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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. Does anyone have any experience with this please?


    We are buying shares of a Thai limited company from foreign nationals. Some of the foreign nationals are tax resident in Thailand, and some are not. We are aware that we have to deduct 15 per cent from the price we pay for the shares, but are there any exemptions from this?


    Or is the simplest answer to deduct the 15 per cent, discharge our liability and then let the individuals in question make a claim for a tax refund?

  2. 44 minutes ago, Benrrd said:

    So just to clarify, if I were to enter on my British passport with a tourist visa I don't have to oblige by Thai laws of serving. At this current stage and I won't be detained arriving or exiting the country.




    When you are in Thailand you are subject to Thai law. Thai law states that male Thai citizens over 21 must go through the military draft process.


    If the military discovers you are a Thai citizen and you have not completed the draft process, they can insist you go through the process.


    Being British does not exempt you. Entering Thailand on a British passport does not exempt you. In fact, the UK embassy will not offer you any assistance at all because they will not interfere between the dealings of a dual national and their second country.


    However, the likelihood of being discovered if you use a British passport to enter Thailand is very small. Immigration will not know who you are, your Thai ID number, or anything else (unless you tell them).


    If you only speak English then they will have problems. Don't forget that there are people with Thai ancestry but without Thai citizenship. Foreigners come to Thailand every year trying to claim their citizenship because their parents didn't obtain citizenship for them when they were children.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Thai people use the blue tambien baan as proof of address, the ID card is proof of identity.


    I have to say I've never seen my wife or her relatives use their Tabien Baan as a proof of address in day to day use. It's ID card all the way, including for renewing driving licences, opening and operating bank accounts and various corporate matters.


    This is in Bangkok although I am sure in other provinces things can differ.

  4. On 27/01/2018 at 9:11 PM, Maestro said:

    I suspect that the house registration book is not accepted as proof of address because many people in Thailand do not live at the address shown for them in this book.


    The thing is that Thai people use their Thai ID cards for proof of address, and the address on their ID card is the same address as their house book. As you say, they may not be living at that address, but the Land Transport office doesn't make them go and get a certificate of residence from the police.

  5. The company needs a minimum of 3 shareholders. Unless you are American, you can only own a maximum of 49 per cent of the shares. 51 per cent must be owned by Thai people.


    There are ways to structure the company so that your 49 per cent has greater voting rights than their 51 per cent.


    Ultimately, though, if your company becomes very successful you will only have 49 per cent to later sell on.

  6. A long term visa with no work permit? Sounds like a nightmare. Can you imagine getting the visa then opening a bank account?


    Mee work permit mai?


    Or getting a post paid phone? Or a driving license? Or all the other things you get asked for a work permit for?


    Also, with no work permit could you apply for permanent residence in the same way?

  7. The English site only gives limited details. The Thai site has what you are looking for, and you can pay online to receive reports:




    However we always have problems with the login, so we normally end up sending someone to the DBD office in person.


    Directors are listed on page one of the DBD document, as is the date of incorporation. Objectives are on pages three and four - there are normally about 24 of them, however most are standard. You normally only read the objectives on the fourth page (the last one, two or three objectives) as they are added specially.


    Everything is written in Thai.

  8. On 26/12/2017 at 11:26 PM, Chivas said:

    Does anyone actually bother with doing this....?? 


    My sister did it. She had packed her case full of tourist junk and when we got to the airport the zip had started to go.


    The bag wrapping service solved the problem nicely. No way the case was coming undone until she got home. For her, it worked well.

    • Like 1
  9. There is one on Kasem Rat road in Bangkok. Type this into Google maps:




    And it will put you right on the spot. I pass it frequently coming off the expressway. The bikes I've seen mostly have prices on them, however I have no idea if the prices are right or if the bikes are any good. They could all be a bad deal, so exercise caution.

  10. 9 minutes ago, KevT said:

    It could be a useful option if the 100K in taxes would not equate to more than the 80K/mo (like Arkady said, the clause makes no sense). But just out of curiosity, if the 100K in taxes would equate to say 70K/mo, would it be illegal/bad to not claim deductions (to meet the PR criterion), or do you think it would be 100% fine/legal?


    100k in yearly income tax is about 98k salary a month, claiming only the standard 100k allowance.


    You don't have to claim for anything you're entitled to - it's up to you.

  11. 29 minutes ago, KevT said:

    Ah, yes. The 80K or 100K in taxes works out. Without allowances/deductions, 100K in taxes would equate to about 84K/mo.


    Everyone gets some deductions, even if it is the standard 60k/100k. However you don't have to tick the box to claim allowances and deductions if you want to volunteer to pay more tax than is legally required.


    Personally I claim for everything I am entitled.

    • Like 1
  12. 54 minutes ago, KevT said:

    From the above, the criterion would be one or the other and not have to be both, as 80K/mo would equate to 192K yearly in taxes (making pointing out 100K illogical), no? 


    If you do the math, with a salary of 65K/mo—or 780K yearly (for 12 months)—at 20% (income taxsection 3.1), it equals 156K paid in taxes during the year. This is correct? In theory, wouldn't it (156K in taxes) fulfill the 3.2.3 criterion?


    Personal income tax on 80k per month would be a maximum of 73,200 baht per year. Less if you have additional allowances and deductions.


    To pay 100k personal income tax annually your monthly salary would be something like 98k monthly with only the most basic allowances and deductions.


    Personal income tax is progressive, rather than being one fixed rate:



    • Like 1
  13. When I've been jogging in Benjakitti park I've seen two different men jogging without shirts.


    Both of them decided to jog the "wrong way" around the lake, with one if them preferring to jog on the cycling track.


    Then again I've also seen a nun jogging round the lake in a habit and veil. It certainly makes things more interesting.

  14. On 16/01/2018 at 7:58 AM, KarolynFuchs said:


    I herd about Cambodia, but I don't speak any of the language. As far as housekeepers go, do Farangs ever employ their own?


    I don't think they do.


    You might be surprised, but nannies are well paid compared to housekeepers. They start at about 20k a month, (obviously live in) and go up to about 30k a month.


    The only problem is that most families cannot supply you with a non immigrant B visa/extension of stay, and they leave your immigration issues up to you to sort out.


    The other thing is that you would get 1 dat off a week and the hours can be long.

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