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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. Is it infringement on True's recent negotiated rights when perhaps already previously in place with customers, ie., by earlier SBN subscriptions? It might be that True would actually owe royalties to SBN and others who had pre-existing subscriptions in place that specifically included access to all World Cup matches, especially if they in turn had to make royalty payments to the World Cup association for such rights. More background information is needed for a legal conclusion to support True's exclusive Cup broadcast rights in Thailand.
  2. Yes. By raising the PM cycle target to 3.5.
  3. It was a bankruptcy-driven restructuring plan resulting from many years of losses and continuous infusion of capital from the Thai Treasury (Thailand having majority interest). Creditors would have likely forced a restructuring plan regardless of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  4. Thanks Thailand, I'm sure Chinese BYD will appreciate the competition (and betrayal?). March 20, 2015 BYD Enters Thai Market With K9 Electric Buses and e6 EVs https://electriccarsreport.com/2015/03/byd-enters-thai-market-with-k9-electric-buses-and-e6-evs/ The two models to be launched simultaneously are: K9 electric bus with the length of 12 meters, 250 horsepower, and a single charge of 5 hours yielding the driving range of 250 km Sept. 8, 2022 China’s BYD Signs Deal to Build First EV Plant in Thailand https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-08/china-s-byd-signs-land-deal-to-build-first-ev-plant-in-thailand Thai plant will be Chinese EV maker’s first in Southeast Asia
  5. Or escape Crimea beaches from Ukrainian military advances, ie., to a country with great winter beaches and a Russian sympathetic government? aka Blood Money for Thailand.
  6. Be very careful with a foreign heir vs Thai heir. See Thailand's Condominium Act: succession and inheritance For example: "When it comes to inheritance by foreigners the Condominium Act is not foreign friendly and in general foreign heirs must dispose of the unit acquired by last will or succession laws within 1 year of the date of acquisition by inheritance. If the successor fails to dispose of the condo the Director-General of the Land Department is authorized to dispose of the condominium and retain a fee of 5% of the sale price before any deductions or taxes." "In case of an unqualified foreign heir of a condominium apartment unit the solution could be to become qualified under section 19, e.g he buys the condominium out of the estate for a price at least equal to the government appraised value." https://www.samuiforsale.com/real-estate/condo-inheritance.html A forced sale doesn't necessarily translate to fair market value.
  7. The vocabulary of English includes about 1 million words vs Thai with about 2,900 words. www.merriam-webster.com & www.languagetrainers.com To obtain a fluent level a vocabulary of about 3,000 words is required. 1to1progress.com Most American adult test-takers range from 20,000-35,000 words (about the same for native British). At age 8 know 10,000 words, age 4 know 5,000 words. 2013/05/29 www.economist.com & word counter.io
  8. 3% yield doesn't seem bad for 6-year maturity. For 10-year bonds Japan has the lowest rate at 0.24% and next 20 nations yield on a 10-year bond going yo a maximum 3.94% (Italy). Thailand lies at about the midpoint of the 21 nation spread. Even the US 2-year bond yield is 4.46% compared to the long term average of 3.15% Also consider that Thailand's inflation rate currently is relatively lower in comparison to other developed nations.
  9. Did you point out to the Officer that your license ID No. IS your passport number that would match your digital phone copy?
  10. I bet (figuratively) thst when you're sworn in as the Malaysian PM by the king, that really has meaning and wouldn't or couldn't be disavowed later, ie., for re-election. But then Malaysia's track record for military coups is zero.
  11. The reverse has already happened. A Chinese company had expressed interest in taking over Subic Bay after South Korea default on the facility $900 million loan with South Korean banks but "fierce lobbying by Washington" reportedly blocked the Chinese takeover. China had signed leases with President Duerte in 2019 for three islands in the Philippines but the deal was blocked by the Navy. May 11, 2020 https://www.onenews.ph/articles
  12. Public officials cite sale requires a license but police cite some "rule" that alcohol can't be sold 'on' the road? Obviously 'on' meant next to a public road (I don't think seller was actually in the roadway but maybe a translation problem with Thai) but wouldn't that make bars selling alcohol next to a public road illegal aside from a license issue? Maybe it would more helpful if police cite correct law and not some 'off the cuff' proverb.
