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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. 9 hours ago, johng said:

    It used to be lower than 90 units per month  then no charge, then they changed that to  lower than 50 units per month...and latest thing is has to be lower than 50 units for 3 consecutive months before  the charge is nill


    The PEA have an App that lets you check the bill and (coming soon if not already)  pay via that app

    or you can pay via true money or by online banking...or just let them take the meter...and pay the about 500 baht charge to have it reconnected..this is all assuming the condo hasn't installed their own meters

    to charge their own rate instead of PEA/MEA

    What is the name of this app?... Is is iOS... or just Android?

  2. My bet is they just want a bank account for the same bank so they don't have to pay a transfer fee every time they pay you to a different bank?...


    I would ask if you could just go to the bank on your own and set up an account and then just give her the account number for the transfer (This way you keep control of your account and your personal information with the bank)...

    • Like 2
  3. Monday I spent the day in Bangkok... The flight back was about 7pm... And as we got close to Chiang Mai I could see dozens of good sized fires burning in the mountain region just east of Doi Inthanon as we approached Chiang Mai... The pollution we have is a local problem... :coffee1:

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  4. 9 hours ago, Aussieroaming said:

    To get your Vat refund firstly you need to take the tax receipt and goods to the inspection desk up near gate 10 area and get the paperwork stamped and they inspect the laptop (pre-immigration). Then after going through immigration there are 2 vat refund stations, clearly signposted. But if you forget step 1 then you get no refund.

    It must be stressed that it is a two step process you must get the paperwork stamped BEFORE going thru immigration (If you forget you can't go back) then after immigration you go to the refund counter to get the refund - Give yourself plenty of time for this as you will most like be in a huge "line" of Chinese tourist doing the same thing.... :dry:

  5. 7 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

    Save yourself a few hundred baht and order it... As TallGuy has said waiting a week or two for delivery... I’ll drop it off anywhere in the city tomorrow... ;-)

  6. I will make a point in the next few days to go to the place across from the train station and see what they have...


    I bought three of the Xaiomis... a 2S and two 2...  the 2s for the main lounge and the other 2 for the bedroom and library... the sensors seem to all act the same and I have thier stand alone PM 2.5 sensor to compare them in a room side by side...  the 2s gets my main lounge down to the low teens (it’s about 50sm and has 5 sliding doors that are not really weather sealed and the outside PM ~100) and I only have it set to about 70% speed (max speed is like a jet engine)... The bedroom goes to almost 0...


    As to the bad raps... That seems to come from the SmartAir website you sited before... Yes I agree that the auto mode is not really useful... It’s algorithm was designed for the China/India area where pollution standards and levels are much different then we have... I don’t use it... you can custom set the favorite level to whatever you like (I set it to 70% in the lounge and 50% in the bedroom - any higher than 70% and it starts to sound like a jet engine)... these setting will stay on 24/7 without reverting to auto mode.... I might point out that the website that give the bad rap is a .com that is trying to sell you is own air purifier - so take that into account and read the comments that people have left on thier site that show you how to set the units up 


    Other things I like are I can see the pm level in all rooms and I have a pm meter outside too... the units also tell me the room temperature on my cellphone so I can see all these even if I’m away from the house... I have added The Xaiomi IR remote which lets me turn on and control the AC in my lounge remotely with the App... So I can turn on the AC while driving home ;-)... I also have a couple of their security cams that are also conrolled by the App :smile:

    • Like 1
  7. The Sharp is a great little unit!... I have the older version of the Sharp Plasmcluster (FUA28EB)... it has the same filter and ozone option... In my bedroom (25sm) it can bring down the PM 2.5 down to single digit (lowest reading of 3 via my Xaiomi meter) when fan set on high... I leave the ozone on all the time too... This unit is 3 years old and I have retired it to the diningroom as I am now testing a bunch of new Xaiomi units ;-)... 


    I would like like to replace the filter on the Sparp unit... The Sharp site says there is a store that carries the replacement filter across from the train station... Has anyone gotten filters there?

  8. My guess is the tank was installed as a retrofit by the unit owner (not by the building) to add water pressure and is not working... it is designed as a secondary backup if the building water pressure is low... Does the tank also have a water pump?... this would be close to it... When you run a tap inside does the pump motor come on?...  if the ball valve wouldn’t open that would mean the tank was not getting filled from the condo water source... and if it’s still full of water that would mean the house is not being fed from the tank... (because the pump is not working ) and the house is only getting water from the condo source...

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  9. I am somewhat confused by these websites show AQI vs PM2.5... I have the AirVisual App and when you look at the daily bar and select PM 2.5 button it shows you the AQI and PM2.5 for any given bar in the light blue band above the bar... it says the AQI is 162 with a PM 2.5 of 76 for the bar I selected (see pic)...this is roughly the same time as TallGuys pic showing a PM 2.5/AQI of 169?


    What was the PM 2.5 level at 3pm? 



  10. On 7/11/2016 at 12:25 PM, flare said:

    I had one of the cheap gasoline-powered Chinese generators from HomePro in my last house (further south where power outages were more common than CM)- about 12K baht (I don't remember the output, but the ones in that price range were all about the same)- it would power the fridge, some lights, a fan, the TV, computer, modem, water pump, etc (no A/C) without an issue, and would start on the first or second pull every time. It got used over 12 hours per day on occasion without missing a beat (other than when it ran dry). I was amazed it worked so well, really.

    There are certainly better, quieter ones available, but I had no complaints about mine.

    Curious?... How did you connect the generator to your house electric system? - Include photos if possible;-)

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