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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. Got my first 10-year LTR visa based on pensioner in November, no home visits where I've lived for past nine years using non O-A extensions nor at anytime using non O-A extensions.
  2. Sounds like BMA is setting up BTS for defamation. "Damages" in the amount of 40 billion baht?
  3. Invest? I'd like to see the economic analysis that shows the project will not only service the Chinese government loan requirements for the total project but also make a fair return (ie., contributing to Thailand's GDP). Such an analysis was formally bypassed when the NCPO (aka junta led by Prayut) invoked Article 44 (absolute power) to commit to the project. And, How about an EIA completed BEFORE the Thai government entered into an agreement with China to build this rail system? But again Article 44 allowed the NCPO to bypass that process. Now almost after the fact is such an EIA going to be fair and open or predictable (insignificant issues)?
  4. Rah-rah-rah. Bla-bla-bla. Invest in Thailand. May 23, 2020 EV adoption in Thailand accelerating but challenges remain: Abeam Consulting https://www.abeam.com "The Thai government has set ambitious targets to have EVs account for 100% of vehicles sold and 50% of vehicles produced in zthailand by 2035." Compared to "China and European countries that are much further ahead in their journey towards EV future."
  5. If you're referring to DSI (Department of Special Investigations), that is supervised by PM Prayut (also supervises RTP). Or not perhaps depending who might be a Subject of an investigation.
  6. Anecdotes are not evidence anymore than "he said, she said," But this is Thailand where a word from the right person (Elite, Hi-So, Good Person) is judicial evidence.
  7. Nuclear fusion NOT coming into the electric grid anytime in the two decades. The lab produced about a net energy of 280 watt-hours during a 100 trillioniths of a second with the government spending over $700 million per year. If that level of funding were used right now, I bet the current US national grid would be 100% alternative energy.
  8. EVs in Expo, none by Legacy American automakers. BYD had 5 models, BMW 3 models, Tesla had the Model Y. Be nice to know which had greater sales.
  9. The containers cost Arizona taxpayers $6 million, being placed on federal property - a federal law violation. And wasteful in any event asOTUS Biden plans to close wall gaps in the border fence using federal funds. October 14, 2022 https://www.12news.com/article/news/local/arizona/ Better to put these containers around the Governor's mansion and fence Ducey in.
  10. Paid by the Thai government in predominant Malay Muslim regions that existed before any Buddhist temples built. What you will not see - Thai government paying to renovate much older Muslim mosques. Can't argue against the sanctity of a state religion.
  11. You're more likely to see transactional politics in a democratic society that is notable by constant shifts in political connections and corporate alliances. Shifting political alliances and ideologies requires democracy for any kind of reconciliation that leads to innovative and fruitfull legislation, albeit with sometimes political pain. Conversely, transactional politics would struggle in an authoritarian society symbolized by a largely long-term fixed political leadership that may include partially unelected government leaders (ie., communist regimes, no term limits, self-declared leaders for life). The result is long-term political loyalties are required for corporate and electoral stability and survival. This translates into a fertile environment of greater corruption. Thus, in relative comparison, transactional politics provides less opportunity for corruption due to its greater exposure and volatility in a free and open society versus a largely controlled society. As used by D. Trump, transactional politics delivers loyalty soley to Trump personally in a controlled society. Trump has no commitment to a political ideology other than whatever it takes to benefit himself. Trump went beyond transactional politics to normalize the influence of money over political power. The lobby of the Trump International Hotel I Washington became the gateway to the White House. See Jan. 20, 2020 https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/202001/trumps-brand-of-transactional-politics/604978/
  12. Italy will contribute technology wherein the jet will fly over countries and remotely change macine voting ballot results within the Russian block. Brittain will make sure targeting will be the EU. Japan will have the aircraft fly at 100,000 feet at Mach 6 so as to avoid any conflict. Just joking of course with these unlikey partners. One of the current best fighters is the Eruo Typhoon built by Brittain, Italy Spain and Germany. Hard to understand why this manufacturing partnership will be dissolved. But the Japanese has shun the US (who has significant stealth flight and beyond-the-horizon missile technologies) to sign the cooperative agreement with the aforementioned two nations. Note that the three-nation jointly developed aircraft would be ready by 2035. ?!? Coincidentally about the same timetable for China's 6th generation aircraft. Dec. 9, 2022 asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relationshps/ Meanwhile the US is testing its sixth generation NGAD fighter now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9athiAiAlk The US has just rolled out its next generation B-21 Raider stealth bomber. Available 2027. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFCvxlwLr7s
  13. Agreed. The Court essentially put the order in abeyance to assure necessary steps in judicial fairness are first attempted, ie., dependent and prosecution work out some declaratory language. Likely defense will refuse to cooperate (at Trump's direction) for of declaration such as 'the documents are all personal property because I took them', respond in some obstructive manner, thus further justifying the order. This process will only follow a week at best before the prosecution goes back to the judge to say 'mission impossible.'
