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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. "wasted management" sounds more like the last eight years of Prayut's regime.
  2. European democratic countries.
  3. Thailand 2023 population 70 million. Red Cross raises 10 million baht.
  4. Are military coups and military majority control of government, constitution and courts on par with international rules? Prayut does the Dance of the Seven Veils prior to the next election.
  5. My experience using Bangkok private hospitals in general, about 30% of US costs. In fact my US healthcare insurance will cover a higher percentage of overseas medical costs than in the US because of how much more US costs are even with Medicare which doesn't apply overseas (except for US territories).
  6. If you qualify and can spend 50,000THB, get a 10-year LTR Visa, extension every 5 years, residence report every 1 year, no CW, no bank statements, etc.
  7. Yingluck rice subsidies criminal. Prayut rice, rubber, eggs, sugar cane, etc, subsidies are gifts to the people (who support military regimes). Is there an election coming soon?
  8. So a delay needed to establish new "black sites" to continue practice without record? This might be a good business venture with the Cambodia or Myanmar authorities.
  9. Who knows all the facts? The exclusion to the healthcare insurance might be paying extra for the ambulatory flight to the UK. It might have required a separate expensive insurance rider that was not taken. But leaves me wondering, Thailand hospitals are not capable of doing the required surgery/repairs and it must be done in the UK? As medical procedures in Thailand are about 1/3 of the cost in developed nations like US, UK, going back home instead becomes an unnecessary cost to the insurance company. If the foreign insurance is acceptable to a Thai hospital (as mine is), getting it done in Thailand makes sense.
  10. Unless you're in an absolute hurry to order from Lazada, using their Android app you can get free or reduced delivery, cash back, discount coupons (coins), etc. that come from Lazada. Create an e-wallet and purchases might also earn discounts for future purchases. So there are ways to save costs. As far as multiple item orders, I like the individual deliveries as you get vendor updates as to likely date for delivery through Lazada. Used to be that Lazada bundled all the orders into one delivery. But where an item is foreign sourced (China), it may take up to a week or longer getting to and clearing Thai customs.
  11. Same purchase freedom in the USA unless it can be proven in court that funds used came from illegal sources., ie. money laundering. With current sanctions on Russia, scrutiny of real estate purchases in the US by Russian oligarchs is likely. But otherwise no seller can discriminate according to nationality.
  12. Feb, 2, 2023 Bangkok ranked third in the world (AQI 198) for poor air quality behind Pakistan and India. So pick your ranking parameters carefully.
  13. Legality of CCTV pointing at your house - it wouldn't be illegal for use in the "public domain" anymore than an individual could view with their own eyes. Should anyone walking by your house shield their eyes from your publically exposed property? If you want ordinary protection from public viewing, then you need acreage, blocking landscaping, etc. Then there is the issue of public viewing from overhead, ie., drone cameras. You might have an illegal use argument if shown CCTV use was intended for an illegal use, ie., plan a robbery, assault, injury, etc. But the "bar" for proof of such illegal use will be high, ie., personal opinion or speculation is not proof.
  14. Abstention is the usual cop-out for fence sitters. China's current foreign policy has been soft political influence through economic partnerships (ie., Silk Road Initiative) including foreign loans. It's last war was Vietnam in 1979. Xi clearly and consistently does not condone Putin's empire-building through war.
  15. Quick tips to prevent keyless car theft: https://www.locksmiths.co.uk/faq/keyless-car-theft/
  16. Ban any Thai military officer with rank of colonel and above for life or minimum 10 years after retirement from national office. Require same for cabinet position Minister of Defense and Chairman of the National Riyal Thai Police Commission. The military should serve the People, not the reverse.
  17. Thailand votes for peace where a portion of a sovereign nation has been occupied by a neighbor since 2014? Look at thy self Thailand in seeking Peace as an unrepentant aggressor of similar circumstance. Your UN vote for peace is hypocrisy.
  18. Chatuchak is also served by Chatuchak Park Station MRT, no need to use an auto.
  19. I guess Damrongsak can make all the promises he wants. But his mandatory retirement is September 2024. As the outgoing Chief Jongyodsuk is due to retire on September 30, 2023, it would seem that Damrongsak's service as Chief begins October 2023 to run only one year? I don't think that's time enough to oversee massive corruption investigations. So Wash, Rinse and Recycle? Note that the RTP Chief is approved by the Police Commission and RTP board with PM Prayut as Chairman?
  20. As I recall it has been a main criticism of the Thai governments (aside from the Yingluck government) that it couldn't properly negotiate peace because BRN didn't represent all the insurgent factions. That seemed in effect a convenient excuse as no Thai military-backed government would agree (the Yingluck regime being the exception) to any kind of autonomy for the former Muslim Kingdom of Patani. The government's negotiating policy it seems has been that the Kingdom of Thailand's sovereignty over the indigenous Malay Muslims would be lost. Such would amount to a bloodless defeat of the Kingdom of Thailand that is contrary to Thai history (well, aside from Thailand's quasi-alliance with Japan in WW2).
  21. If Russians are fleeing their "homeland" in Crimea, good idea as Putin wants Russian citizens to remain in Crimea as human shields to slow Ukraine's military advance because Ukraine will not deliberately target civilians. But going back to mainland Russia is not a great alternative for a secure economic lifestyle. Choosing Thailand as long as they can afford living here is good for Thai businesses and government taxes. Make sure to have good healthcare insurance coverage.
  22. Prayut "clipped his wings." What change happened to let Joke loose? New election?
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