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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. Maybe Thai military "intelligence" thinks USA is in Europe?
  2. Thailand is not a signatory to the convention and its Human Rights Commission was decertified by the UNHRC in 2014 after the military coup. The junta changed the Constitution that removed the independence of the THRC whereby now any report it writes must be approved by the government and cannot reflect "badly" on the reputation of Thailand. The government has the right to rewrite any portion of the THRC reports. Thailand doesn't have to my knowledge any formal refugee policy except to what extent that China and Bangladesh allow. That said, nothing in the article indicates the subject Russians have claimed refugee status. They enter Thailand as tourists.
  3. I don't understand "renewing your passport." US passports expire at a certain date and can be replaced by application with the Embassy, typically for a 10-year period.
  4. Yes according to current elected MP's. Thus, until newly elected MP's take office and create a quorum no legislation can take place. What I wonder is whether the State of Emergency in Southern Thailand established by PM Prayut 2014-current to deal with the insurgency is also dissolved automatically. This is what happened when a national State of Emergency invoked by PM Yingluck in 2013 to deal with yellow shirt street violence when PM Yingluck dissolved the House for the 2014 election and placed the government into a Caretaker.
  5. I would say that after 8 years of junta government they have been subjugated into submission. No longer citizens of the State but servants of the State.
  6. Full Stop. End of investigation with no subpoena power. Parliament has same restraint to investigate anyone.
  7. I ordered a 35k baht pc, had to pay up front using Lazada Wallet, received confirmation of purchase and time frame for delivery (imported from China). Within days later I get a message from the vendor through Lazada app that the item is out of stock. Within 2 days received full refund from Lazada Wallet. Had two other similar experiences from other vendors with much lower priced items paid COD. I suggested to Lazada Customer Service that the vendor must deliver what it sells. Or be banned. If they lose profit margin (ie., lower baht value vs USD), too bad. Don't charge hat you xn't risk. Some vendors will report in their Lazada posting number remaining in stock.
  8. Isn't the Election Commission trying to get his entire party banned?
  9. It's for the voters to decide. Not street gangs, not the military, not the opposition party who wants to become an unelected government. Yingluck was overthrown because the royalist pro-military factions knew she was likely to be re-elected. Period.
  10. Application is free. You invest only your time. When you qualify, then you pay. I hold the Pensioner LTR since November 2022. I had delayed two months to obtain a new passport to cover the 10 year visa term. When I had a question about the application, there were two BOI phone numbers to call and always had someone answer who was helpful. When you submit your completed application but have missing or incorrect information, incorrectly redacted information, or clarifications required, got an email in English of what was required to complete for submittal. In the past I had non O-A and even though I had unlimited coverage, nonexpiring international foreign insurance, had to buy throw-away (make a claim and premiums increase)Thai healthcare insurance. But LTR application accepts foreign healthcare insurance with proper specified documentation and original signatures from the insurance provider to fulfill requirements. I used the annual minimum (gross) income method documented by government-signed benefit letters, tax returns, etc. No foreign minimum transfers nor aged untouched minimum balance savings accounts required. I assume at the five-year point Immigration/BOI will want an update on income documentation. Maybe cover current year and previous year. When you are notified as qualified, you walk in to the BOI office in Bangkok without appointment, a representative will assist you through the entire process with Immigration in the same building floor that concludes with your visa. Includes your next report date in one year. I also got a free Certificate of Residence required to update my Thai driver's license when changing passport number.
  11. I hear that China hopes to distract the Thai player by flying a balloon over the table.
  12. "orders all agencies" - Yes! Order the Ministry of Education to teach the causes of high pollution in Thailand and how other nations successfully suppress air pollution. PS: it's not done with a single 20 foot sprinkler placed in downtown Bangkok as Prayut once ordered. Currently it's a fleet of drones spraying water in the air around Bangkok. The root of the problem needs to be addressed but then that means addressing PM Prayut who has governed Thailand for the last 8 years. But likely such scientific truths will be defamatory as to damage Thailand's national reputation (not to mention PM's reputation) and not considered "Thainess."
  13. Eight lanes 2km long. Another gateway to highway pollution. ICE vehicles generate the greatest amount of pollution in the world. Don't expect Thailand innovation here. Fir Bangkok part of the solution to reduction of pollution is decentralization and remote work. Make this new highway one-way. Leaving Bangkok.
  14. "brothers" as in military "Band of Brothers." One of the three most powerful groups in Thailand.
  15. All very true. But unnecessary. At this time neither Ukraine nor the US has standing before the ICC as both have not ratified such authority of the ICC to prosecute their own citizens for alleged war crimes. As such Biden shouldn't have offered evidence and the Pentagon shouldn't have to "remind" Biden of the US lack of recognition of the ICC. In the end....a nothing burger.
  16. If a school name is so sanctimonious, why are the clothes with school names being sold in open market places specifically targeting tourists? RTP should sweep in and remove these potential sources for crime from vendors. In reality RTP is likely aware of these sales.
  17. "Indian?" There's North American Indians with many diverse tribes, languages and cultures; and there's Asian Indian. Heritage of each is widely different. "US heritage" is even most diverse as so many foreign nationalities of immigrants over 250 years became part of the American "melting pot." Minor points but it would have been professional of the editorials to discern what exactly was meant.
  18. Except for the "signs of progress" and does not correctly cover how the Kingdom of Patani went from a Kingdom of Siam Royal Court recognized sovereign nation to Thailand provinces. Long story short, KOP people had no say in the annexation and loss of sovereignty. Very similar to present day Russian annexation of Crimea. Regarding the "signs of progress", the Yingluck regime made the most progress towards peace by considering semi-autonomy for the former KOP. But coincidently the Thai military led by Gen, Prayut, when it appeared that Yingluck would be re-elected as PM in 2014, overthrew her regime in a coup in May 2014 just before the national election scheduled later in May 2014. The subsequent Prayut regime refuses any kind of semi-autonomy, calling it a security breach of Thailand's sovereignty. Instead Prayut has imposed a State of Emergency on the three provinces from 2014 to the present to tightly control/subjugate the Patani provinces.
  19. I can't help but to think, " Four Indians and a Cambodian enter a bar and...."
  20. Many of their weapons tech was stolen from the Russians. Not quite the innovators found in the West.
  21. Maybe the House GOP can return Majorie Greene and Ron DeSantis without shame.
  22. Hasn't it been a security boost that ever since the Prayut military coup in 2014 that he has imposed a State of Emergency in these southern provinces. But now there is a need for another boost? Ironically in conjunction with peace talks?
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