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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. To say the Mail method always works is not entirely correct... They have been known to lose paperwork and no receipt is mailed back - requiring you to go to immigration to sort it out... Whomever is working the desk will give you a stern look like you are bothering them but eventually help you sort it out... 


    My OCD has led me to having a agent do everything so I don’t have to pine on about when and if the confirmed receipt is returned... :coffee1:

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  2. O-Tain is on the top floor of Promenada... Just to the left around the corner from the One Stop Immigration... Just used them on Wednesday... showed up at 9am with all the required paperwork (Completed New TM 7, US Income Affidavit, Copy TM30 and Photo - I also had a 6 month bank statement to show monthly funds coming in but she said I did not need )... and it took 20 minutes to get the paperwork in order and signed... Paid 6,900 baht and she said come back at 1pm... But she called me at 11am and said ready... Returned and she walked me over to Immigration to get my photo taken and the officer handed my passport... Another 20 minutes... The 6,900 also includes the Immigration 1,900 fee and three 90 day reporting for the next year...


    An interesting thing I noted on their price list was 15,000 bhat for "Visa Change"... I asked her if this was to change a Tourist Visa to a Non-Immigration O... And the language was there but she seemed to confirm that was what was possible?...

  3. If coverage is your issue?... can you hard wire a second router from the first and place the second on the other floor... or look for a router that is designed to be wirelessly linked to a second router... I have a Apple AirPort Extreme base and two Airport Express mini routers all linked to the base wirelessly to give me WiFi on all the property...

  4. Which side of the street is this on?... The side with the Tesco Lotus Express or the other side with the Vietnamese Resturant?


    They have a small store here in Kad Farrang also but run out of things if you don’t get there in the morning...

  5. So it seems that the only reason to go to Suan Dok/Sriphat is that it is conveniently located near a coconut stand... :coffee1:


    I guess if if you wanted to see a specialist and knew their name you could go directly to that department (in person) and make an appointment?... Or do you need to start in the 20 minute line at the front desk?

  6. I have used both CM Ram and BK Hospital... both have nice easy websites where you can make initial appointments (But NancyL is right that CM Ram really just puts you in the queue when you arrive for your “appointment” - But I do like that they call you and confirm your web appointment)... 


    I would like to use SuanDok/Mahraj but how does one make an appointment?... they don’t seem to have a user friendly website... can one call and speak to someone in english?... or does one need to go there in person to make an appointment?...


    And then where does one park... Suan Dok is a congested mess at that hospital entrance... The only parking seems to be in the ramp at McDonalds... Which is a hike from the hospital?...

  7. What does your language & region show as date at the bottom?... like this...


    What app are you using to view Google News? If so are you set to English or Thai language?


  8. "Buddhist Era" is also the Thai calendar... So look for a date format, time or place setting that is Thai and change it to English...


    Did you try:

    Settings - Language and Region - Calendar = Gregorian



  9. I have been doing annual extensions of the same Non-Immigrant O Visa (Retirement) for 3 years and never left the country until this year - So now I have a new arrival TM 6 card... So in filling out my next TM7 extension what do I put in the section where it asks the Arrived By/TM 6 Info?




    Do I put the original info when I arrived 4 years ago or the last arrival date and TM 6 No?

  10. Before you go picking a provider it would be useful to talk with the neighbors to determine which cell provider has the best signal and where the cell tower is located...


    I would get a 4G hotspot that works with all carriers so you can easily swap out sims that has the dual TS9 antenna port and also get a TS9 compatible antenna... do a search of "ts9 antenna" on Lazada to find them... 


    The plans are cheap so you might get a couple different providers sims to test yourself or swap out if one carrier gets slow from congestion ...

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