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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. It depends on whether they want the marriage formally registered or not. If they do then will be a lot easier and cheaper if they go to the district office first, sort out all of the paperwork and then take 2 witnesses to the district office and get married on paper.


    Afterwards, they can have the celebrations on the boat.


    It is possible to get the district officer to marry you at a location other than the district office, but it will cost. All of the documents must be prepared in advance, to the satisfaction of the district officer. Once that is done two district officers will turn up at the specified location at the specified time and both will complete and sign your marriage certificates and present them to you. This takes about 5 minutes.

  2. There isn't a requirement for the hiring company to make profit. Profit is not needed to:


    Obtain a Non B Visa

    Apply for a work permit

    Extend a work permit

    Apply for a 1 year extension of stay based on a Non B

    Extend a 1 year exterior of stay based on a Non B


    It's been that way for at least 5 years - I don't know about prior to that sorry.

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  3. You really do need a proper commercial contract. In general these extend to several pages and they cover all foreseeable eventualities.


    Writing a few paragraphs and getting the Lessee to sign it will probably end badly.


    You are not talking about a simple 3 year lease here where not much is at stake. If the Lessee breaches a substantial covenant and you cannot easily evict them you will regret the day the contract was signed.

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