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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. I saw 2 for sale in the computer shops on the top floor of the Airport plaza . Didnt ask the price but I guess very high

    They were both wrapped so I assume they wouldnt have let me look at them

    Do you happen to recall which computer shops?

    Both at the same shop, if you stand with the entrance to IT city in front of you go left into where there are several small shops/ stalls and it was on the left I think 2 or 3 shops in

    I went there today - And asked prices... The guy in the back of the IT section had white ones... He wanted 30K+ baht for a 16gb non-3G!!!... The stall right at the entrance wanted 28.5K baht... Then I walked to the other end of the Mall (same floor 3) towards Robinson's... there was a store on the right hand side that had one in the window - The lady said it was 24.5K baht... Not bad... But once they are available I would expect them to go for the same old price of 18.9K baht

  2. Thai online retailer bask1 are selling Ipad 2 starting at around 25,000 baht - double the price of the same spec Ipad 1. I know what I would buy if I was going to buy an Ipad.

    To be honest, I would pay this price right away. Is it on stock? Is it possible to pick up the iPad personally at this shop?

    Careful when dealing with this guy.

    I ordered this morning the 64Gb 3G model. It was listed on his side for THB 36'500, which is just a bit more expensive than the original price. Did a realtime transfer and 2 hours later he called me to tell me the price went up to THB 40'500.

    I still have the order confirmation at the original price. Now he has changed it on his webside to THB 36'500.

    I told him to either ship it for the price we agreed on or to give me back my money.

    Let's see what happens.

    So what has happened?... Does he have stock or is it on backorder?

  3. Vibe, how much for your site? With or without photography?

    Looks good.

    It was 5K plus 2K for photos...but they were asking 10K at the begining. :)

    Vibe, Did you work with the owner, staff or team?... How was their English communication?

    I sent the owner a email request about a month ago and got no reply back...

    Did you just go to the coffee shop building their offices are located in to initially introduce yourself?

  4. Mine seems to be back to normal, in the city, after a few bad days, of many pages not loading. Maybe if you are on a shared line, the school holidays may be playing a part.

    My point was that I have the 3BB 6mb service and they are giving me 8gb now :rolleyes:...

    My thought is that there is a new round of competition between True & 3BB for the minimum service rate/bandwidth

  5. Is there a way to combine the bandwidth from two providers?

    Example - Buy two mid speed services from both 3bb 6GB and & True 6GB to give you 12GB?

    This would also give you an advantage if one provider was slow or down?

    Second question - Is there a ADSL and 3G Router? - I would like to add True 3G Cell Data backup to my present 3bb service?

  6. There are a couple Law firms that advertise here that can arrange a one year business visa from a US consul for about $5-600USD before you come here (This will not be useful for your business/work here - But as another poster said your customers are not in Thailand so the working thing is pretty much under the radar) (PM me for more info about visa)

    For internet I have 3BB 6mb for 590 baht and it works fine but I am right in the city inside the Moat. I also Have an IPhone 4 and True Unlimited G3 internet for 599 Baht a month... This can easily be tethered to my MacBook or Windows laptop and the speed is great (Again I am right in the city)

    You have 3,000 baht for a local phone line - those are not really needed or used here

  7. I would agree with the previous post...

    I rented one for a weekend trip to Chiang Dao... Thought it would be a cool jeep like experience...

    It was not... The place (one by the moat) that I rented it from presented me with a beat up wreck!... The thing was 20 years old and the top gear was trashed so any speed above 50km made the whole thing whine and vibrate...

    The guy at the rental agency also gave me a LIST of daily maintenance thing I has to do to make it keep running!

    If you do it... It will give you lasting memories - but maybe not the best...

  8. In discussing this topic with a clerk at the Kasem Store this morning, I learned that Kraft Foods in Thailand has changed distributors for their dry goods. Their refrigerated and frozen products will continue to be distributed without disruption with the old distributor. The clerk felt that in a month or so Kraft dry goods should be available again in local stores.

    So, it's not just Miracle Whip, and Chiang Mai is not the only place affected. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Let's hope.

    I assume that all Miracle Whip worldwide shipments have been rerouted to the air drop efforts in the Fukushima Reactors :whistling:

  9. The really GOOD bug companies can work wonders

    We have been using CNX Pest Control over the last year and they are excelellent.

    Not the cheapest, but others we have had have failed to do a proper job.

    They come on a given date each month without fail and are extremely polite people.

    Tel 053 850 249

    I'm sure they will eradicate your problem. If they can get rid of the rats I have been plagued with for the last 4 years I am sure they can deal with ants

    What is the monthly fee?

  10. It takes about 5 minutes and a cheap blender, or 10 minutes and a stiff arm, to whisk up some decent mayo, unsweetened (unless you want to), no preservatives, just the perfect stuff. Try it, never look back.

    We are talking about Miracle Whip here!!!... Which requires inputs from two midwestern (Illinois) regional nuclear power plants, aged and refined powdered soy egg extract and Texas light crude as an emulsifier... Then it must be aged at room temperature on the lower shelf for at least 6 weeks preferable at a Walmart :thumbsup:

    The "decent mayo" you make has a half life of about 20 minutes...

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