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Everything posted by newnative

  1. Everything's way too slow. The only thing fast is the talk, talk, talk.
  2. I didn't mention it because that wasn't the case in the area we lived at. We were at the north area next door to The Palm condo and the water and beach were clean. Perhaps a problem further south.
  3. So, headline top story that they will enforce the law. Okey dokey.
  4. My partner and I have lived in both places when we lived in town--we're on the Darkside now. We preferred Wong Amat. We liked that it's a bit quieter and just had a nice vibe, we felt. Some of the nicest condo projects are in that area, including The Cove, Zire, Northpoint, Saranchol, The Palm, and several older but still nice ones. Also several nice hotels, including Centara and Cape Dara. We go to T21, Index, Home Pro, and Central Festival a lot and Wong Amat was an easy drive to get to them. Bangkok Hospital Pattaya nearby, too. We also liked living in Jomtien. For us, Wong Amat fit our normal weekly activities better and we liked the condo we found there. For some, Jomtien might be a better fit.
  5. The last 2 movies I attended I did not wear a mask--unaware it was required. I still would not have worn one as there were only about 8 people in the entire theater--and nobody remotely close except my partner. Nobody asked me to wear a mask either time. I'm just using common sense and will wear when I think its needed--like the subway, crowded places, etc.
  6. newnative


    A reminder if documents actually need to be notarized in Thailand it has to be done by a Notarial Services Attorney: However, in Thailand, there is no Notary Public. Instead, the Lawyers Council of Thailand provides attorneys the role called Notarial Services Attorney which allows them to perform the said services and is regulated by the Lawyers Act B.E. 2528.
  7. Yes, could be there or the big empty Chang plot in Pattaya. The problem is inadequate roads, in my opinion--Thappraya and 2nd Road/Beach Road can be traffic-clogged even now with greatly reduced international tourists and not many tourist buses at the moment. What's it going to be like when tourism gears back up and a casino is added to the mix? A third option could be an out-of-town destination site that takes advantage of the new Motorway extension and the proposed high-speed rail.
  8. I think it's easy to say that the OP should have ordered COD but in my experience that is likely not possible when you are having custom items made. My Thai partner and I just took delivery of custom bedside tables we had made. The great thing about living in Thailand is you can do custom at a reasonable cost. We've done lots of custom kitchens, armoires, bath vanities, bed frames, bedside tables, etc. Even a sofa and a dining table when we couldn't find what we wanted. We've always had to put down a deposit each and every time and we understand the need for a deposit. We're asking for custom items to be made to our exact specifications. Suppose we disappear? Change our minds and say, no, we don't want it after all. Thanks, anyway. The furniture maker is out the cost for the materials and labor. We've never had a furniture maker not deliver a product. We did have one experience where the quality was not what we were expecting. The bedside tables I mentioned were ordered from a shop at JJ Market. We like big bedside tables with plenty of storage and a nice 70 cm height--no interest in those tiny one-drawer tables 40 cm high. The shop was great to work with and we could see samples of their work, paint and hardware choices, etc. We hadn't used them before but we knew they have been at their shop there for a number of years. We put a deposit down and got the tables about a month later--they turned out great. For the OP I would say keep trying to resolve the issue and don't give up.
  9. You're still young! Go for it if it's what you want. My Mom was 40 and my Dad 44 when my youngest sister Carol was born, the last of 6 kids. She was definitely unexpected--they had gotten rid of all the baby stuff after the 5th child was born 4 years earlier. My parents always said Carol helped to keep them feeling young and engaged in life. You mention money--my Dad always joked that he could have bought a new Cadillac every other year if they hadn't had 6 kids--but, always quickly added that we kids meant far more than any material things he and Mom could have had instead. When Carol left the nest and Dad could have easily afforded a Cadillac at that point, he never bought one.
  10. Partner and I use BPH for about everything, including dental and eye care. We've used PIH for minor things. Don't know much about Memorial; only used it to get covid shots.
  11. Yes. Partner and I were on the road this morning and I counted 9 different places where motorbikes, cars, and trucks were parked on the blue walkway. It's not just a problem with one condo project.
  12. Agree. It's the city's responsibility to do policing on public property. They should just get on with clamping and towing--and, everywhere in town where vehicles park illegally. My partner and I drove that street the other day and there violations at other locations along the street, as well.
  13. Agree. People always talk about the large number of Chinese tourists in 2019, around 11 million. But they forget, or perhaps don't know, that other Asian and Indian visitors that year were around 14 million, not including Laos and Cambodia. That's far more than Europe and North America combined.
  14. It's not just a wheelchair lane, it's also a lane for walkers, as there are no sidewalks. Should be big fines for parking there--and also on sidewalks and red striped curbs everywhere--and enforcement with a crew of police tasked with that assignment on a permanent basis. The fines would easily pay for their salaries.
  15. Any will you sign should be in both English and Thai, with both languages together on the page with each clause alternating in Thai and English; not a separate will all in Thai and a separate will all in English. Wills can be registered but they don't need to be.
  16. Haven't been yet but I think Pattaya already has a weed attraction next to Legend Siam, and by the same owners. A blurb: Legend Siam, a tourist attraction in Pattaya invite both Thai tourists And foreigners traveling to Pattaya from March 15 onwards prepare to experience new things. Amazing in the new zone of Legend Siam is the Miracle Cannabis Land zone, the amazing city of cannabis. In this zone you will find the Cannabis Museum, the Hemp and Hemp Museum. The only one in Pattaya that allows you to explore the land of wonderful plants. Learn cannabis strains in Installation Art style filled with spectacular lighting.
  17. Totally missing the point. Did I read the 'detailed court verdict?', you ask. Of course not. Did I 'read the cases of both sides?' Again, a big no. Neither will 99% of the people who see the news article--and, apparently that also includes you, from your above post. Many readers will come to the conclusion, as I did, that Thailand is being vindictive and petty to a large company that is important to Thailand. It's all about perception--and the perception is bad. Your final sentence makes my point nicely: 'Yet you all jump to the same conclusion that Thailand= wrong.' Yes, we're all coming to the conclusion that Thailand is wrong in its actions in this case, and it's not a good look for Thailand, especially given some past bad behavior with foreign companies working in Thailand. I stand by my previous post.
  18. As others have said, number 1 in the World in 2021. Neck and neck with VW for the title in 2022. '...not too many people are buying Toyotas elsewhere.' Maybe the dumbest forum statement ever--certainly my nominee for 2022.
  19. Way to shoot yourself in the foot, Thailand. Terrible, short-sighted, flat-out dumb decision. Learn to play the long game. Is there nobody in charge with a working brain willing to step in and waive the penalty? The goodwill garnered would be worth 10 times the fine, and also show other companies Thailand wants to work with companies doing business in Thailand, not gouge them.
  20. Thanks for posting. I compared Pattaya, a beach city in Thailand, to Myrtle Beach, SC, a beach city in the US. Apples to apples. The calculator told me Myrtle Beach is 3 times as expensive to live in as Pattaya. Knew it would be more expensive but 3 times as much was a good confirmation of what I've said a number of times that it is much cheaper for me living here than somewhere similar in the US.
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