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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. She will have to go to the One Stop. The reason it is called a One Stop is because work permits and extensions of stay are issued in one place at the same time.


    To be eligible for an extension based on working and then to receive it at Chaeng Wattana, your wife would have had to have previously 1. Applied for and received her work permit extension at the Ministry of Labour; 2. Applied for and been accepted for her extension of stay at Chaeng Wattana; 3. Been given a 1 month under consideration period where immigration review the submitted documents; 4. Return to Chaeng Wattana after the one month under consideration period to collect the extension of stay stamp and apply for a re-entry permit if required.


    Your wife and her sponsoring company have definitely not completed steps 1, 2 and 3 and as such step 4 is not available to her.


    A regular, non-BOI sponsored extension of stay based on working is one of the most difficult and time consuming extensions to get. The One Stop was set up to offer an alternative and an immensely faster and more convenient route for qualifying companies. Do not even try to change the established process, because if immigration somehow grants your wish, your wife and her sponsoring company will be more than sorry that you did.

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  2. VFS do send passports with EMS tracking. If you pay for courier delivery, you will be given a small plastic pouch after you finalise your application, with instructions to take it into the biometrics room when you are called.


    The plastic pouch contains your passport and also a padded envelope with your address on it. This is the padded envelope in which your passport is returned to you.


    If you open the plastic pouch you will be able to see the EMS tracking label on the padded envelope. You can make a note of the number or take a photo for later use.

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  3. I have cleaned edited the OP, cleaned up the thread and merged the answer supplied on a second topic started in another forum.


    Let's hope this gets a response for the poster.

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