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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. Go buy a cheap basic wifi router and 100 yards or so of ethernet cable. Plug one end of the cable in the back of the 3bb router and run the cable to another part of the house and plug in the second wifi router and name it 3bb2... Oh and make sure the plug setup on the ethernet cable is "straight through" NOT "cross over"

  2. Also the "17 minute Express Train" is a bit lame... I tried it at Phaya Thai the other day... Thinking it would be faster...

    Paid the premium price entered and was immediately directed to a makeshift seating area to sit down and WAIT (as the train only leaves every 30 minutes) - So I sat there and watched TWO regular trains come and go before my express train even arrived :blink:

  3. Now I am more confused...

    You started out with opinions from the construction workers on the site and alluded to us that the builder was nefariously reniging on your contract to steal away your profits...

    Now you tell us you have been to a bunch Government offices for advise!... What did they say?

    Is this a case of fraud or just the run of the mill condo goes bust... File under caveat emptor... ?

  4. I find it funny when someone gets over charged for their 30 Baht fried rice they can name and shame. Or when it is bad service somewhere. they can speak, However when I and taken of my 3 million investmet, It is a 1 sided attact and should not be allowed ???

    I'm sorry, I thought this was a forum to inform and help others

    My issue is that you are not giving us facts but your filtered opinion of the events...

    For instance - In you initial post you say "I place a deposit on 2 condos"... Now you say you have lost the total 3 million?... Which is it? Has there been installments due?... Have you been patiently paying these over the 44 months and all paid up?

    And your saying that you got a notice that just said "Contract Canceled" and nothing else?

    And then the first place you went to for clarification was some guys on the site schlepping bricks?...

  5. I would agree with the Moderator... I would go farther and say these kind of one sided warning attack posts should not be allowed...

    As with any divorce there are two sides...

    I notice the OP still has not answered the question posed to him in post #2:

    "For what reasons they are terminating your contract ?"

    I would also like some elaboration of what poor farang means by "waited quietly and patiently"...

    Does this include living up to all his contractual agreement such as paying his installments in a timely fashion?

  6. There are 100's and 100's of professionally certified gold diggers in Loi Kroh road with years of experience in the farang mining industry.

    Sadly the veins found in that area yield little...

  7. I would reccomend either True or AIS depending on the reception coverage where you are at.

    I would highly recommend an unlimited data plan - the iPhone seems to want to connect all the time (even at night when you are asleep!)...

    That said I have True's 599 baht unlimited and it works great!

    I tether both my Mac & Windows laptops and iPad with no problems :D

  8. Pun Pun is also good and do not forget their baked beans and weenies (hotdogs) which are not easy to find here abouts.


    Weenies (hotdogs) are easy to find at any 7-11 or Big C/Mackro...

    They are sold in Thailand under the trade name "Sausage" :blink:

    What exactly is Country fried steak?...

    As stated it is cheap cut of meat that is pounded, breaded and pan fried with Crisco®...

    And is usually served with a side of Lipitor®

  9. The only problem with transits in India (on Kingfisher, Jet or Indian) is that I understand you need a transit visa, so added costs and hassles.


    A second problem is that you have to set foot in a Indian airport :bah:

  10. This is it though. Plenty of studies have revealed that those who have vaccinations are just as likely, if not more so, to get what it is they're being 'protected' against.

    Name three.

    It is too bad they can't do a study and ask all the people that died of the flu if they would have liked the vaccination...

  11. You can get the flu vaccine at Dr. Morgan's Hang Dong Clinic. Do a search on this forum for Health Care Medical Clinic or simply Dr. Morgan...wait here it is listed on her website...590 Baht.

    Does she run an appointment system or can you just turn up during opening hours?

    I just walked in without an appointment :D

  12. You can get the flu vaccine at Dr. Morgan's Hang Dong Clinic. Do a search on this forum for Health Care Medical Clinic or simply Dr. Morgan...wait here it is listed on her website...590 Baht.


    Great little place! (But you can go right by it unless you are looking for it)...

    I was in & out in 5 minute - She was great and spoke perfect english.

    Shot was 620 baht (30 baht more was the office visit fee)


  13. Ok Stokevin, and now what you’re been waiting for, an exact answer to your question, minus the crap.

    I have a flu jab every year. The recommended time of year for the influenza vaccine in Thailand is either in September, October and definitely no later than November.

    Flu vaccines can be obtained at any of the main hospitals in Chiang Mai. Just walk in, no need to make an appointment or book the vaccination.

    Of course the price increases each year. Last year I paid 700 baht, so this year it should be somewhere around that price.

    You could shop around, phone the hospitals and check out the prices.

    When you visit the hospital, ask for the combined bird flu and regular flu vaccine.


  14. I have a friend who just had a terrible bout of the flu that ended him at CM Ram for two days... Then another friend also had her two teen age children catch a bad case... Both said the hospital said they were dealing with a extraordinary amount of cases in the last couple weeks and they expected it to get worse...

    My question is do they still have that annual flu vaccine and where can you get it?

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