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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 2 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    Yes.  This is more the truth then most will admit.  Their money sat in a depreciating property for several years. 

    What a waste.

    yes, they are close friends and the honest type. one admitted to losing 30 percent

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, WillyPlatt said:

    I remember a guy saying to me the departure lounge at BKK was the saddest place on earth.

    If i lived there? Get up have 200 baht brunch.

    Maybe take a baht bus to Naklua market. Sit in park overlooking bay. Go for a walk.

    Back to condo. Maybe have afternoon visitor a few times a week.

    Dinner 300 baht.

    Play pool competitively 3 or 4 nights a week.


    Bliss. I miss the place.

    can be done again in a couple of months. 6 at most

    • Like 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Pattaya will not disappear, and yes, the girls will come back, but the length of time for the tourists and girls to come back will see many vacant commercial premises around the city, many whom are / will go broke. 


    When the virus has come to pass, it will take a long time for Pattaya to rebuild, and until it has been rebuilt, the nightlife here will not be like it was before, not for a long time.    

    "many vacant commercial premises" has been a norm for Pats since the coup... and that was without the covid. you don't need to be a rocket scientist to do the math for "after covid"

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    and the Chinese do to Pattaya what they did to Sihanoukville, which will send property through the roof, but then we can ll say good bye to living in Pattaya.  

    I thought most already did!


    I know of two friends who sold theirs for less than what they paid 6 years ago

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, natway09 said:

    He is still right.

    The earth is just too precious for us humans.

    We just do not have the brains to look after it properly,

    Just maybe with the cruiseliners not frequenting these shores at present & less speedboats running around the rubbish may diminish a little

    it will never happen. humans by nature are geniuses but selfish. they only care about their own lifetime on this planet. most everything they do is for their own survival and fun during their time on this globe. it is what it is. every generation should be prepared for a more crowded, warmer, tougher,dirtier and a generally worse planet than of the generation before.

  6. 8 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

    Dude, you still got up to late to see the signs of

    gentrification going on. No doubt you'd have scoffed

    at East London Docks in the 60s. Take a look in

    the marina today, the Chinese own 20% of the top

    quality high rise, canny devils indeed. Its a rich

    mans world, and I for one, am gonna get squeezed

    out back to ol' Blighty. I dont so much as I feel

    that Pattaya has lost its magic Thainess.

    Chinese buying homes in the USA, lands in Africa since 2000s.they have invested over $200B there. They bought the ports of the major cities of the world. Thailand is just one of those that they heavily invested in. But I doubt they have any interest in reviving the Walking st to its glory days. they couldn't care less. In fact, they are the ones who messed it up

    • Like 2
  7. 15 minutes ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

    A study? Oooh I say.


    Yes, needs to be a decent size. Being single and having a nice done out condo is good. Impresses woman. They may even give you a discount!

    on the contrary, I think her price goes UP with the size of the condo. 40sqm=$40 120sqm=$120 and so on...

    just saying...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, Enzian said:

    Highly relevant topic for me. Following my recent breakup I've moved to central Sukhumvit in Bangkok; I shouldn't name the building but it is big and everyone knows it. The landlords I've met here are willing to go 30 days at a time, just tell them toward the end of the 30 days if you are staying or moving. The studio prices are holding at 18k, so that could be better. But with no commitment past 30 days I can shop with impunity, and even move around a bit as a sort of hobby while the semi-crisis remains. I'm hoping in the next few months I can find something in a nicer newer smaller building for the same or slightly more, kind of a project to see if I can do it. I agree the rental market is going to be like pay-for-play (or like it used to be): almost too much choice.

    I am not surprised to see rents go down to %50 of what they were in January. I recently checked Airbnb rates in Medellin/Colombia  for next month and I noticed what used to be $100 a day was priced at $25 a day! Though the whopping %75 discount is temporary and will likely correct itself in a few months, its a message to what the future of discounts will look like.

  9. 6 minutes ago, baansgr said:

    But the fear and possibility of catching a life threatening disease didn't deter people...s@@# they didn't even use condoms...a few beers and all inhibitions go out the window I'm afraid

    there is no shortage of uneducated idiots, and the world will not run out of those in the near future. But usage of condoms skyrocketed after HIV which pretty much protected you from the virus. This is one is a different animal. You don't even need to have sex to get infected. A french kiss is enough

  10. 54 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    A good portion of renters did leave. A massive amount of vacation rentals are now vacant, and condo buildings in tourist areas were half-empty even before the virus. There was a bubble for sure, now it is bursting and it will get ugly (for owners) before it gets better. The entire economy is going to shrink and foreign money is not coming back for months if not years.


    I moved out in February, the current asking price for the same type of unit is 20% lower than what I paid, and I could probably get it lower. My friend just received a 35% discount on his rent. First blood has already been drawn, from now on it will be a painful race to the bottom. Great if you're a renter, terrible if you're an owner.

    Agreed. If Pattaya cleans up its act and invest in clean beaches, clean streets, public transportation and become a first world city, it may have a chance to become a tourist spot. But if it insists to stay mostly as a sex city, you will see more rental discounts first and more vacant condos to a point of a town of ghost buildings. In the light of covid, even after a vaccine is found, sex cities have no future IMO.

    I'd be too scared to be with someone if I don't know how many guys she has kissed, fondled or had unprotected sex with, as long as the mutation of this virus is hanging over our head like "the sword of Damocles", a mythical metaphor representing an imminent and ever-present danger.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 11 hours ago, newnative said:

        But, you're not addressing my point.  Let's use your example.  The  property you bought is rented out so where are you living?  You still have to spend money to put a roof over your own head--either by renting or buying.  With the example you gave, you buy a property (so you are a buyer not a renter) and you rent it out to a renter who pays rent on it for 14 years and he ends up paying for your initial investment with his rent money.  You end up with the property the renter has bought for you and the renter ends up with, well, nothing. 

        So, again using your example, I just want to be you, the buyer of the property, rather than the renter, who ends up with nothing.  I'd rather buy, pay myself rather than a landlord, and also likely make some money when I sell the condo, while having the enjoyment of owning my own place.   Those ok with the renter's role certainly have the option to rent, which can have its advantages, especially for short-term stays anywhere.    

    my point is this. Let's assume happily divorced and now single and retired Joe from California owned a house in that state valued  $250k free and clear, plus he had $200k-250k cash in a US bank. And let's assume again this is year 2006 (14 years ago).Joe is single and loves young women but the latter is almost impossible to achieve in USA for a 50 year old Joe with receding hairline, limited income and a beer belly.

    He decides to have fun the next 10-15 years by moving to Pattaya and live off  renting that house in USA. Let's say he can live very comfortably with that rental income as long as he owns his own condo in Pattaya. Joe also has style and he likes quality,  so he buys a beach front condo in Jomtien with his $250K and lives happily ever after in his condo until today while living off his rental income.

    Joe still lives in Jomtien. he is still happy despite the lockdown. he still lives off his rental house in LA. He still owns his condo in Jomtien.

    Here comes my point!


    His condo in Jomtien is worth $350,000 today at best(that's a fact)

    However, his house in LA has  gone up to $1,000,000-$1,250,000(that's a fact)


    Here is what Joe could have done:


    Joe should have bought another house in LA in the same neighborhood in 2006.

    Rent that one out as well.(2 rental income) 

    Rent(instead of buy) that beautiful beachfront condo in Jomtien.

    Spend every dime from both rentals on women,booze, travel, rib-eye steaks etc. etc.

    but he would be approx. $800,000-$1,000,000 ahead instead of mere $100,000




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