  14. If there's any good news with her announcement, it is that she will not be on any Senate committee. In effect becoming a lame duck senator.
  15. The PM is the head of the government as the Executive Branch. So the failure to prevent, detect and punidh corruption in government is entirely his. Furthermore, is it not the highest form of political corruption to have been royally endorsed as PM from 2014-2018 representing the Head of State to deny now after the fact that he wasn't PM? The problem is that the "buck stops here" for being responsible to stop corruption in government doesn't exist.
  16. A former president quickly arrested and impeached...no one above the law in Peru that ranks only 71 in the 2021 Democracy Index. And America that ranks 26 after almost a year of attempted insurrection by the former president is still being investigating for a crime? Enough - let the wheels of Justice take precedence as it must in a democracy.
  17. They can tell you if it's in the system - that's all. They told me the 7162 Operations Center does not receive mail; rather they pick it up at the post office box. I mailed my 7162 in July by EMS to 7162 post office box, November received 2nd notice, contacted 7162 and form not recorded in system. Sent 2nd form via DHL ($35) to a friend in Florida on Nov. 25, received on Nov. 28, remailed certified via USPS to 7162 post office box on Nov. 29, USPS confirmation of "Delivered, Individual Picked Up at Post Office on Dec. 1st. Will call SSN end of Dec. to verify if in system. I considered Letterstream.com but emailing the firm containing SSN, signature, bank information, residence address was too much for me having US credit/debit cards and bank accounts that might attract identity theft. LS does mot have a secure message system. But now I'm thinking I could use my VPN with US gateway to email envelope and forms to LS?
  18. Such (sad) irony that a war criminal speaks to Russia's Annual Human Rights Council.
  19. Passage of this bill would have become in part Thailand's Fete de la Federation (mistakenly called Bastille Day) by the Thai electorate - putting sovereignty of the nation in the hands of the People vs the Deep State. Obviously not a passage that can be tolerated by nationalists.
  20. In the initial race Warnock led Walker by about 0.9% with Libertarian Party Leader Oliver getting about 2.1% (about 80,000 votes). Republicans counted on Libertarians to switch to Walker in the runoff, giving Walker the win. As it was Warnock beat Walker by 1.8% (about 97,000 votes), meaning most likely that majority of Libertarians either voted for Warnock or stayed at home. Oliver did not endorse either Warnock or Walker in the runoff. Libertarian National Committee Chair person said prior to the primary election that in case of a runoff, she would encourage any Libertarians in Georgia to vote Libertarian and "others to vote their conscience." www.newsweek.com So it seems Warnock got the Libertarian 'conscience' vote.
  21. Might need to double that number of psychiatrists if Prayut remains PM into 2025.
  22. I had an HP Pavilion 23 whose hard drive froze, unable to even run the OP. So removed the HD, took the pc to a small computer repair shop in a large shopping mall where it was gladly accepted free.
  23. Check the Wuling Mini Cabrio less than $15,000; the QQ Ice Cream hatchback at $4,300. China GPD per capita vs Thailand (2021)*: $12,600 vs $7,200 China Debt per capita vs Thailand (2021)*: $7,200 vs $4,200. * rounded
  24. "stiff competition"? Tesla Model 3 is a full size luxury sedan. Model Y sport utility vehicle. BYD Song is a compact crossover utility vehicle. Same for Neta V. Ora Good Cat is a subcompact. So it's like a Mercedes-Benz AMG vs. Toyota Corolla - different auto markets. In China for September 2022 regardless of price/platform design and only in terms of deliveries, Tesla Model Y ranked #1 and Model 3 ranked #6. https://insideevs.com The good news for Thais is that Chinese luxury EVs are ramping up in China and forcing Tesla to reduce prices 5-9%: Model 3 reduced to about $37,000 and Model Y to about $40,000.
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