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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. yeah! If you keep covering the earth with your stupid concrete, the climate will change so drastically that downpours that used to last minutes will now last hours and we all eventually and literally gonna be drowned in  floods and in the $hithole we dug during the last century...Great work humankind! keep on multiplying like rabbits!

    • Like 2
  2. 15 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    I have a better idea.  Since only a tiny percenatge of people are at risk, THEY can "just stay home and beat it" / wait for a vaccine, and stop trying to force those who won't even get symptoms from this weak virus from enjoying their lives.  Deal?


    I am not even a "bar" guy - just sick of the selfish "wreck everyone else's world", 'cause "I'm scared of covid," routine.  "Concern for life," indeed?  Whose life is it? 

    everybody in this forum is entitled to post his bravery&idiocy or cowardliness&cautiousness..whoever wants to play russian roulette, be my guest

  3. On 6/25/2020 at 10:48 AM, webfact said:

    Bars and clubs won't open despite bans ending

    we can moan, complain, protest, whine, tweet, post, quote until the cows come back but the bottom line is, in the light of this pandemic, meeting someone in a bar/club in a red light area of any city in the world and consequently  having sex with a sex worker until a vaccine developed is like playing Russian roulette, unless you both are in a spacesuit

  4. On 6/13/2020 at 10:51 AM, rooster59 said:

    The artist impressions show wide open boulevards with Ferraris and well dressed people walking without a care in the world.


    There are marinas and ocean walkways and everything is landscaped to perfection.


    A brand new transport system whisks tourists to their destination as they wonder at the new look, innovative and environmentally friendly marvel of the eastern seaboard. 


    There is even a ferris wheel that could  become known as the Pattaya Eye like the one in London.

    then he woke up!


  5. 1 minute ago, Leaver said:

    I really don't think a testing regime for tourism is possible for a country like Thailand. 


    I think Thailand will have to be reasonably clear of the virus for a length of time, then negotiate with countries that are also reasonably clear, and then both countries allow a travel bubble, so international travel can resume.  


    If Thailand just open the boarders to anyone, people from countries that are reasonably clear that come to Thailand for a 2 week holiday will have to do 2 weeks quarantine at their own expense when they return, so it's not worth it for them to holiday here, so they don't come.


    Thailand may find itself in a position that if it accepts tourists from one country, another country may impose quarantine on returning citizens, because Thailand accepts tourism from that country.  This would effect the tourist numbers from the country that saw Thailand as safe, but not the other country that Thailand deemed as safe. 


    The whole thing is a mess, and isn't going to resolve itself anytime soon.

    i agree..it will be extremely complicated to travel anywhere in the world for a classic 10-15day vacation in the foreseeable future with no vaccine so far, unreliable tests and masks, asymptomatic masses and economic uncertainty. 

  6. On 6/12/2020 at 5:47 PM, Leaver said:

    If they were tested straight after landing, perhaps they could enjoy a 2 week holiday here.  Their home country would also need to test upon landing, or there could be a 2 week quarantine after their 2 week holiday, which would still not be worth it. 

    then again, in case of a false negative, a second test would be needed within a few days which will further complicate housing these passengers near  airports.

  7. On 5/14/2020 at 9:47 AM, dluek said:

    But what I really don't understand is why Thailand is unlikely to allow any foreigners to enter the country for the rest of this year. Iceland plans to reopen foreign tourism next month by requiring all arrivals to either pay for a Covid test right after landing, or pay for 14-day quarantine. Why can't Thailand do that?

    Most foreigners visit Thailand for 7-14 days. No one with IQs above 14 will spend their entire 14day vacation  in a hotel room to obey the 14-day quarantine rule and fly back to their country on the 15th day

    • Like 1
  8. 19 hours ago, at15 said:

    Philippines is opening up to international travel tomorrow. countries will be opening much sooner than you think.

    I happened to be in Manila for a few months now. Philippines is opening to international ARRIVALS only. Which are nothing but sweeper flights for Filipino citizens and overseas workers who want to return home. There is no international flight departures except sweeper flights for foreigners who live here on visa extensions and now want to return home or those who got stuck here during touristic travel.


  9. On 5/8/2020 at 8:49 AM, Henryford said:

    I can't see the point of opening unless the toursits are back, The Hard Rock i guess caters to Westerners, they won't be here for a long time.

    If enough number of local tourists book rooms in this hotel and some of the locdown restrictions are lifted by then, I don't see why they wouldn't open it. Covid will change habits and norms. on the other hand, I don't expect westerners or easterners traveling to Pattaya in 2020

  10. 13 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    So 95% here lost money or cant sell his property except Newative ?

    Then i will assume that Newative lost also just only he doesn’t know how to calculate properly.

    agent fees, sales and purchase tax, furnishings and furniture Condo upgrades , exchanging of currencies in and out etc etc..No profits but losses.

    and all those who invested  in Waterfront building and some other dicey projects lost their a$$es.

    Pattaya is the "boulevard of  broken dreams" now and for the foreseeable future

    Pattaya Walking Street – where no one is walking anymore - Pattaya ...

    • Like 1
  11. 18 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    In baht term or their home currency... That was my point... the baht has strengthened a lot in the intervening years.?

    true that. I'll try to make my point with an example.when the American "Mr. Joe Farang" bought his condo in 2006, condos were cheap and so was the baht($=47). when he sold his condo in 2012 condos were more expensive and so was the baht($=31). Joe made two profits(property value appreciation and currency conversion)from that sale.Jack bought Joe's condo in 2012 and sold it in 2020. Jack lost money from this sale(property depreciation in Pattaya) and give-or-take broke even on currency($=32)

  12. 8 hours ago, Leaver said:

    Well, I will ride the Pattaya wave all the way to the shore.  I really hope the Chinese don't claim the place for themselves, because I have seen what they did to Sihanoukville in Cambodia. 



    sure, all the best. I think you could still have lots of fun in Pats as long as  farangs stick it out to the end(whenever that may be), there will be supply. it all depends on whether you see the glass half empty or half full.

    • Like 1
  13. 10 hours ago, Leaver said:

    If this place goes to the Chinese, or turns into an abandoned city, similar to Costa del Sol, I will be disappointed. 


    I like Pattaya, and I like my lifestyle here, and I am not ashamed to say, yes, as a single guy, that involves the sex trade on offer here, but also extends to the expat social life here also.


    As I have said, I am calling it as I see it, and I can see some BIG changes to what expats here have been used to, in the future.  

    it won't be the end of the world Leaver. In my lifetime, I have visited and lived in a few "sex destination" type cities and have seen them rise and fall for reasons I never understood. They are still on the map and nowhere close to what they used to be.Changes happen for social, moral and economic reasons. Thailand may be going through same changes and I'm sure most agree to it but some can't digest or accept. It is changing though. There are other places though that can replace it. maybe not 100 percent but close to it.

  14. 1 minute ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Yes $ is about the same, many countries have weakened against the baht in that time, but you can't ignore the rent saved, neither stock market potential gains if invested instead of buying

    I understand your point. though off-topic,-this is to make my point-he could have bought a condo in Manila/Philippines(for example) in 2014 for the same amount which would have appreciated today over 30%(fact). Rent that one out and with the income, rent in Pattaya. 

    He would be 60% ahead today..makes sense?

  15. 3 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    and they saved paying rent and did they gain on the exchange rate? you might find they made a profit

    apparently baht was 32 against USD in 2014..same as today

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