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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. You might search the local Big C/Tesco malls... Many dealer show thier cars there and would be most likely to have incentives... If your looking for a big Cheap Charlie price cut you will. be disappointed... I would ask for free year of insurance, licensing and window tints...


    Btw - If you do get a year of insurance from the dealer make sure you get a competitive quote for the following year...

    • Like 1
  2. Most likely what you will need is a Certificate of Address from Immigration... As to what exact paperwork is required to pick up the vehicle - Can not the dealership tell you that?... And why not let the dealership handle the title paperwork...


    Curious?... How were you as a foreigner able to buy a house?...

  3. 29 minutes ago, NancyL said:

    Have you been to KSK recently?  The basement is being remodeled and the shops have played musicals chairs, with some gone missing.

    Two questions?...

    1. Are they actually doing renovations behind that temporary wall?... Or did they discover a really bad crack and evacuated/abandon the lower level...

    2. Has anyone seen Elvis?...

  4. 3 hours ago, Kohsamida said:

    With all the confusion and general craziness I'm hearing about with regard to dealing with Promenada, I'm wondering if this might not be such a bad idea!  Do you have personal experience with doing this?

    I did this in Vientiane a 3 years ago...  It was relatively painless and Vientiane was a nice place to visit... research the forum for more recent reports and requirements... See the attached form (check the consul website for most recent form)... Also check your visa requirements for entry into Laos...

    visa application form_new_v_13_8_2558.pdf

  5. 3 minutes ago, Kohsamida said:

    Sorry, I got things mixed up.  I have a METV (6 month tourist visa) and wanted their rate for "Change of Visa" to Non-O.  It was their charge for change of visa that I found to be quite expensive.  I don't understand why there is such a big difference between their fee to do retirement visa vs change visa.


    Here is their reply:

    For Change Visa 18,000 Baht.
    Retirement Visa 7,300 Baht(Free 90 days report 4 times)
    Since my real goal is the retirement visa, they would be charging me over 25,000 baht!  That seems VERY expensive for what's involved.

    You might consider just flying to Vientiane or Penang (AirAsia ~4,000 baht) when your METV runs out.. I believe you said in another post you have 800k in the bank so get a letter from the bank -  With that the Thai Consul should issue you a Non-O 90 day Visa which you then can then extend to yearly stays... the “visa conversion” has always been a pain hence the 18k price... most give up on that route and take a couple days vacation to a neighboring Thai Consul...  

  6. 2 hours ago, Kohsamida said:

    Out of curiosity I contacted TIAN about handling retirement visa and was told their fee is 18,000 baht (including 90 day reporting for a year).  That sounds VERY expensive.  Is this the going rate for agents in general?

    What visa do you presently have?... Does it need to be converted?...  

  7. OTian is the business name they have one of the stalls on the second floor of Promenada... From the 2nd floor One Stop Immigration walk around the corner like you are going to that huge electronics store... look to the right they are right there...

    • Like 1
  8. ^^^ Staple that receipt of notification in your passport - You will need it as proof in the future for any extension and other immigration items... If you leave the country you must go in within 24 hours of return and have it updated - And if you move you need a new one 

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  9. 4 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Because tax cuts are magic!

    Harley-Davidson took its tax cut, closed a factory, and rewarded shareholders

    The motorcycle maker in January told Kansas City workers it would close a plant there. Days later, it announced a nearly $700 million stock buyback plan.


    In other news Harley Davidson is opening a factory in Rayong!...

    Making Thailand Great Again!

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  10. Crossy - Could you post a few pics of your DIY generator enclosure and talk about the sound proofing strategy you devised? ;-)...


    Automatic transfer switches are pretty easy to source... Lazada even sells them...  https://www.lazada.co.th/products/2-automatic-transfer-ac-2p-63a-i100528309-s100607209.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.12.7f2b1957Amj4M8&search=1


    Also someone mentioned that the internet also goes down with the power... You might be able to prevent this by just getting a UPS battery backup to power the modem/router... (I have a laptop so no need to power a computer)... Just make sure it is user programmable to shut off any alarm it may have ? 



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