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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. A person abroad can sign a Letter of Authority and have it witnessed at a Thai Embassy. The original must then be sent to Thailand and presented at the Land Office.


    You must use the specific Land Office authority form. Nothing else is acceptable.


    You may also need Embassy witnessed signed copies of the absent person's Thai ID card, and possibly their House Book entry aswell.


    However, the fact is the Land Office can refuse any transaction if they are not satisfied, and there is not a lot you can do about it.

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  2. I think you need to understand what "estate" means.


    When you die, your affairs in Thailand will be taken care of by an administrator. The administrator will collect together all your assets and use them to pay your debts and liabilities.


    Whatever assets are left should then be disbursed to the beneficiaries of your estate.


    During the administration period anyone can make a valid claim on your estate. If an injured party wants compensation then they sue your estate. Until the court case is concluded then any money from your estate probably won't be disbursed.


    This is the same procedure in many countries of the world, not just Thailand.

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  3. The wife will not be personally liable in any of the above circumstances. The estate of the deceased would be liable however.


    In terms of a condo lease, the probable outcome would be the contact would be terminated and any deposit may or may not be repaid depending on the circumstances.


    In terms of injury to a person then a claim for damages could be made from the estate or the deceased's insurers if such a policy exists.


    Subscriptions would cease being a contractual obligation at the time the deceased passed away.

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  4. The easiest thing to do is to apply for a Thai driving license. As you have a UK license that only involves some eyesight tests and maybe watching a video. You will probably also have to get a proof of residence form from immigration and obtain a medical approval form from a doctor, but it's a fairly painless procedure.


    Well worth it in my opinion to get the Thai license. If you let us know where you are based I am sure other members will be able to give you advice on the documentation required and also the best doctor to visit for a medical form.

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