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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. 6 hours ago, jackdd said:

    Any contract between husband and wife can be voided by either party after a divorce. So the contract that you made with her is worth nothing in case you split up, she can just kick you out and sell it.


    Nearly any contract, but not all contracts. There are some exceptions.


    In terms of a usufruct the wife cannot just go to the Land Office and demand the usufruct be cancelled. I guarantee you she will get nowhere.


    This is because a usufruct is a real property right and it is governed by the Civil and Commercial Code dealing with property (Book IV) rather than contracts (Book III).


    Of course there is the real possibility the Court cancels the usufruct as part of the divorce settlement.


    If the Court doesn't then her only option is to pay to take the matter to Civil Court, where things could well get messy if the husband paid for the property and has proof.

    • Like 1
  2. 54 minutes ago, elgenon said:

    Thanks for the knowledge.


    They are expanding quite aggressively, and they seem to have a good format. Small branches, good locations with just one member of staff. Mostly they only buy, which means they only need to stock Baht, with the purchased foreign currency regularly cleaned out and the baht restocked.


    Their business is all about volume. Good luck to them.


  3. 9 hours ago, nattle said:

    My first time filing PND 90 - I used to pay accountant to do it but it is silly money to spend on.


    How do I register for e-filing account since I can't read Thai? Thanks.


    You will probably need a Thai speaker to help you the first time as the entire electronic process is in Thai.


    Make notes. The form doesn't change much from year to year and the second year it will be much easier.

  4. Our company looked at it, and it was a no-go. Margins are very slim and you cannot compete with 7-Eleven.


    On top of that, as a foreigner your company must be 51 per cent owned by Thai people (unless you are American).


    There is one company doing this business at the minute - they have green coloured machines in places like Impact Arena and Ikea (dispensing drinks only). The company is Lawson 108, who are another convenience store retailer. It works for them because they buy in bulk anyway as part of their convenience store business.


    On top of all this you will need a work permit. To get a permit you must employ 4 Thai people. Your permit will allow you to manage the business, not to restock vending machines or do other manual tasks.


    If you don't believe me, go to BTS Thong Lo Exit 1. There is a drinks vending machine at the bottom of the stairs. Fantastic location, with literally thousands of people walking past it every day.


    Sit there, and count how many times the machine vends. It's the best type of market research you will do, and it's free. Let us know the answer.

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  5. One thing you need to do is collect the cheque from your home branch and look at the paperwork you get with it.


    There will be a piece of paper with a numerical reason code that shows why the cheque was not honoured (there are 22 possible reasons).


    Reason code 1 is insufficient funds. Reason code 11 is payment stopped. 


    If it's reason code 1 then you can go to the police as its a criminal offence to bounce a cheque in Thailand. If it's reason code 11 then don't bother. It's not any kind of an offence to issue a cheque then stop it before the cheque is deposited.


    This is why personal cheques in Thailand are worthless. Write a cheque, take the goods, phone bank and cancel cheque. Result: Seller has to pay a solicitor to take buyer to civil court which will take about 10 years to get a final judgement.


    People that tell you it's an offence to write a cheque in Thailand that will bounce are only giving you half of the story - the half that suits them.

  6. 6 hours ago, merijn said:

    But how many of those special promotion places sell real liquor and not fake one.

    I would be suspicious when they sell JW Black for 80 baht.


    A 1 litre bottle of JW Black costs about 1,600 baht wholesale. 40 x 25ml shots in the bottle at 80 baht each is 3,200 baht.


    That's ok for promo pricing.

  7. 1 hour ago, murphya33 said:

    Well of course the writer of the article could only say this because the police need to gather evidence and her guilt must be proven in a court of law and the judge will decide on the sentencing. Until all this is done, a reporter cannot say anything for sure.


    Her guilt doesn't need to be proved - she has admitted it. When people admit to a crime there is no trial because there is nothing to prove. I understand she could change her mind before she gets to Court and plead not guilty when she gets there...

    • Like 1
  8. So what happens if no action is taken? Would I be correct in thinking that the rabies would spread more and more, as an ever increasing number of rabid dogs transmit the virus to each other?


    As rabies is a fatal disease, surely this would mean the dogs would mostly end up infecting and therefore killing each other?

  9. 3 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    You seriously think that what you describe would be "free of charge"?


    You still haven't said how they would be killed or how your "snatch squad would be paid for.

    ..and what about the carcasses.


    the truth of the matter is you are dealing nationwide with a million dogs - many of which will avoid you "snatch squad" - as one bitch can start a family immediately and grow to nearly 70,000 in 6 years I think you have seriously underestimated both the problem and how to tackle it.


    "government pound"? - which government pound are you referring to?


    the one that can cope with 300,000 dogs, free of charge?

    I'd like to see your motorcyclists in operation - are they allowed to drive on the sidewalk or onto private land?

    hw about forestry? How do they trasport the dogs - they go back to this mythicla "pound" every time they catch a dog?

    What do they do about the gaps in packs they create in the meantime before other dogs move in?

    you also overlook the public attitude to the slaughter of animals in Thailand and the brouhaha that will inevitably ensue when someone's "owned" dog is accidentally slaughtered.


    you also overlook the increased risk of rabies caused by the migration of dogs as te result of kills.


    now please think about 2 problems at least .........



    How are you going to kill them (you haven't said)


    What are you going to do with a million dog carcasses?


    The problem can be solved. I really don't think stray dogs can continuously outwit humans that are determined to solve the problem. The UK eradicated wolves, after all.


    Why don't you write a realistic action plan?

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    It's not effective ( for the reasons cited above) and why on earth do you presume it's free of charge? How do you propose to kill them? How many will you kill? What will you do with the carcasses? 


    Offer 500 baht for every stray dog handed in to the government pound. There would be snatch squads driving round two up on motorbikes, armed with nets.


    This region previously dealt with an avian flu epidemic and got that under control, so large scale problems of this kind can be solved.

  11. I have to say I disagree with smacking children - and I have two children of my own.


    When I look back at my childhood I had the living daylight beaten out of me on numerous occaisions. It didn't do any good at all, other than to show me that being violent to children doesn't work.


    If beating children does work, why do you have to keep doing it?

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