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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. Many have reported that Penang is a pain at Immigration... you might consider Vientiane... They are much more friendly... and the city is more fun to visit...


    One caveat on Vientiane... there are some days of the week it is a zoo there as the hordes of visa buses come in (I recall they are there on Tue & Thur)... research and arrange a day that the visa busses do not come

  2. 3 hours ago, bubba said:

    Where would this second runway be located? ICAO guidelines require about 1000 m separation between the centre line of each runway for simultaneous takeoffs and landings. 

    I don't think the runway is the bottleneck... It's the design of the departure area - Where you leave the gate to enter a long communal hallway that goes to all the tarmaks... This only allows for only one plane to board at a time - they need a building where each gate has its own tarmak... There is gobs of land just to the south of the present terminal for such a building

  3. Returned from the Holiday to find that somehow someone has put a small ding on the lower part of one of the stainless steel doors of the refrigerator... (presently we are blaming the gas bottle guy who maebaam allowed in... )


    The little ding exacerbates my OCD... repair or replace doesn’t seem to be an option and I can’t live with Mia Ben Rai!... so I was thinking I could put on a stripe of wood veneer or contact paper that kind of matches the teak of the cabinets... 


    Wood veneer would look the best but then I would have to teach maebaan that her favorite windex spray was not to be used... so plastic contact paper seems to be the ideal fix?.. but I have not seen it in the usual places (HomePro, Global House)

  4. First - I can not believe the articles contention that the present airport can on handle 24 flight a week?... :wacko:... maybe they meant a day...


    Second - They should allow passenger vans to use the military road from Nimmanheiman Road...


    Third - Partner with King Power and build a proper parking ramp - which there is plenty of space for



  5. They have two classes of cars for sale... Certified and cars from the community... I believe the certified ones they own and sell and the community cars are consignment...


    I bought a certified Swift from them a couple years ago... didn’t haggle as the price was good, they detailed it like new and took care of all the title paperwork... the only thing I did myself was the insurance as I got a better deal with AA Insurance... 


    Also I had an issue with dash squeak a few weeks after and they fixed that at no charge...


    Good experience with them... I would not think of walking into a Thai used car lot!..



  6. 1 hour ago, NancyL said:

    The "girls" didn't mind at all.  Some of the girls sit on the laps of the men in the front row seats.  If you don't want them doing that, then be warned and don't sit up front.  


    As Americans, it's our god-given right to tip people who are providing good service.  It's part of our culture.  Besides, it's fun to see stingy tight-wads from non-tipping cultures get all worked up about how we're "spoiling it for everyone else".  


    Nancy you and I should take in the show at FreeMan... there you can start out with a 1,000 baht note and reach in for change... :cowboy:


    btw... the name of this club is somewhst deceiving...

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