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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. The answer is 3,138. Below is an nxtract from a Freedom of Information request submitted earlier this year, also giving the numbers for 2016 and 2017:




    Thank you for your email of 28 July 2019 asking for information under the Freedom of 
    Information Act (FOIA) 2000. You asked: 
    I would like to know the number of Income Affadavits (Proof of Income Letters) issued by the British Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand each year for the last five years please.

    I am writing to confirm that we have now completed the search for the information which you requested.

    I can confirm that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) does hold information relevant to your request.

    The following figures are for the total number of consular fee 2i (preparing a certificate in 
    English) issued from 2016 to 2019. We do not hold the information requested prior to 2016.

    The vast majority of consular fee 2i are related to the proof of income letter but this consular fee group does include a small number of other certificates. We can not break down the number further because checking through each certificate individually would take us above the cost threshold.

    2016: 2211
    2017: 2679
    2018: 3138
    2019: 0

  2. 5 hours ago, revup said:

    He is academically strong with top grades in most classes. Has only been there one semester. He is often late and to day they inform me they did not "like the way he dresses".


    Round peg square hole. Better off out of there from the sound of it. If it wasn't this it would be something else.


    Does he speak Thai? I ask because Patana gives the highest priority for entry to students who, '...by virtue of their previous education experience, have no choice but to attend an English-speaking international school."


    In years 12 and 13 they teach International Baccalaureate (IB), which is the right age for your son.


    Here is a recent advert from Patana:



  3. 17 minutes ago, impulse said:

    ...do you really have that 200A available?


    No idea. We are 20 meters maximum away from the MEA transformer which has a plate that says 500 on the side of it.


    We are the first and closest connection to the transformer. The wires from our building are connected to the output wires of the transformer about 2 meters away from the transformer itself.


    No idea if that makes any difference though.

  4. We have a 200 amp, 3 phase supply coming into a building. There is negligible existing use of electricity (a few led lights and a couple of plug sockets that charge mobile phones and camera batteries). We want to purchase a machine with a motor that uses 30kW of power. The machine could be situated close to the building's fuse board.


    1. Do we have enough power available to run the machine?


    2. If the machine was running, how much power would be left for other electrical items?


    Thanks you!

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