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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. For those documents marked Top Secret - Sensitive Compartmental Information, they cannot be declassified by the POTUS. Period.
  2. I believe it was built for the Court of Appeals judges - still a conflict of interest as title was transferred directly to the Court of Appeals instead of the Thai Treasury (now title is with Treasury).
  3. I believe it was built for the Court of Appeals judges - still a conflict of interest as title was transferred directly to the Court of Appeals instead of the Thai Treasury (now title is with Treasury).
  4. I'm sure China will volunteer some J-20 5th generation stealth jet fighter pilots. Imagine Thai airbase control tower to pilot: "Why is the pilot leaving Thai airspace in the direction of China?"
  5. ... buy two F-35's ... So one on active duty and one as backup. Essentially, a single F-35 to serve combat missions. Why not add crop duster? At least it will have meaningful purpose.
  6. TRANSLATION: Prayut's government will have so many diversions going into November that there is no time for National Elections. Just status quo: remain in power by decree.
  7. This is more about Thailand wanting regional dominance than shated economic benefit. Compare: Thailand vs Laos (rounded) Population 2022: 67 million vs 7.5 million Annual GPD 2021: $506 million vs $19 million GPD per capita 2021: $7,200 vs $2,600 Economic Complexity Index 2029: 30 vs 105 This announcement is about exciting as if the USA announced economic talks with Belize.
  8. How very Russian - is Prayut now a Putin political clone now? Where is "Thai-styled " democracy in this law?
  9. Coincidentally, the EEC also was established by the junta under Article 44 driven by Airbus that wanted a SE Asia regional aircraft maintenance center. Post script: Airbus pulled out.
  10. Actually, as I recall, Thailand was to build all the civil engineering projects (stations, roads, track grades, crossings, buildings, etc.) but Chinese contractors would build the system technology (switching, signals, power systems, operational computing systems), in essence not sharing its high speed train technology with Thailand. China would also be paid a "consulting fee" of billions of baht aside from financing the entire cost as a loan.
  11. There was a coup configuration but discontinued after Jan. 6, 2021. Thailand's loss.
  12. "consider the freight logistics in supporting rail lines as the primary mode of transportation" As China has discovered with its own high speed rail systems, passenger-only on high speed rail lines is not profitable and requires constant state increased annual funding to survive. It's a national "money pit." Many Thai economists expressed (as I recall) similar concerns about the proposed Thai-China high speed rail system in reviewing the original proposal resulting in default without significant freight on the system. Recall that the subject rail network was instigated in Thailand under Article 44 by the then Prayut Junta using its absolute power authority that bypassed formal economic justification for the project. That may explain why China would only finance the project 100% at an interest rate higher than then Thailand's T-bill interest rate.
  13. TOA Hero Rust Tech 2 in 1 ?
  14. It's called an "Opposition Coalition" where minority parties have diverse legislation objectives but do share some effective parliamentary objectives such as preventing a quorum, no-confidence vote, etc. But the reality is that within Thailand's bicameral legislature, the military coalition has had in every aspect legislative control (since 1932). When it falters an MP, a party gets banned from politics, or there's a coup to reset the political landscape. In a "Thai-styled democracy" you play the hand you're dealt by the oligarchs.
  15. Just there last Tuesday. Exit Lak Si Station I took Dark Red Line from Bang Sue Station, transferring from Blue Line MRT from Lak Song Station in Bang Khae. DRL cost 27 baht. Exit station on shopping mall side. Watch for taxis coming out of mall through an attendant gate.
  16. Oh boo hoo 2020 MAGATEERS. Pelosi is still in Congress as majority leader of the House and second in line to succeed POTUS. Great is the political envy.
  17. This is the same Thai government that supports China's exclusive claim of sovereignty over the entire South China Sea and all its attendant resources that was held invalid by the International Court of Justice. Yet, Thailand itself has zero claim to any of the SCS and should thus ordinarily remain neutral or side with INTERNATIONAL LAW. But for the Prayut regime that's a mighty political hurdle while bringing tied to Xi's political hip.
  18. Taipei is an intermediary transit point for many airlines such as EVA. I don't see that changing anytime immediately. For the sake of Chinese war rattling. Other than China's bloodlust to threaten/kill civilians as if it has no control over its military, civilian flights through Taiwain should continue unless China imposes a physical lockdown of Tawian airspace. Conformance by airlines to China's threats only bolsters its attempts to subjugate a free Taiwan.
  19. Galaxy now named GLASS-z13, dates back 300 million years after the Big Bang or at least 13.5 billion years old.
  20. Melania said she wasn't aware of the Capitol riot and deaths until 5 days afterwards. Was she still wearing her "I don't care" jacket?
  21. "all Thai investment" Resulting from 100% loans to Thailand by the Chinese government to help Thailand finance the project at a relatively high interest rate while Thailand pays China a "consulting fee" on project details.
  22. Cloudbreak is identified as one of 14 megayachts listed in USA Today dated Mar. 5, 2022 in the article: US and allies look to seize Russian oligarchs' megawatts among sanctions for Ukraine war. Thailand should give any support required by the US Embassy to immediately "arrest" this ship for the purpose of transferring the ship to US authorities. It should ultimately sold by the US and proceeds used to bolster UKraine survival in Putin's war on Ukraine. This ship represents war crimes by Putin against Ukrainians by its ruthless death/injury to innocent blood of Ukrainian civilians and wholesale destruction of Ukraine's infrastructure by Putin. Thailand's failure to do so and treat the presence of this ship as a welcomed economic gesture stands Thailand against all peaceful democratic nations; and stands Thailand against security of SE Asian with in effect opposition to the US coalition of Asia-Pacific nations against tyranny.
  23. For months now I've observed Thais and foreign-looking people NOT wearing masks inside of eateries, especially in fast food places like McDonald's and KFC irrespective of social distancing. So what's the debate now?
  24. As a defender of the Republic and its democratic foundations, yes Liz is more of a Democrat than the majority fascists of the Trump Republican Party. But as a legislator, Chaney has been from Jan. 3, 3017 to Jul. 7, 2022 a mid-stream Republican according to the Ideology-Leadership published by www.govtrack.us
  25. When Stalin died, he was 74. He was not an impressionable child.
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