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Everything posted by TheAppletons

  1. The post was intended as a dig at one particular AN poster....which is why under the pronoun section I changed the official definition to read "one anonymous internet user" and under the adverb section it reads "isolated posts on a small corner of the internet." In other words, the "lot of speculation" can be attributed to one particular individual with whom you have much interaction on the topic. Of all people, I thought you would get the joke. Guess not.
  2. Oops, too subtle for you. Missed the point of the post completely, lol. People who post a lot on the tax threads will understand the reference.
  3. lot /lät/ https://ssl.gstatic.com/dictionary/static/promos/20181204/pronunciation.svg pronoun one anonymous internet user "there is a lot of speculation on this topic" adverb isolated posts on a small corner of the internet "he speculated a lot on this topic"
  4. This is starting to get irritating. When are the 3-6 year olds going to get their 10k handouts?
  5. That's putting it mildly. Many social security recipients in Trump's base electorate. "I never thought leopards would eat MY face", sobs woman who voted for Leopards Eating People's Faces party.
  6. As you have pointed out, if you have no assessable income then you don't need to file. That makes your "lady" wrong when she stated that "if the total is higher than your tax free allowance, you need to file, regardless if they are assessable or not." No, you don't. You can remit non-assessable income well in excess of the "tax free allowance" and never have to file.
  7. Hua Hin has minimal water splashing. It's confined to certain designated areas, for the most part, and those are easily avoidable depending upon where you want to go and what you want to do. Malaysia has none of this nonsense.
  8. If you trust the accuracy of reddit, this poster claims DeeMoney went out of business on 27 Nov 2024. https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/comments/1h3e1j2/deemoney_shuts_down_operations/?rdt=56850
  9. Even better, the customer affected said AOT was charging him a 5% cancellation fee.
  10. From the AOT website: "Due to the development of the AOT Limousine system and changes of the car models also the service prices The current reservation system will be available until March 31, 2025 We apologize for any inconvenience caused." AOT has cancelled reservations already in place for April and told customers with those reservations to obtain refunds upon arrival, then to rebook with 'whoever the new service provider will be....." (This is third party information from a frequent traveler web forum.) (Note: I know there are plenty of other options like ARL, Grab, metered taxis, your wife picks you up, etc. Not what the thread is about.)
  11. This has been discussed many times over on AN. It's technically taxable but extremely unlikely to be tracked so.... (Btw, a remittance of income into your Thai bank account is a transaction. So yes, transactions can be taxable.)
  12. Why do people post YouTube videos, as if they are some sort of legitimate reference? Do other people actually click on these?
  13. Price has been reduced. OP was asking 8M THB on reddit.
  14. Why all of the skepticism? They've been doing this for years....and it works every time. By mid-May, the smoke will be gone.
  15. It will be difficult for anyone to help assess your situation unless you identify your home country (due to differences in DTAs) and the annual amount of pension you receive. Further, a DTA does not automatically exempt one from paying taxes in Thailand. The actual wording of the DTA specifies which country has primary or secondary (or any) taxation authority at all.
  16. "Designated drinking zones." Or "bars", as I call them.
  17. So you'll be going back tomorrow (again), I presume?
  18. You don't know anyone who speaks Thai? Landlord, condo juristic office, the girl who works at Starbucks....? Perhaps try calling again with someone who speaks Thai who can explain to them what it is you are asking? Otherwise, I'd probably go to the office with the "notification" you received and try to obtain a timeline for receipt.
  19. Theoretically speaking, that conspiracy theory to which you refer (something about routing payments through X) could benefit Musk if there was a charge to the government in the processing of those payments.
  20. "Any idea"? Yes. Proceed with your plans, you are worrying for no reason whatsoever. No one at airport departure immigration is going to ask you about taxes. No one.
  21. Why couldn't the government simply attach the fee to the electronic TM6 they plan to roll out in May? That's for foreign nationals only. You fill in the information, proceed to the payment page, enter credit card data, press send. No payment, no TM6. No TM6, no entry.
  22. Serious question. You're in a relatively low cost "retirement paradise".... yet many of you expend a lot of effort arguing about Donald Trump. Why? What's the point? All politicians suck...you know that. Just enjoy your retirement.
  23. According to the Bangkok Post, yesterday's nearly 2% decline in the SET now puts the SET firmly in bear market territory. The SET has declined 20% since October, if the story is accurate.
  24. DEE money ceased operations 27 November 2024, AFAIK.
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