy and income equality? Or even an effect caused by the failed re-election of the Prayut government to use its political "suicide pill" (ie., control of the Senate) to slow (if not damage) peaceful transition to the newly elected government? One might also look to the EC's post-election posture to threaten same peaceful transition to a new government that has earned a substantial popular vote. Futhermore, international exchange rates are driven by a complexity of past & current events outside of one's nation's current economic policies, ie., by its major trade partners. Then there's the "alternate truth": "Thai Baht Gains Most in 5 Weeks as Opposition Parties Lead Vote" ref. Bloomberg.
  12. I think you're close. But there's more options. Such as: MFP gets PM and Speaker PTP gets Deputy PM (Prawit's old job) PTP gets Minister of Finance and Defence Remainder Cabinet positions goes to remainder coalition parties
  13. So conscription the entire nation and eliminate income inequality instantly. But somehow military wages that may or may not actual go to conscripts may by themselves increase income inequality. Whatever. There's simply no academic proof that conscription reduces income inequality. But there is evidence that eight years under the military political coalition has increased the nation's income inequality.
  14. Will some Royalist claim US forced this export as some claim the US forces Thailand to buy US weapons?
  15. EC is responsible to approve candidates for office. It did not disapprove Pitha from running for office with (I think) with a conditional caveat to wait to see if he becomes a leading candidate AFTER the election before making a final decision. Presumably, if he (as party leader) didn't place well in the election, then EC would have no issue. That after-the-fact caveot is rigging the election and disenfranching millions of votes. Where is the EC held responsible for performing its duty which it seems to have failed by not disqualifying Pitha PRIOR to the election.
  16. Maybe it's too late, but why not just reverse your order of travel, ie., Kenya last?
  17. Obviously not in the US. Thailand has many economic advantages and travel options, thus far.
  18. Thailand buys from whoever offers advanced weapon systems. How exactly does US make Thailand buy weapons from them? Frankly, the problem for Thailand is that it's weapons inventory is a "Mish Mash" of foreign weapons (Soviet, Chinese, NATO, EU, etc.) that has to make maintenance a nightmare, not to mention having competent military to do maintenance.
  19. There is an alternative to the minimum $80k USD. Something like, minimum $40k USD plus securities. Check LTR web site for exact requirements.
  20. Perfect description of Thailand as for decades it has conducted military operations against the Muslim Kingdom of Patani to subjugate, absorb and deculturize and delanguage the indigenious peaceful Malay Muslims in that caliphate. The same Thailand that terrorizes its own citizens into subjugation of their rightful freedoms.
  21. If the right call - Then don't buy foreign weapons, air/naval/ground offensive/defensive systems, don't participate with foreign military in deployment exercises.
  22. Don't bother going to Russia - they keep getting their jets shot down over Ukraine.
  23. India has developed its own military industrial complex to research, design and manufacture its own innovative advanced military products. Recently India aims to triple defense exports of $5 billion. This is lacking in Thailand that seems to want to buy its way into advanced military products, perhaps because there is better opportunity for corruption than keeping procurements "in house," ie., self-development that may require more accountability for legislative funding. Especially if an anti-military opposition coalition controls the House. And by buying its way into military imports, Thailand loses initiative for self-military development.
  24. If you question the legitimacy of senators, why would anyone urge them to any action? Short of resigning their illigimate positions? Attempting a political negotiation just reinforces the unelected senators' power.
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