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  1. Agree--the charge time is the problem--I am super impatient and 15 minutes would be too much for me, too. I am also too lazy to look for charge places in the first place--and the ones I do notice seem to always have cars already plugged-in--so you are waiting even before you plug the car in--then, for more waiting while it charges. No thanks. Spouse and I have had a new plug-in hybrid for a couple months now and we are liking it a lot. For now, we think it's a great compromise between gas and all-electric. Around town, we never use gas. We have an EV charger at home, plug it in in the evening, and it's ready to go for our next day's driving. The first time we used gas was on a recent trip to Bangkok. Our condo there does not have any EV charging stations but, no problem--we just used gas when we were in Bangkok and to get us back to Pattaya. No worrying about finding a place to charge an EV in Bangkok's awful traffic. We're saving some money on what we were spending monthly for gas so that's a nice benefit, too.
  2. Nonsense. Pattaya is a large, diverse, and growing city and, according to Mastercard, the 15th most visited city in the world. There will be a few bad apples in the millions visiting. True anywhere. Incidents like this one are always given headlines here but would not be considered worthy of mention in the west.
  3. Aquatique will be a great asset for Pattaya, and the large numbers of regular tourists it is attracting, as are Grande Centre Point, Centre Point Space, and the massive Centre Point 3 Resort now under construction.
  4. "Former President Donald Trump" again. Somebody tell the AI robot writing these articles that Trump, sadly, is no longer "former".
  5. More a case of not enough staffing. Did anybody catch Trump being referred to as "former President Donald Trump" in the article? Wishful thinking on the part of the writer, I guess.
  6. Rubio's just as dumb as Trump.
  7. He'll have a brief honeymoon period with his approval rating, then it's likely all downhill with the ratings. #47 will be fighting tooth and nail with #45, also Trump, to see which one is ranked dead last as the worst President in history and which one will be ranked second to last as the worst President in history. Let the competition begin!
  8. Now let's get lots of new rail cars for MRT, BTS, and ARL to make them all 6-car trains, which should have been done years ago.
  9. Maybe some rethinking on training: Army Secretary nominee Daniel Driscoll said during a Senate hearing on Thursday that the crash may prompt the military to reconsider conducting training operations near the busy Washington, D.C., airspace. "This seems to be preventable," Driscoll said. "I think we might need to look at where is an appropriate time to take training risk, and it may not be near an airport like Reagan."
  10. All that money spent uselessly on free metro rides in Bangkok should have been spent on more machinery for the farmers.
  11. Total joke. Headline should read "Thailand not enforcing burning ban. . ." I've been smelling burning the last several months, including today, and soot on my terrace most mornings. More useless blah, blah, blah.
  12. Madness. No extra trains, no extra cars on the trains. Just idiots in charge, starting at the top.
  13. This crackdown will last just about as long as I can hold my breath. What they need is a squad of permanent meter maids, handing out no parking/double parking tickets, with the meter maids keeping a percentage of the fines collected, with the squads patrolling all the major roads. Of course, what they really need is to eliminate parking altogether on the major roads, with the meter maids enforcing the no parking. Somewhat unrelated but I finally figured out the wacky, swoopy yellow striped lines painting scheme on Thepprasit Road by the U-Turn intersections. If you look at the parking lane by these intersections, you will see forward white arrows painted on the parking lane, indicating that it is actually a travel lane, not a parking lane. So, I think the idea was for the 2 lanes of traffic to segue to the parking lane and the adjacent traffic lane as you navigate a U-Turn intersection, neatly getting by the traffic stopped making a U-Turn. Ahh, how lovely! Now we all segue to the left and, past the intersection, now we all segue back to the original two traffic lanes. What fun and what wonderful traffic flow, segueing this way and that! Delightful! Well done, Pattaya! Screeching halt! Unfortunately, the brainless in charge never got around to marking those parking lane stretches where we are suppose to be segueing to as no parking. My car does not yet have the ability to magically travel through a parked car so all the city's work is for naught. No segueing around the cars waiting to turn. No smooth traffic flow through these awkward, congested, too narrow U-Turn intersections. Still a big mess. Still my least favorite road in Pattaya. Luckily, I no longer live in Jomtien and am not on that mess of a road too often.
  14. And, why were they training near a very busy airport?

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