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Blue Muton

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  1. Well they swallowed the $800 billion savings bs, along with everything else!
  2. He’ll be so reassured that the AN sleuths🕵️‍ are already on the case.
  3. Maybe that was the partner’s plan all along?
  4. Patience A new C4 crime drama starting this week. 'Against the backdrop of the historic city of York, detective Bea Metcalf forms an unlikely duo with young autistic police archivist Patience Evans, opening a door into a whole new world for Patience.'
  5. Source is hardly unbiased nor objective: Trevor Asserson is a British lawyer specialising in litigation. He is the founder and Senior Partner at Asserson Law Offices. A member of the Law Society, Asserson is active as a lawyer within the Jewish Community in the UK and Israel. He is based in Jerusalem, Israel.
  6. I guess I’ll stick with S1&S2 then!
  7. Outrageous! since when did suspects have to do their own pointing?
  8. I live in a rural part of Suphaburi and love it. We travel around a bit and I know a few of the neighbouring provinces quite well. Suphanburi city is just over an hour outside of Bangkok and is ok, the immigration department is excellent. It's mot too big but big enough for a Makro, Robinsons etc. and doesn't have the pesky monkeys that Lopburi suffers from. Ang Thong and Singburi are quite small, Chainat is ok and there's some fantastic scenery around there but again may be a little small. The city I'd probably go for is Nakhon Sawan, if I were looking to live in a city, which I'm not. I don't know why but it always seems quite chilled to me with its beatiful park and Bueng Boraphet as well as some very nice temples.
  9. Just to be clear, do you now accept that's what actualy happened as it quotes directly from the court transcripts?
  10. Very easy to find several reports. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/07/politics/judge-merchan-trump-cursing-hush-money-trial-stormy-daniels/index.html
  11. So, part of the Trump administration, hardly surprising and hardly impartial.
  12. I quite like Harry Wild, so Im looking forward to the third series which starts next week.
  13. Starts today, Dark Matter.
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