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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. I've used my 5 year Thai license with Hertz. Very easy all round. No international driving license needed.


    Why not get an international driving license from the Department of Land Transport? Very easy and it's issued on the spot.


    At least that way you will have a backup plan.

  2. 8 hours ago, oporhatch said:

    From the replies above ...I recently moved a sum of money here on the presumption that the UK pound would fall further against the Thai Bhat  


    Therefore just to confirm  -  I should convert the money back to UK pounds , whilst in Thailand and then travel back with the money to the UK .  -  if my presumption comes off


    That will get you the best possible exchange rate. Don't forget to declare to Thai customs on the way out if you are carrying more than the equivalent of 15,000 USD and on the way in to the UK if you are carrying more than the equivalent of10,000 Euro.


    See this topic for the procedure in Thailand:



  3. 1 hour ago, patsfangr said:

    Does that limit also apply to wire transfers from a Thai bank to a foreign bank? If so, is there a minimum time between transfers applied?


    The 15,000 USD limit is for hand carrying cash out of Thailand. If you want to do a wire transfer out of Thailand there is a 50,000 USD threshold. Under 50,000 USD the transaction does not need to be referred to the Bank of Thailand. If you fulfil your retail bank's requirements to transfer funds abroad then that is all there is to it.


    If you have to transfer more than 50,000 USD you can make a few transfers of less than 50,000 USD, spread out over a few days. If you have massively more to transfer out you may need to supply additional documentary evidence such as a TT3/FET form or customs declaration showing you imported the money or your work permit and PND91 forms showing you earned the money in Thailand and paid tax on the money.


    If you can provide the proof there is no problem transferring the money out. Foreign people who sell their condominium units do this fairly frequently.

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  4. @donwcarroll69 I would start off with the cheapest option, which is a coffee cart. The benefit of this approach being the cart can be moved to a new location if needed, whereas with a franchise you are stuck.


    You also have virtually zero food waste with a coffee cart and very little prep time compared to a food cart.


    Food means getting up early, going to the market, prepping, cooking, then maybe portioning and packaging aswell. That's a lot of work. I see food stall workers setting up at 3am in some areas of Bangkok to feed the workers going to work at 5am.


    The problem with coffee is that she might struggle to find the right location, but that's the same as a lot of businesses.

  5. 10 minutes ago, BestB said:

    As you said must depend on the immigration office. I was only missing one paper and best they would do is a letter but that’s Chonburi.


    chonburi has never given the 30 day stamps without full docs and full approval, they then send it off to Bangkok .


    perhaps if OP is in Bkk, then he should try to get the stamp 


    I should clarify my post number 19. At Chiang Wattana, if your documents are not accepted, you do not get an under consideration stamp.


    Apologies for post 19 being ambiguous.

  6. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    Since many extensions based upon working are now being put under consideration they can accept the application and allow you to bring any additional documents needed within a few days before the application is sent for approval.


    I guess this is dependant on the particular office/officer, but at Chiang Wattana the system is that you take all your documents to submit. They are checked and if you need to substantially improve the application you are advised what else to prepare. You then take your documents and leave.


    If your application is almost complete and you are missing one or two documents/photos, etc. then a note of the missing documents is made on the top of your application, along with the window number of the officer checking. You are advised what else to prepare, you take your documents and leave.


    When you obtain the necessary documents you have to go back and re-submit. If everything is in order then you get the under consideration stamp.


    The year above that I obtained the three week additional extension, it took the company staff eight visits to get the under consideration stamp.

  7. 1 hour ago, BestB said:

    That was precisely my point . That there is no “under consideration stamp” when documents are not in order . You get the initial 30 days before getting the full year but to get initial 30 days all docs must be in order. 


    That's not been my experience when applying at Chiang Wattana for an extension of stay based on working for a Thai company.


    I had already been working for the company for over a year, and I was applying for my second extension of stay. For whatever reason the application was accepted and was under consideration. When I went back to collect the extension stamp I was informed that I now needed to supply additional documents from the Department of Revenue relating to the company's tax payments.


    My under consideration period was extended for about 3 weeks, as you can see from the attached stamp.


    The required documents were obtained from the Department of Revenue and submitted to Immigration. My extension was granted.


    I think immigration did this because it was them asking for additional documents after they had initially accepted my application and granted under consideration status.


    The point being that an under consideration period can be extended if Immigration so choose.



  8. A bit of background: There are two different water authorities in Thailand: The MWA (Bangkok) and the PWA (Everywhere else). It looks like you are using the MWA app and trying to add a property in a PWA area. This just won't work.


    First, you have to download the PWA app before you go any further.

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