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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. Contact SPN Electric Company Ltd they are Provincial Electricity Authority approved contractors for this sort of work.They also have a British Consulting Electrical Engineer so no problem with language.Office 053 308326-8 or 081 882 0980 for Brit engineer.

    English or Scottish, MAJORUS?


  2. I'm pretty sure that map is the best ever! Did you make it?? I'm wanting to check out that ride, not sure I'm fit for it though...how rough is it?

    Nah it's not mine. A Thai bloke wrote it a few years ago. Don't have to be super fit. Just need good brakes. If it all gets too much just get off and walk the tough sections.

    Sounds fun... I assume you can have a Sawgtow take you from the Zoo up to the Summit?... Where do they put your bike & how much does it cost usually?

  3. This forum has a sponsor that has a very good plan and there is a link just above to show you pricing and benefits in a very clear fashion (I have had their health, home & motor bike insurance for 3 years)

    Luckily I can not speak to any issues dealing with filing a claim :D

    Press "Insurance" above...

    At a minimum it will give you a good summary and price point to use as a start

    PS I am a bit of a newbie to CM too and I like your unjaded posts - I feel the same :rolleyes:

  4. I am up here in Chiang Mai...

    I have True 3G for my IPhone & AIS 3G for the IPad...

    Both work great all throughout the city and at 3G speeds :whistling:

    Out in the countryside 3G drops off - But the same thing happens when I left San Francisco and headed up into the Sierras...

  5. Owning a house by a proxy is illegal, whether it is another person or a juristic person.

    Not true. Falangs can own a house, no problem. Owning LAND is not permitted by falangs in their own name. Many posts on this, just have a look.

    correct. but it is extremely difficult to separate ownership of house and land if not done before construction. the latter requires that building permit is in the name of the Farang and payment for the construction must not originate from company accounts.

    I hate to think of the problems created from differing ownerships (house and land) when it is time to sell...:rolleyes: and if you can find a buyer willing to go through the problems.

    It seems like a land owner could very easily differentiate the two with a bulldozer :jap:

  6. The Sunday Market is Great!!!...

    Our favorite stop is the Wat right next to the Wawee coffee...

    Inside is a bunch of vendors selling food and you can sit under the trees right next to their Golden Chedi :jap:

    There is a young guy in there that recycles your trash who ALWAYS has a smile :D

    After diner go over and give the big gong a thump!!!!

    Then go just across from the Wawee and for 120 "bath" you get a ring side seat and a 1hr foot massage to boot!!!

    Yes you can always find happiness if you are looking for it!!!!

  7. I would assume you would need the Apple store to give you the completed standard VAT refund form that you take to the Airport...

    iStudio gave me one - But I bought in person and asked for it before I bought...

    BTW - They need your passport info to complete the form...

  8. TheFishman,

    You should know that there is also a Saturday Market street that starts from the Southern Chiang Mai gate!!!...

    Check it out and give us a posting :)

    And yes... Life is Good!!!

  9. Me wonders if these are the real deal Apple ipads or a chinese copy?

    IStudio is a Authorized Apple Retailer (Of all Apple products) with dozens of stores thru out Thailand - I highly doubt they would deal in such a manner

  10. I have 3BB service (Which I thin is great!)

    I have their non wifi router what I have attached a Apple Airport Express WIFI router to and set to bridge mode...

    It has worked fine for months (Although the Airport Express runs VERY hot)

    Now in the last 10 days or so at about 2pm in the afternoon the Airport Express will not let you connect... You can see it as an available WIFI but connecting just times out...

    I guess that the 3BB router is not handing off a DHCP IP address...

    If I unplug the Airport Express and plug it right back in things work fine again until tomorrow...

    Tech support is difficult to work with as there English is limited - but basically says I am online 24/7... When I tell them it is just a wifi router and not a computer attached they seem not to understand... and say I should turn off my router daily to avoid this...

    I don't understand why this could work for months and now have this problem unless they have changed something in my account?

    I don't want to slam 3BB as I like there service...

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