  13. The Court finds legislation passed by the pro-military majority legislature created in part by a junta created Senate to be constitutional...consistent with it upholding junta NCPO Orders as constitutional. Naturally.
  14. Nelson Mandela: "Sport has the power to change the world." Sports convey lessons about values and culturally appropriate behavior. Example: National Germany hosting the Olympic Games. Nothing but a propogandi message.
  15. Good question. Thus the chain of custody issues which seems to show almost unrestricted access by other than law enforcement - maybe by intent that may maximizes false facts and conspiracies.
  16. Or even being near a street: " about to cross the road before they were hit by Mr. Payak" Seems the couple hadn't yet entered the road to cross and were hit. Driver lose sight of where the road edge was? It's not uncommon in Thailand for people at sidewalk cafes, in their homes, shopping at street side vendors, etc. to get hit by vehicles rebounding like a billiard ball after a road collision.
  17. A review of hard drive by The Washington Post - March 30, 2022 https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/hunter-biden-laptop-data-examined/ In part: The vast majority of the data — and most of the nearly 129,000 emails it contained — could not be verified by either of the two security experts who reviewed the data for The Post. The experts found the data had been repeatedly accessed and copied by people other than Hunter Biden over nearly three years. (Before possession by the FBI) Most of the data obtained by The Post lacks cryptographic features that would help experts make a reliable determination of authenticity The Post’s review of these emails found that most were routine communications that provided little new insight into Hunter Biden’s work for the company. From the FBI potential federal laws violated but nothing seems to be a nefarious criminal political conspiracy, especially with VP Biden: "they (FBI) believe is sufficient evidence to charge him (HB) with tax crimes and a false statement related to a gun purchase." It is for U.S. Attorney in Delaware, a Trump administration holdover, to decide on whether to file such charges. October 6, 2022 https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/10/06/hunter-biden-tax-gun-charges/
  18. “Old-styled management and the practice of prioritizing seniority have prevented the party from thinking out of the box. It’s difficult for the party to move forward,” Doesn't that actually describe the RTM that has since 1932 been in effect Thailand's oldest "political" party?
  19. Leave the steel on the road. It might actually make the road safer.
  20. By going to social media it seems to me that BTS risks a defamation lawsuit. Such a lawsuit does not require facts, only as little as 'perceived' intimidation and 'potential' harm to reputation. In this case the Thai government and possibly the Minister of Transport. Threaten a civil and criminal defamation lawsuit against BTS - end of problem?
  21. Prayut eyes appear to be cast downward rather than towards Xi's face. As would be appropriate between a servant and master. In September 2022 it was reported that the first phase of a high-speed train linking Bangkok and Nakhon Ratchasima will be completed in 2027, a year behind schedule thus far. Even then not a connection to China's planned Silk Road train system. As Prayut financed 100% from China and behind schedule, he has little cause to consider himself an equal to Xi publicly in a photo op. I think Xi's hand shake is a reminder of how Prayut has tied Thailand economically to China. Xi might be saying with his hand shake, "I'm not letting you (Prayut) go."
  22. Untrue - a very large majority of UN member countries voted for sanctions. Thailand said it wants to remain 'neutral' likely because it needs (in my words) Ukraine 'blood money' from Russia for tourism and Russian oil.
  23. Recycle to make new fuel and byproducts, ie., such as done by France.
  24. APEC was about world sustainable economics and interms of ranking, Thailand is a minor player compared to the USA, Japan and Canada. Xi knows the pecking order"despite Prayut's claim that Thsiland is the economic hub of ASEAN.
  25. No, but the threshold for removal of special counsel by DOJ Attorney General (POTUS has no authority to appont nor remove Special Counsel). Case in point was DOJ Barr's appointment of Durham regarding the conduct of the FBI probe in its Russian investigation. Even after Biden became POTUS, Durham was able to continue prosecution of two FBI agents for alledge wrongdoing (both no conviction). "Under the regulations, a special counsel can be fired only by the attorney General and for specific reasons such as misconduct, dereliction of duty or conflict of interest. An attorney general must document such reasons in writing." December 2, 2020 https://apnews.com/article/ Even if fired I imagine the special counsel (particularly when another AG is appointed by a different political party with intent to remove the special counsel) can sue the AG for alleged improper discharge.
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