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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. People obviously don't expect some utopic  honesty and purity from politicians but they do expect a modest form of protection from  massive corruption such as in this project.  I can even understand late turnover because of mistakes in the build, strict enforcement of inspections and adhering to building codes religiously, causing long delays... but losing it all?? just because developer allegedly built the entire 50 floors  "different than the plans" and the City inspectors did not do any inspection of this massive skyscraper during the entire rough construction for the entire 2 years and therefor didn't catch it(!) or were not required to do an inspection(!) i.e. every 5-10 floors, so mistakes were only discovered until it reached the 50th floor??  Tell that to a 10 year old and watch him roll on the floor laughing for an hour!

    Criminality and misconduct stinks to high heavens in this project!


    One wonders if this project had already been planned "not to be finished" from the beginning given the height and the location, and everybody involved just acted as if it would, meanwhile pocketing millions of dollars as planned, and eventually was halted at some point just like planned.

    • Like 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, Guderian said:

    there's more money to be made for the powers-that-be in demolishing it than there would be in completing it.

    I personally think these crooks know very well that in the long haul, more dough can be made with a "vertical" building  than a "horizontal" one..well, you know the drill. Brown envelopes for the construction and more in property taxes later.

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  3. 43 minutes ago, Jimbo2014 said:

    Not sure how the government thinks its going to attract "Premium Tourists" if they have to strap on a respirator to simply survive?

    Premium tourists coming from Premium air quality cities such as New Delhi, Lahore and Dhaka will greet Pattaya's dangerous pm2.5 level of 150s as "a breath of fresh air "

    Air pollution in India caused 1.2 million deaths last year — Quartz

    • Haha 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, fordguy61mi said:

    When I met my wife she told me if I ever cheated on her she’d cut my d*ck off. She wasn’t smiling when she said it. I’m not calling her bluff.

    normally you meet a girl/woman who later becomes wife.If my girl had plans to circumcise me against my will and she shared this with me, she'd be my ex-girl, not future wife

    • Thanks 1
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  5. 6 minutes ago, pattayadude said:

    population in an average country  jumped to i.e. 60-80million  from 20-30million in 70s..from a few cars to 50million cars on the road, more food means more crops needed therefore more crop-burning more trucks on the roads, more pork and beef needed therefore more cows and pigs create more farts, more electricity needed therefore more coal burning and this goes on and on and on!. Result is the photos above! it will get worse in 20 years with populations above 100million in majority of the countries..Good planning homo-sapiens! No other animal self-extinct but humankind WILL. by choking itself to death and extinction...


  6. 2 hours ago, 2long said:

    Many of us are fellas, living and married in Thailand. And I would say nearly all of those 'played the field' before settling down. I'm sure many still do. But I don't, although I'm tempted almost every day. My reasons for not doing so (in addition to the main one which goes without saying) are as follows...


    - if the other girl is single, and pretty. Why is she single? Is she a nutjob? 

    - if the other girl is not single, do you really want her husband or boyfriend coming round?

    - if the other girl is just out for casual sex and fun for free? Why would she choose an old fart like me? Maybe she's a nutjob or she's riddled with diseases and has skeletons in her closet.

    - if the other girl wants financial support for a relationship, when and how will this end, and what are her real motives?

    - if the other girl wants money up front per time, then she's just a hooker and (until PornHub was blocked) there are plenty cheaper and more hassle-free options.


    Maybe I'm just a boring old fart, or scared of screwing my life up for a quick jump.... but I don't play offside... although the temptation is always there in this fine land!

    you forgot the most important one

    -if YOUR  girl finds out you screwed a fresh 20 year old, will it hurt to fall off the 8th floor(assuming you live on a low rise)

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