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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. This photo has already been discredited. Please read the linked article below. I am locking this thread to prevent incorrect information being circulated.


    Please understand that the forum has no problem disseminating the truth about this virus, however we can't allow false photos or stories to gain momentum.


    Thank you to the OP for bringing what they believed to be a genuine story to the forum.



  2. 2 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

    only a scam lawyer or someone who wants to rip off his naive tenants would use them


    You are correct that a 3+3+3 year lease is unenforceable at the end of the first 3 year period, and that a sale of the property could leave the lessee of an unregistered lease exposed. The actual reality is that with commercial leases this happens infrequently.


    I've personally handled many commercial 3+3+3 leases between very reputable lessors and lessees. When both parties are established and well known entities it is a straightforward process.


    You have to consider that if a commercial lessee is making money they will to stay. In addition, lessors like regular rent payments without complication. That's the commercial reality.


    I'm not saying it never happens, and I'm not saying it is a risk that should be ignored, but in my experience the situation is nowhere near as bad as what you say.

  3. From a landlord's perspective you don't want to register the lease. Indeed it is unusual to do so unless the lease is longer than 10 years or so.


    One reason is that you will have to pay 1.1 per cent tax on the entire rent sum received for the entire duration of the contract at the time you register. So 50,000 baht a month for 10 years is a 66,000 baht tax payment.


    Another more important reason is that once a lease is registered it become a real property right, as opposed to a contract right. This means that if you want to enforce part of the lease, for non payment, for example, you will have to pay to take the matter to Court. This will take many months and you will have to prove your complaint to the satisfaction of the Court.


    Even then, you will only get a Court order to remedy the situation. If the tenants do not comply you will have to return to Court for enforcement.


    Why would you, as a landlord, put yourself in this situation when you could offer an unregistered 3 year lease like everyone else?


    If the tenant wants a nine year lease, offer them a 3+3+3, the same as other landlords. If the tenant wants certainty you can fix the price of each lease period in the initial contract.

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  4. Exactly as @CharlieH said. One business for online selling, and a separate business for shipping.


    This means the shipping aspect can be handled as a Thai business, subject to Thai taxation, but the selling part of the business can be registered in a more tax efficient country, as all the selling business provides is a digital service.


    Very similar to how Amazon operates.

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