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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. 10 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Looks like I was just fooled by their "unconventional" website design (seeing a whole page of rules text, search result below after scrolling).

    Now I see some combinations for July.

    Yes that caught me off guard too!... Lame design...

    • Haha 1
  2. I was able to access thier website... Flights look to be about 10k baht... and 4 hours nonstop is a plus ?

  3. 26 minutes ago, elektrified said:

    I go there often and have since opening day. The only restaurant I can think of is in the hotel which has a buffet Thur-Sun. It's good most of the time but sometimes has an off night. Other than that, there is a food court in back with all the usual noodle shops, Vietnamese, Japanese and Korean stalls, a burger shop, satay shop, juice bar etc. all at quite high tourists prices as no doubt the rent is astronomical.


    The crocodile thing is a shop that sells everything crocodile....purses, belts, etc.

    What’s the buffet like?... Lunch or Diner?..


  4. Not to get off too subject...

    But has anyone been in the new One Nimman?...

    Is it worth a trip to?...


    Google Map say it has a Crocodile Museum?!..

    (My guess this is a scam to sell our friends from the north handbags ?)...

    How does one get to car parking?...

  5. Just as a general sideline to ear infection... After 3 visits to the ENT to clear out a blockage from a reoccurring fungus infection that the doctor finally said he could put medication in my ear and then seal it up for 10 days to try and kill off the fungus - I instead tried a homeopathic remedy of Tea Tree Oil (80 baht at Herb Basic - Airport Plaza)... I just added a few drops to the cleaning oil the doctor prescribed before and also put a drop on a Q Tip when I gently cleaned my ear weekly - Have not had a reoccurrence in over 6 months

  6. Go to the CM Ram website... easy to make an appointment... 




    Just show up for your appointment at the desk on the ground floor where the sign says ENT (I seem to recall its desk 4)


    I’ve  gone to the see the ENT there with appointment the wait is only a few minutes... Had him completely clean both ears and he gave me cleaning drops - total cost 1,200 baht... 

  7. 4 hours ago, BestB said:

    I am little confused here guys, i have health insurance, should i have an accident and be in the hospital, my health insurance would cover that no?

    That depends... Read your policy coverage fine print... Many 

    policies specifically limit payouts in the event of a motorcycle accidents...

    • Like 1
  8. 39 minutes ago, impulse said:


    I don't understand the logic of buying insurance for an amount ($8,000) you can probably cover out of pocket, while leaving yourself uninsured for the accident that's going to bankrupt you and end your Thai adventure.


    I'd rather have insurance with a 250,000 deductible (or annual out-of-pocket maximum) and coverage in the millions of baht. 


    I pay 4,200 baht to cover 99.9% of the probable accidents for a middle aged guy putzing around on his moped...


    I have shown in detail the plan I have...


    Can you now from your armchair show us a detailed plan from an insurer that covers the last .1% for a reasonable price?... 

    • Like 1
  9. With your new smartphone you should be able to create a WiFi hotspot (Your phones internet is shared thru WiFi)... then your computer (which need WiFi capability) can access the internet thru the smartphone... no need for you old aircard...


    What kind of smartphone do you have?

  10. I have a basic policy thru AXA Insurance which is arranged by AA Insurance Brokers... 


    It provides 250,000 baht in the event of motorcycle accident (no deductible) and annual premium is 4,200 baht....


    You get a nice insurance card in Thai to give to the hospital...


    I know someone will be along to chime in and say that that’s not enough and say a friend had an accident that costs millions... But for me on a scooter rarely on busy highways I feel this is adequate for the price...


    It also covers any accident and has 500k life insurance...

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