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Everything posted by TheAppletons

  1. You could probably make money streaming that online.
  2. Not at all. Just trying to facilitate your imminent departure. I'm helpful like that.
  3. Recession -> less income -> more blowies -> more lipstick.
  4. Better than what you have provided as "proof" of your conspiracy theory. "How can tax evasion and tax compliance under CRS be carried out without reporting income sources ?" By providing transparency into the asset values held in overseas accounts, reported annually. Unusually large asset values - without a correspondingly large tax bill - create the internal trigger for audit/review. Individual remittances do not, unless unusually large. It's laughable that your "deep state" is going to monitor every single remittance from every single tax resident and question its source. Unfortunately, your tunnel vision obscures the remnants of your sanity. (Last response to any of your ridiculous posts. Others can decide for themselves whether to read your drivel, I won't.)
  5. Here we go again..... You keep hijacking every single tax thread with your own fabricated version of what CRS reporting is/does. It is not a transactional level view. It reports account balance at the end of the year. Here's what CRS reporting provides (note that it says nothing about individual transactions/remittances): - Name, address, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and date and place of birth of each Reportable Person. - Account number - Name and identifying number of the reporting financial institution; -Account balance or value as of the end of the relevant calendar year (or other appropriate reporting period) or at its closure, if the account was closed. - Distributions made to the account (dividends, interest, gross proceeds/redemptions, other) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Reporting_Standard#:~:text=Information exchanged,-The information and&text=Name%2C address%2C Taxpayer Identification Number,Account number I can't decide if you're simply clueless, a troll, or a paid tax advisor.
  6. Yawn. Another for profit tax advisor sowing fear and confusion in an attempt to drum up business. Criminal misinformation/misdirection. “All foreign income must be declared but this doesn’t always mean a tax liability.” That's a straight up lie. Yeah, good luck with that.
  7. ".......and therefore deemed by the Thai Revenue Dept to be a social security payment, in her opinion it was not assessable. She, for the sake of clarity, telephoned the Provincial Revenue Office and their response was that it was not assessable and therefore there was NO requirement for me to include any portion of it in my tax return." As expected, TRD does not expect tax residents to show non-assessable income on their tax returns. https://aseannow.com/topic/1348698-todays-experience-trying-to-obtain-my-tax-refund/#comment-19511729
  8. Beat that drum, sweetie, beat it hard. Kah-luless. (As if that needed to be stated.) We understand your frustration: "However, scientific research has found evidence to support that cycling can in fact contribute to Erectile Dysfunction issues amongst men." https://edclinics.co.uk/advice/can-cycling-cause-erectile-dysfunction/
  9. One wonders why some posters keep re-posting the same thing over and over and over again. It's as if they think that by jumping up and down and screaming repetitively, it's going to make them sound more credible when, in reality, it simply makes them look foolish - particularly when almost no one else agrees with their fabricated claims. One frequent poster should change his nick to The Broken Record. (Reference to vinyl record albums for you youngsters.)
  10. THIS ^^ It's laughable that anyone thinks every single tax return is scrutinized by Somchai at Nakhon Nowhere TRD. Likely the returns are accepted at face value unless something in the return triggers a "red flag" requiring additional review.
  11. But, but, but......CRS, tax evasion, FATCA....but, but, but.....declarable.....but, but, but.... (Thank you.)
  12. Worst thread ever. So much self-anxiety for no reason whatsoever which only creates anxiety for others. I have no assessable income due to DTA. I won't be filing or "declaring" my non-assessable income because it's not required according to TRD. One only needs to file a tax return if you exceed the 60/120/220 level of assessable income. Continue to self-flagellate peeps. You're only making your own life more stressful than it needs to be.
  13. Although I am not a fan of the OP's posts on the forum, I'll throw this out there cos it is pretty tasty. Frying Fish Club, located in Santitham. The "original" is very good and the tom yum fish and chips (I know, heresy, but try it) is delicious. Delicious seasoned chips, btw. May be available via delivery on one of the food delivery apps, dunno. (Waiting to see the OP's response where he quotes that I'm blocked, lol.)
  14. I'll have what you're smoking. Absolute fabrication. Enjoy your frightened existence living in the shadows.
  15. IIRC, TRD written guidance is that you don't need to file unless you have at least 60,000 thb (single) or 120,000 thb (married) in assessable income. (This is also specified in the tax guide pinned at the top of the sub-forum.) 0 < 60,000. (Not disputing that the local yokel in Pak Chong told AN memberThe Cyclist something that sounds contradictory.)
  16. Like you, I reside in Thailand. Until I moved here - and joined this forum - I had no idea how much Brits and (especially) Australians hate Americans.
  17. Hard copy only. Just fill it in and send it off EMS:
  18. A billionaire's daughter is wealthy. Shocking.
  19. Perhaps you should just read the tax guide pinned at the top of the forum. It's all there for people who don't need to be spoon fed information.
  20. I'm guessing you have other income not covered by the DTA? Or are you saying your overall tax rate - US and Thailand combined - is less than 9%? Otherwise, I would have estimated your Thailand tax rate at 0% if your income is comprised solely of SS and government pensions.
  21. I'm certain the bank employees are happy that you don't go to the bank every time you need to pass wind, facemasks notwithstanding.
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