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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. 54 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    Lots of translators around, but It depends on what you mean by certified, by who and for what purpose. In Thailand The Ministry of foreign affairs in Bangkok certifies translations, if its for use in home country, your consulate may certify documents. A translation services doesnt have an official Certified stamp they do translations.


    In Thailand, that's not quite correct. Translators will stamp their translation with the words "Certified Correct Translation", or "Certified as a true and accurate translation of the original document", etc.


    Here are a couple of examples:






    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs legalises translations, like this:



  2. I use Express Translations next to BTS Ploen Chit.


    Be absolutely sure to spell your child's name in English for them, exactly as you want it written, otherwise they will transliterate it themselves. If they do this the result might not be what you were expecting. If you have a foreign passport for your child take a copy of that and show them.


    They will also need your name and your partner's name. Easiest thing is to take a copy of your passport and your partner's ID card or passport.



  3. On 8/16/2019 at 5:45 PM, BangkokClarets said:

    Would anyone be able to confirm what the current rules are


    Rules are interpreted differently in each district. It may sound strange, but if you have problems in one district, just try another.


    More central districts such as Bang Rak will be much more used to dealing with this situation. As always, a thank you to the officer in an envelope will almost always move things along nicely.

  4. 1 hour ago, cleopatra2 said:

    In Thailand it is not unlawfull to drive without a licence if the conditions set out in section 57 of the motor vehicle act is adhered to.

    In such circumstances would the mandatory insurance become invalid ?


    Section 57 relates to learner drivers who are driving a vehicle while under instruction.


    In such cases it is the instructor who is liable for damages or accidents. The mandatory insurance would not be invalidated.

  5. As stated, when you are 30 you will be too old to be drafted. Try and do it the correct way and get an exemption from your Embassy.


    If you visit Thailand before the age of 30 then use your US passport.


    If you don't get an exemption then once you are 30 all you have to do is go to the military recruitment office, pay a small fine and you will be deleted from the list of draftees as you will be too old.


    The important thing is that if you are in Thailand before you are 30 then don't brag or boast about not having to do the draft. Just be quiet and don't talk about it.


    There is no need to renounce your citizenship. If you have any questions in future years, do come back and ask. It will be interesting to get an update on your story.

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  6. Do not take the landlords property or damage the building. This would make it a criminal matter.


    There are cases where non-Thai tenants have done this. The landlord has filed a criminal complaint and the ex-tenant has been prevented from leaving Thailand for 3 years because they have had to pay to fight an extensive legal case.


    As in any country, the correct way forward is to resolve the matter through the Courts.

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  7. From the Forum Rules:


    17. You will not discuss the specifics of prostitution. Though Thailand has a visible sex industry, and acknowledgement of that fact is not forbidden, ThaiVisa is not the place to seek or give information on this topic, regardless of your sexual habits, preferences or orientation.

  8. Thank you for that, I do appreciate it. The only thing with Rama 4 is that there is a lot of development there right now. The One is going to provide office space for 50,000 workers alone, plus a 1,200 capacity hotel and all the other usual retail outlets, etc.


    It will of course be some time before it is finished and even then the office space might not run at capacity.


    It's a lot of people in one location though.

  9. As noted above, both parents would need to consent or you would need a Court order. If both parents are alive and one does not consent there is zero chance of this happening.


    It is possible to gain permission to stay in Thailand to look after your Thai daughter (assuming she lives with you and you do actually look after her). There is nothing your ex wife can do about this. Indeed, she wouldn't even be aware of what permission you have to stay in Thailand unless someone tells her.

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