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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. On 4/29/2020 at 9:31 AM, ThailandRyan said:

    Too many people out of work, loosing family members, unable to pay bills, and the need to work is urgently needed.

    that's a recipe for escalating violence by local thugs. Even if  some of the venues ever reopen, dwindling revenues and semi-empty streets will be a haven for criminals. I bet that would be

    the final nail in coffin,

    the last straw that broke the camel's back,

    fat lady singing...

    the end of opera

  2. On 4/27/2020 at 12:26 PM, newnative said:

     On the bright side you haven't been throwing rent money out the window for 14 years.  The money you've saved on rent has probably about paid for the condo.  Pat yourself on the back. 

    on the same token, he also could have bought a house for investment for example in Los Angeles 14 years ago, the rent revenue would have already paid the initial investment by now and with the appreciation in home prices, he would quadruple  his investment today or sell and walk away with over $1Million of net profit

  3. 9 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Tourism is not returning to Thailand anytime soon. If you think about it, the group that comprised perhaps 60% of all arrivals (lower to middle income Chinese and Indians) are the ones who have been hardest hit by this idiotic worldwide economic shutdown. Tourism in Thailand will never recover to even close to it's former levels, and that leaves millions out of work. Most countries will still be required to have Covid letters, as the virus is still raging in many countries. And some countries will not issue that letter (impossible to get in the US). Plus, will the mandatory health insurance still be required? Will it be even stricter than before? And just what are people coming to? How about the nightlife?


    Will take some time to see how this all shakes out, but it is my opinion that the economic fallout from the inane economic shutdown, is going to be 200 times worse than Covid itself, and the recovery "ramp up" will be long and excruciating. Far longer than they say. It will not just bounce back. In the history of the world, as far as we know, there has never been a deliberate worldwide economic shutdown. It is light years beyond dumb. The "slowdown" will last well into 2021, for certain. And some industries may never come back, or will be a pale shadow of their former selves. No doubt homelessness will skyrocket in the US. Tourism in Thailand will never recover to even close to it's former levels, and that leaves millions out of work.


    There are so many unanswered questions, it boggles the mind. One thing is for certain. Thailand will be feeling the effects of this for a very, very long time. So will the rest of the world. 


    i bet pattaya also stayed in the rear view mirror now for many.

  4. Anyone here who thinks Pattaya has come to an end only recently, and with the coronavirus, think again!.

    It was already dead on arrival.


    The city was slowly changing/dying the last 10 years and nobody could have done much about it.

    These things don't last forever. Nothing does.

    Even myself have witnessed several sex destinations around the world dying for various reasons during the past 30 years and Pattaya won't be the last.

    Reason? Maybe go-go dancing was slowly becoming a thing of the past, maybe smoke filled bars ain't the thing anymore. Maybe the relentless traveling of hundreds of millions of travelers facilitated  the virus to spread faster and unnecessarily, who knows! But that was the final nail in the coffin, I assure you!

    Now the world has to go back to the drawing board and re-design the sex&fun industry, that's for sure. $500 designer face masks or sex in body gloves without kissing, that may be interesting...


    In Pattaya, what will take a major hit next  is the real estate.That won't be too good.

    and as far as the 2 year prediction for a recovery? I am not sure there can be a recovery after two years of vegetative state, but what do i know!

    we'll see, if we're still around that is...

    • Like 2
  5. 59 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    and all done by city hall. Monstrocity at Bali Hi, stupid car park at Bali Hi, decrepit marina, wrecked walkway to the lighthouse, horrid beach walkway, eroding beach, floods, no water. I fail to see how they could have done more to wreck the place.

    you forgot the red carpet treatment to chinos and indianos in your list!

    • Haha 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, petedk said:

    I'm glad you agree with me. I was called a "bar stole accountant" for saying the same.


    One of our friends in Bangkok owns quite a large restaurant and a music school for kids. The clients are all wealthy Thai people and the prices of the food and tuition are based on that. I have no idea how much they earn, but she is complaining bitterly now that they have been closed for a month. 


    Don't these people save for a rainy day?

    A millionaire's complaints is more ancient than the pyramids. Don't worry, they even have enough for their grandkid's rainy days

  7. 6 hours ago, tomster said:



    Most people are capable of using their brain and figuring out that you have much more chance of getting ill from the food you are eating in the restaurant than by catching Coronavirus.


    Or by dying in a road accident on the way the bar. Or by electrocution when you turn the light on in the toilet of the restaurant. Or from get a bone stuck in your throat when you eat your meal there.


    These are all things that are much more likely to kill you than Coronavirus, you seriously need to get some perspective in your life and stop with the paranoid stuff.



    you forgot to mention attacks by  ladyboy packs:coffee1:

  8. On 3/30/2020 at 11:42 AM, NCC1701A said:

    condo values will be of course totally unaffected. 



    a very small percentage of properties never get affected by economic reasons no matter what unless the whole town was devastated by a massive earthquake or something. but these are maybe only 5% or less( i.e. drop-dead unobstructed panaromic ocean/city views).Of course the rest will be #ucked

  9. what a disgusting photo. A filthy street in Pattaya with overhanging spaghetti wires and bunch of men trying to show off holding a cheap $20 fogger. What is this?? is this supposed to prevent a deadly virus sweeping across the planet? and are supposed to think now "ohh great!, now that the streets of Pattaya have been fumigated by these clowns using this state of art machine, we can all safely  travel to pattaya and party hardy until sun comes up" ??.....GTFO!

  10. Connected and mafioso bar owners advocate these beat-downs and give green light to their bouncers to beat up to bloody pulp if customers don't pay up. By the way, all these go on with total impunity. This enables  the word to go around and it sets in peoples mind to always remember what could happen to them if they dare not to pay...Swell!

    Humankind did come a long way!!!, well done civilized apes!!!

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