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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. Yesterday on a lark I decided to try the online system...

    I usually let the agent do this while we have a nice lunch at the Wine Connection...


    With my MacBook and Safari browser... Entered all info and got a Pending Status... Today status was Appoved!...


    Btw... I left the country for Xmas and this was my first 90 days on a new arrival!.


  2. 33 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Do you have the Mi 2 unit or have used it?  Have you ever tested its performance against a separate PM2.5 monitor?


    Both are ordered and in transit ;-)... I will do a separate thread reviewing them...


    You up can set a timer in the app to make it reset itself every 3 hours...


    Here is a good YouTube 


    • Like 1
  3. Auto mode on any unit is going to be finicky... as the algorithm used is most likely set for an area that has much higher pollution than we experience in CM...


    My bet is the Xiaomi’s 3 hour time limit is used to fulfill some government energy standard... the forums have an easy workaround as the unit has a very good event timer system... you can set it to turn on in the morning and then every 3 hours switch to your favorite mode (a mode where you can set the fan speed to say 0 to 100%)...  


    The filters are more expensive the the Hatari (~1,400 vs 888) but with a 4-6 month Beijing life they should last two seasons here and you have the options of getting bacteria or formaldehyde filters and easily ordered online...



  4. 43 minutes ago, EricTh said:


    Somebody told me that there is no such restriction. Does anybody know whether there is a restriction in Sansai land office?

    A while ago the lady that has offices on Haew Khaw Rd told me that it was not possible for my Thai (male) partner to do such am agreement with me at the Hang Dong Office... She said it may be possible if we were married... She then suggested a very expensive (her fee) 30 year lease for the land we wanted to build on...


    Again as I mentioned before one needs an “in” at the specific land office you need to register it at... Can the Thai owner go to the land office and ask - some have reported that it is as simple as filling out a standard one page form that the land office may have... again this is really only doable by someone who speaks Thai and can effectively understand and negotiate at the land office... (Sadly my Thai partner is not such a person so instead we are happily renting a beautiful house in Hang Dong on a long term lease)...

  5. 27 minutes ago, baywatch82 said:

    I have a newborn baby, and really need to buy an air purifier.
    I see many people post good things about Hatari one. 

    Would anyone take some time and have a look on this one ? What do you think ?

    The price seems to be very attractive (under 5000 baht).
    It has built in air quality sensor, so no need to buy additional device.
    Good for rooms up to 46sq.m. on the super mode (or 40sq.m. on standard mode).
    It says that filter removes 99.99 of 2.5PM particles.
    Replacement filters are available for about 1500 baht. 

    I have ordered this one and another with the Oled PM 2,5 display... this only difference is I ordered the EU plug (Note you have that option)... The thing that interested me was that they have built in PM 2.5 sensors that monitor the air and report to you when it is bad and adjust the units motor to clean the air... The only drawback I am considering is that the replacement filters are ~1,500 baht -  PS I ordered from Lazada and got a 10% discount code they were offering that day :-)




    Oled model:


  6. I would have the Thai owner go to the local land office and inquire as to what document is acceptable - They may have a simple standard form... 


    Btw... It is up to the local land office as to weather they will allow a Usufruct... Some will only allow them among related parties such as husband & wife... 

  7. ^^^ That would allay one of you original fears that the property has valid documentation with the land department - Only a House Master with proper documentation can file a TM30... The fact that she is willing to provide that to Immigration is good evidence she is the owner and the property is registered in good order... 


    Note when someone says a 3 + 3 lease is “invalid” that is not intirely correct... The initial 3 years is valid but any subsequent terms referring to  beyond the 3 years are invalid...  so just sign a 3 year lease and then a new 3 year lease when that one terminates...


    You do not say where your business property is but if it is anything like Chiang Mai outside the city there are literally thousands of shophouse styled properties unrented/empty and more being built... The LAST thing a landlord would do is raise the rent or ask a tenant to leave in hopes of renting to someone else...

  8. One other thing to sort out with the landlord is the TM30 notification... If you as a foreigner are going to reside there make sure you get the Yellow Book (Owner) to complete the form... This will put you in compliance with Immigration and prove that the landlord is the owner of the property... If she doesn’t want to comply I would not rent (and don’t let her tell you that the lease is with ypur Thai spouse and it’s her responsibility - It’s the responsibility of the Yellow Book holder - Owner)

  9. ^^^ Agreed!... It’s not just the 1%... What many Thai want to avoid is the land department turning over lease information (possible income sources) to the Thai Revenue Dept... And most small rental situations (under 20k/month) the landlord is small and wants to stay under the tax radar...  


    If you can get a 3 year lease and you are not putting in huge improvements (say less than half a years lease cost)... I would go for it... if you are a professional (doctor or such)... And pay the rent on time and keep the building in a professional manner they would consider you a jewel of a tenant and a second 3 years would very likely be offered at the same rent...  

  10. 17 minutes ago, ghworker2010 said:

    so in light of the fact that if we do a 3+3 and the second term renewal might not happen... do you think we should go for one 6 yr lease?

    That alone would not bother me... but W don’t know the entire situation?... is the buiding located in a popular area where rents are high and increasing? ... how much is the monthly rent?... how much are you going to invest in improvements? Are you opening a business? If so what kind of business?

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