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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. Thanks for the replies, I have been out most of the morning, but the tunes are pounding out pretty good now. It's karaoke right now, my personal favorite :whistling:

    It is clearly a house warming and it is actually kind of comical with the host walking around looking so poo yai. There are lots of cars about, but nothing over a Camry in status, so it apparently isn't the Hi So occasion of the week.

    My kids (toddlers) are getting into the music so they are having a good time.

    Anyhow, I think i will survive the day.

    My only question is when do these things normally wind down? midnight? later?

    If it keeps up after midnight I would march right over there and offer up some ABBA Karaoke!!!

  2. New York City has a traffic death rate of about 5.5 per 100,000 people. Chiang Mai has a traffic death rate of about 21 per 100,000 people. (CM's source is in my prior post, search "New York City Metro Area Rpeort Card" for NYC's metrics.)

    In New York most drivers are inside cars where they are much more protected in the event of an accident... Here most are on motorcycles...

    One could make the argument that the higher death rate here is due to the above fact and not a function of them driving worse than the New Yorker...

  3. it's all about observation, anticipating and adapting to the road conditions.

    Once you accept and understand the 'rules' it's fine, you get used to (and are expecting) cars and bikes coming at you on the wrong side of the road etc etc!

    I think a lot of westerners expect the same degree of driving standards as the west...

    Once you learn that all those lines on the road, signs and lights are just for decorative purposes it make perfect sense... :ph34r:

    And I agree that driving here is much more fun!

    Where else can you, with cell phone in hand, change 3 lanes of traffic and then make a U turn in bumper to bumper traffic without ANYONE laying on the horn!!!

    Phom Chooop Mai Ben Rai :jap: :jap: :jap:

  4. I have no fear of being assaulted or bothered here by anyone - One of the safest and friendliest places on earth in that regard...

    The one caveat I would make - Watch the traffic!!!...

    Realize that they drive on the opposite side of the road here - so if you cross a street look to your opposite way FIRST!... Also realize that the driver is sitting on the opposite seat in the car and many have tinted windshields that do not allow you to make eye contact with an oncoming driver...

    Also do not assume (As in the West) that you as a pedestrian walking on a crosswalk, driveway or SIDEWALK have the right of way!!!... :jap:

  5. I would recommend True... Get any True prepaid sim (49 baht)

    (Note their "Inter-Sim" allows you to put the sim into a cell phone and make international calls to many countries at 1 baht/minute using 00600 prefix)


    Test the sim in your apartment with your cellphone to make sure you have good reception

    Top the sim up with ~500 baht at 7-11 and then set up the sim with a data plan from the following website


    I would recommend the 50 hour plan for 199 baht/month (SMS T2 to 9789) or 100 hour plan for 349 a month (SMS T3 to 9789) - Note they give you an additional 10 and 15 hours of 3G speed time and you can also take your laptop to anyplace there is a True or KSC wifi hotspot and use the wifi

    Then go to Pantip plaza or one of the tech mini malls on the North moat road and look for s 3G usb dongle 600-2000 baht...

    Take your laptop and have them set the usb/sim up so it works

    If you don't want to fiddle with it and have some extra money get either of these (The Mifi looks sweet)


  6. seriously i am taking it with a touch a salt . and do not fully believe the story .

    i am sorry if it real . but i think thai have more respect for their work then to do silly action .

    especially in his own shop .

    My disbelief come in when he said there was no tip requested <_<

  7. There is a very reliable curtain shop on Hang Dong Road, about a block or two north (before) of Tesco Lotus, and on the same side of the street. I have used them a number of times, and they have a great selection of materials, they are reasonably priced, and reliable. I don't remember their name or phone number, but it is the only fabric store in the area. They have on display two parson chairs in the window--it seems as though these have been on display for donkey years.

    The owners speak English, and they aim to please!!!

    I drove down and tried to find this place?... Is "Hang Dong Road" Highway 108?... I drove from Airport Plaza south towards the Tesco Lotus but saw no curtain/fabric shop just before Tesco Lotus?... :ermm:

  8. I bought a mattress from Latex Innovation two weeks ago...

    I emailed the order and Mam responded the next day... I made payment and Mam immediately emailed me delivery date a week out... Mam then emailed me when the Express Delivery to CM was on its way... I missed the 1st delivery and Mam called me to coordinate redelivery...

    Mattress arrived I unpacked and it looks and feels wonderful!...

    I have no connection to anyone on this thread - just a satisfied customer :rolleyes:

  9. TEST?

    I showed them my riders permit from Norway, they gave it too me after the famous eye color test and brake/perception test... I did my best to fail- but I could not...

    I think what you have to do is different from province to province- so- all I can say is good luck...

    I have yet to hear about a person getting to do a written or practical test apart from the eye test...

    I think the case you describe is if you want a drivers (Auto Only) License - The Motorcycle license is a little more involved...

  10. The test is a computer multi choice answer test in English. you get 1HOUR to do it. you have to get over 23 correct. Most LTD have a the road sign book in English.. read that for 5 minutes or so. paying attention to any signs you are not aware of and the parking regulations.

    Then when you are reading the test answers do NOT try to use logic they do not have any. some are down right weird.. my favorite was the one with the tank and F1 car........ :whistling:

    One last dumb question... What does the acronym "LTD" stand for? :unsure:

  11. I had a Bed made in Baan Tawan some 8 years ago, so far no complaints.

    The bed maker arranged the mattress and now I am in the market for a new one.

    Any recommendations for place to purchase ?


    Go for the latex one!... Mam's place has the best... They Advertise here...

  12. 1,500 baht won't get you luxury like Tamarind Village Hotel (This would be my choice)... But will get you a nice wonderful room here in the city...

    ChiangmaiSawasdee.com... The owner Sam is Thai but speaks perfect English and is incredibly helpful with any information and local tour arrangements... I asked for a motorbike... One cell call and he had a guy there 20 minutes and only charged me 200 baht a day for a Honda Click...

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