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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. Is "Chang" short for "cha-ching"? The sound of money.
  2. Yes. Good advice. Thailand distinguishes foreign ownership from Thai ownership. Unlike typical Western nations that treat foreigners as equals to their citizens with regard to property ownership. So unique estate transfer rules apply pending what an owner's or partial owner's will provides.
  3. In case anyone missed it, the junta-appointed Senate would assure Thai electorate votes in the General Election are irrelevant when it comes to an elected PM. Consistent with "Thai-styled" democracy.
  4. Apparently not available in Thailand, you might consider after arriving in the US get a vaccination for XBB.1.5 Omicron subvariant that seems to be sweeping the US. Worse effects than Covid-19 and easier to infect.
  5. To help decisions: various forums https://www.cruisersforum.com/forums/f129/starlink-rv-vs-iridium-go-exec-271423.html https://www.cruisersforum.com/forums/f129/starlink-rv-vs-iridium-go-exec-271423-2.html
  6. One of my favorites (but before having to make park reservations + entry fee) https://hanaumabaystatepark.com/hanauma-bay-history/
  7. March 22, 2013 "Tesco Lotus Launches First Self Service Checkout in Thailand" https://www.richardbarrow.com Take cash, credit/debit card, etc.
  8. Just like the Constitution Court should be independent of politics and support the law; instead listens first to those (the "Good People") that create and perpetuate court justices and EC membership. So should PTP dissolution get to the CC, be sure its decision will be sadly predictable.
  9. I would call it a "Russian Revival." A "Russian Revolution" usually means civilians die vs going on vacation.
  10. If the Constitution Court can say that PM Prayut wasn't PM for 4 years (2014-2018), then the NBTC majority decision shouldn't be surprising. Radical nationalism.
  11. Judging by your travel needs and cited finances, you may qualify for a 10-year Long Term Resident Visa based on retirement (Wealthy Pensioner). No re-entry permit required vs non O-A. Elite airport entry immigration check-in. Report Thai residence annually vs every 90-days for non O-A. Can obtain from Thailand foreign embassy. https://ltr.boi.go.th/page/ltr-brochure.html
  12. Parking garage areas.
  13. Likely these exported autos are ICE. First half of 2022 4.3 million EVs were sold globally. Sales predicted for the rest of 2022 is 10.6 million. Sales growth for EVs will impact demand for ICE autos. US target for EV market share is 50% by 2030; Europe is 35%. Legacy auto makers must transition to EVs or lose traditional ICE market share.
  14. Took BTS Green Line last week several times through Bangkok- recorded announcement said masks recommended be worn within the station and trains, but not mandatory. Saw several foreigners w/o mask on the trains, no one harassed them nor security required them to mask.
  15. ...When a government plan of Hope meets Reality.
  16. Denial is nothing new. But sometimes the degree of audacity is. Prayut denied he was PM from 2014-2017.
  17. Holding "roving cabinet meetings" throughout the Provinces in a stadium open to the public as Prayut has done previously before elections should be illegal... but Prayut is a "Good Person" for whom laws are subjourned.
  18. Political "bribes" in preparation for the next election. Giving the electorate "gifts" ahead of natiobal elections, referendums, Parliament no-confidence voting, etc. has been in my opinion a hallmark of the Prayut regime. PS: PM Prayut is running for re-election.
  19. Aside from cost of health insurance coverage there is the disallowance of pre-existing conditions. My experience with Thai insurance is that the slightest pre-existing medical abnormality (regardless of any actual medical issue) will disqualify you from being covered in the event of a medical condition. Have a history of abnormal EKGs but no medications required, disqualified for heart disease. Break a bone in the foot, the whole leg is disqualified from future coverage. Also I found Thai insurance rates will increase substantially with age, especially beyond 70. Furthermore, my experience is that the more claims you make, the higher your premiums will be. With my former Thai health insurance, I was assured that if being older than 70, if I make no claims, there will be no annual insurance premium increases. But then, what's the point of having it? (I purchased it solely for extended visa requirements - changed visa and use pre-existing foreign insurance) Bottom line, you need to clearly understand what you get / don't get past, present and future for both out patient and inpatient treatment, as well as international use. Ask questions. Aside from insurance, you also need to consider the quality of medical diagnosis, available specialties & equipment, available treatment from hospital providers, language compatibility, timely access to medical care, etc.
  20. From Thailand's historical perspective, the Myanmar military coup would be a "good coup" as repeatedly practiced in Thailand. See "Thailand and the 'good coup" by Michael Connors & Kevin Hewison (2008) https://doi.org/10.1080/00472330701651929 "... it may be granted the reformist soldiers, in certain times and places, might overthrow a despicable and belligerent regime (sic) for a perceived public good or national interest." What is more 'despicable' than full-fledged democracy with free and open elections in the hands of a progressive society? I'm sure communist Laos & Vietnam, and theocratic Malaysia would agree.
  21. Not "despite repression" but 'in support of repression.'
  22. Lifted practically for all instances last July. No longer applies in public places and outdoors. Lifted for business, entertainment and activities. Group gatherings (less than 2,000 participants) in crowded places allowed. I recently heard announcement during a BTS ride that wearing a mask within the system was encouraged but not required.
  23. Know the qualifications first. Ages 17-70 First-time Thai donor not older than 55 years old Must weigh at least 45 kilograms Foreign donor must also have resided in Thailand for at least six months (odd)
  24. Just so much irony to this "Peace" story: A military junta chief who overthrew a constitutionally elected government Ruled 5 years through absolute power Failed to reconcile decades-old Muslim insurrgency Supports the military-led Myanmar regime Shows no issue with the Russian invasion of Ukraine Deports Uyghurs seeking to escape persecution back to China Deports Rohingya Muslims seeking persecution back to Bangladesh Thailand Human Rights Commission essentially "black-listed" from the UN Human Rights Commission Maintain the statelessness of Karen, Shan and other groups in refugee camps along the Thsi border Better to say thus story is a Piece .....
  25. Thailand - the Hub of Massive Plans.
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