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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. The Landrover in the classified a couple days back, brought several questions to my mind. 31,000 Km and they advertise new tires and brake pads. Why either would need changing at this low mileage???? is beyond me.

    31,000... 131,000... Same... Same...

  2. Back to the original subject: "Thai Immigration tightens requirements for retirement visa extensions."

    Has anyone actually spoken with a Thai Immigration official, and been able to confirm, or deny the original post?

    Or, are we stuck with ten pages of useless speculation?

    I also note that after 200+ posts there has been NO ONE who has posted saying they were asked for proof to back up a sworn statement...

  3. Back to the original reason for this thread!!!

    Has anyone been to CM Immigration in the last 30 days and had to provide income proof for any sworn income statement they have from their embassy/consul?...

  4. Now I'm confused. Are we all even talking about the same place?

    If you're the least bit confused don't ask for special sauce on your falafel!!! :lol:

  5. It is good to hear that they were fast and efficient at signing you up and getting your money...

    Stop back here in a month and tell us how the actual internet service is :)

  6. You can ask at the office of Metropolitan Waterworks Authority in Chiang Mai or call center number : 1125 , search in website


    The price for bulk sale water is around 10.50 baht/ cubic meter and 13.00 baht/cubic meter, depend on type that you want to order.

    The tariffs you can check here:


    1000 lites = 1 cubic meter (right?)

    Silly Question - But what are the types of water available from Metropolitan Waterworks Authority?

  7. I have True on my IPhone and AIS on a tablet - Both have 3G and work well for me (I live inside the moat)

    You can get prepaid plans that also include time for their wifi hotspots - so if you have a large upload/download you cold head to coffee shop for those things

    Trying both won't cost you much just buy a sim for 49-99 baht and add 100 baht and select a prepaid plan

    Also look at Dropdox as a great cloud/collaboration tool to upload & download file in the background - Check it out here: Dropbox

  8. I hired a crew to replace the steel supports for my roof.

    They dropped off the raw steel in the street outside my gate and then proceed to coat the steel with primer right out on the street with NO drop cloth... I came home to this scene... Now my street looks like Sh** :annoyed: :annoyed: :annoyed:

    I learned a new Thai word from my neighbors - Mak Ngaai

    Is there a sand blast crew that can be hired to remove the dried paint before the city comes and teaches me a few more Thai words?

  9. Not sure what your final use and specs are but what about square tubular steel?...

    There is a similar size in steel that is used to hold the rows on roof tiles in place...

    There are many steel shops all around (North side of inner Moat)

    Second is the places that make those blingy silver gates to order...

    There is a place on Hang Dong road... from CM it is just past the HomePro intersection on the left.

  10. 'ProThaiExpat'

    Does your pump have a pressure tank? (I am not familiar with the Mitsubishi pumps) If it does, you should be able to get a few liters of water out of the pressure tank before the pump turns on. They are designed that way so they do not cycle on and off in short time intervals.

    Can one buy a separate pressure tank and add it to the pressurized side of the system?...

    My pump works great (But no pressure tank built in) - Every time I turn on a tap I have an annoying 3-4 second lag where the water pressure drops before the pump kicks in.

    I looked in Homepro but they don't seem to sell the tanks as a stand alone item

  11. A giant funnel cloud will descend from above and suck up all the songtaews from the streets of Chiang Mai for ever and ever.

    I always knew those Songtaew drivers were Gods favorite!...

    Polite & Proficient driving always pays off!!! :rolleyes:

  12. Given you don't know your IPhone "modem firmware" I think it better you not tackle this yourself...

    Wander around the phone areas at Airport Plaza or KSK and look for a phone guy that has IPhones in the case and ask if they unlock...

    I would say 500 baht wound be reasonable... I would also suggest that they not load any games or other crapware on it...

  13. You don't say where in Thailand you are?

    Are you in an area/building where the 3G or Data signal drops off?

    If so you phone will use a greater amount of battery power in these situations while it constantly scans for a data access...

    Try a couple tests (Not at the same time):

    1. Delete all you email accounts on the phone and watch your battery use for a day.

    2. Turn off your data (Cydia - SBSettings) for a day and see what your data usage is like this.

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