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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. There is a new firm called OTain in the old place where GT4 is.. From memory thier pricelist showed the cost at 1,000 baht... Best to just go to the unmarked room tucked away next to the copy center on the lower   level and pay the usual 500 baht... 

  2. Even a Trumpster will have to admit that Trump is a F#$&ing Moron when it come to leagal matters.... He has guaranteed that the porn stars lawyer will get to depose him in a defamation suit...


    “Mr Trump before I begin the next two hours of questioning I want to inform you that you are under oath and there may be tapes of your prior actions and statements...”



    • Like 2
  3. 12 hours ago, Hugh Jarse said:

    An ocean of rain fell in Hang Dong 4pm ish along with ferocious gusts and howling winds that wreaked havoc.


    Same here but with a smattering of hail... Power out for a couple hours and then brownouts the rest of the night...

  4. I went over last Xmas... Showed the airline my “Letter of Invatition” that was sent to me by the online visa firm....


    I also paid for the prepaid visa stamp fee & fast track service which saves you time on arrival as you just hand an agent all the paperwork & photo before the visa on arrival counter and he walks in behind the counter (you don’t have to wait in line - you just take a seat and he handles everything without delay)... We’ll worth the extra $25




  5. I would not expect them to make change... Be prepared with exact payment... No need to tip...


    Their notification of impending delivery is hit or miss... You can get an email or phone call in the morning that says they will be there in 10 minutes... if I’m there fine... if not I have learned to be firm with the driver about what time he will arrive so I’m not sitting around all day...


    Also if you order separate items expect each item (no matter how small) to be delivered separately...


    Overall they are great and I have or would never expect to be ripped off...

    • Thanks 2
  6. ^^^ If they say 1st floor I am assuming they mean the desk on the 1st floor between the domestic and international airline arrival areas?... They issued you a reentry permit?... If so were you leaving that day and had a boarding pass?... 


    As a side note I always wondered what the purpose of that immigration counter was for?...

  7. We will be in Chiang Rai over the Songkran weekend and would like to know the celebration schedule...

    Is there a parade route and times?... A show near the walking street?... 



  8. KhunBENQ do these dozen threads tell how one gets past the airport security and XRay barrier to get to the Immigration reentry desk on a day before your intended flight?... :coffee1:


    To the OP... personally I would not sweat it and get it on the day of your flight... just give yourself some extra time and have the form completed before and have photo and funds to pay for it - And what ever you do DO NOT GO THRU IMMIGRATION before you get the reentry permit the desk is on the left before the immigration counter and only hard to miss by the totally blind...


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