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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. The main issue is that you need a Thai ID number to be registered for Social Fund. If you were born outside of Thailand you may have a Thai birth certificate but not a Thai ID number.


    If you come to Thailand this number will be generated before you are registered in a house book and before you receive your Thai ID card. The process might take a few days, but not too long. It's not the physical printing of a house book or an ID card, it's the process to check your application for a Thai ID number that will take a short while. As you understand, possession of a Thai ID number (in the categories reserved for Thai people) equals having Thai citizenship, so applications are checked carefully.


    On the other hand, you could have a Thai ID number because you were born in Thailand or because your parents applied for it via the Thai Embassy in your country ( in which case it will be stamped on your Thai birth certificate).


    Realistically though you need to get added to a house book and then get your ID card. Without that employers won't employ you as a Thai person. After all why would you give a potential employer ID card problems to deal with before they hire you?

  2. 18 minutes ago, khunnoob said:

    Is there supposed to be a delay between successful registration (her status is showing successful) and actually getting the username and password?




    18 minutes ago, khunnoob said:

    If yes, how long was the delay typically?


    This will vary by region. In Bangkok it has taken people I know between 3 days and as long as 5 weeks.

  3. 5 hours ago, henry15 said:

    You and you allone decide what happens the inheritence of the deceased, of there is no will.


    The executor can decide, but within the boundaries of Sections 1629 and 1630 of the Civil and Commercial Code.


    The executor cannot, for example, give the entire estate to the cats home if there are statutory heirs.


    5 hours ago, henry15 said:

    ...he can even lock te property  and deny entry to the husband or wife.


    Not if the property is co-owned by the surviving spouse or indeed by any other person.


    5 hours ago, henry15 said:

    ...the inheritants are powerless to stop it.


    Section 1727 of the CCC:


    Any interested person may, prior to the completion of the distribution of the estate, apply to the Court for the discharge of an administrator for reason of neglect of his duties or any other reasonable cause.

  4. Section 1476 of the Civil and Commercial Code requires one spouse to obtain permission from the other spouse if they want to obtain a mortgage.


    It is standard practice for banks to supply this documentation and require it to be signed. Without a signature the mortgage would not be lawful.


    Section 1476:


    In managing the Sin Somros in the following cases, the husband and wife have to be joint managers, or one spouse has to obtain consent from the other:


    (1) Selling, exchanging, sale with the right of redemption, letting out property on hire-purchase, mortgaging, releasing a mortgage to a mortgagor or transferring the right of mortgage on immovable property or on mortgageable movable property.

  5. 5 hours ago, thairookie said:

    Like I said, the question at the beginning of this thread is whether the condo JP via the JPM has the legal capacity to sue when technically speaking they are not privy to the sales contract on which such a legal action is founded.


    They will have authority after the co-owners have passed an appropriate resolution at a General Meeting.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Whether or not thr JPM has the right to sue is a matter for debate. What I would suggest is that a motion is passed in a properly constituted General Meeting.


    The motion would grant permission for the JPM to represent the co-owners and also provide funding for legal expenses.


    Due to the cost and inconvenience of calling a General Meeting it might be worth awaiting until the next AGM if that is not too far in the future.

  7. I assume the land the pool is built on is a separate land title deed to the land the condominium structure is built on. If it is then the situation is a bit of a mess to be quite honest.


    The first thing the committee/someone needs to do is get a copy of the land title deeds in question. Once they have this then they should approach the developer and ask them to transfer the land. This will, of course, cost the developer the transfer fee, as it is their obligation to pay the transfer fees.


    If the swimming pool area, etc. is a separate title deed, what proof do you have that it was meant to be given over as common area for the condominium?

  8. 1 hour ago, Teeraphat Akaravorasate said:

    So as long as I just use US to come in and go out if I do visit Thailand until I am 30 I will be fine? 


    You will be fine as long as you do not brag or boast about not having to do the draft.


    Use your American passport to enter and leave Thailand, and avoid talking about the draft. If someone asks directly then explain that you are a student and you are exempt.

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