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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. ^^^ Aftrer reentering the country you do not need to resubmit a new TM30... No need to involve the landlord either... just take your passport to the Prom Immigration one stop upstairs and they will update the arrival card info and re stamp the original TM30 receipt... I just did that after retiring from Xmas... took 5 minutes (no line as it was a Thursday afternoon) - Technically you should do this within 24hrs...

  2. I doubt you would be asked for fund when entering with a re-entry permit... That being said... if you need to show funds there are ATMs before Immigration... you can always withdrawal  funds from a Thai or Foreign bank in a pinch...


    Btw... What ever you do don’t forget to put the reentry permit number on the arrival card where it asks for the visa number - and as soon as you get past immigration check the date stamp you have been given allows you to stay matches your retirement extension date and they did not accidentally give you a 30 day visa on arrival... ;-)

  3. I would highly recommend that one get a single re-entry permit at the same time one does their annual extension - The permit is valid for the entire year of the extension and if not used your only out 1,000 bath which is a lot less than the cost of get a new visa due to forgetfulness... :coffee1:

  4. I asked my Mom... It was Holland America a few years ago... she also said they now have a nice itinerary that does Seattle - Alaska - Japan - Hong Kong that they would also like to do... 

  5. ^^^ If I had a guesthouse I would opt for the online reporting system... But odds are that works about as good as the online 90 day reporting... :coffee1:

  6. A while back my parents took a cruise from Los Angles to Hawaii then Hong Kong... where I met them and we flew bank here to Bangkok ... you could do the opposite...

  7. I did not say it was not possible for the foreigner to file...


    what i I asked was:


    If the Thai owner shows up at Immigration with a completed TM30 and a lease that was executed in the last 7/days would it not be accepted without a fine?...


    And is is it also the case that parties to a lease can cancel a lease and re sign a new lease at any time?..,


  8. 2 hours ago, Bill97 said:

    If they do not inquire where you lived before the new lease. Do you think that thought might not come to them? Or do you think they are like you?

    Sent from my iPod touch using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    The person who goes to Immigration to files the TM30 is the Thai owner of the house not the foreigner... Immigration can not ask the foreigner anything as he/she is not even there... and the Thai house owner has no knowledge or responsibility as to the foreigners previous living arrangements...


    However if the house owner happens to be the wife I agree Immigration might question her...

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  9. With the cool mornings we decided to visit the gardens at Royal Flora Ratchaphruek - Right now they have the park in full bloom.


    After fortifying ourselves with our morning coffee we arrived at the park at about 10:30… It was a weekday so there was just a small crowd it was partly cloudy and cool…


    After paying the 200 baht admission (100 baht for Thai) we went to the shuttle stop to the right – we decided to rent bikes (60-100 baht) instead of the shuttle and set out thru the park in a counter clock route…  I would highly recommend the bikes as there is little uphill riding, you get to move at your own pace and its great exercise…


    Make sure to get a map at admission so you can plan what to see as there is a lot… If you do the shuttle I would recommend getting off on every other stop and walk between stops…


    Stops not to miss…


    Orchid Pavilion and adjoining fern cave

    Royal Project Restaurant – Check map as it is easy to miss – Try Seafood Fettuccini 

    Japanese Zen House

    Shaded Paradise Garden

    Cactus Pavilion

    Bio Dome Garden

    Wild Flower Garden

    Reflecting pool on the SE corner of the Ho Kham Pavillion

    From there walk up the hill along the palm tree path for the best views in the park 

    Bonsai garden and upper pool walk


    We finished up about 2:30, had an iced coffee at one of the bikers cafes outside the park gate and then up to Wat Phra That Doi Kham to make merit, buy lottery tickets and enjoy the view…


    Btw: We drove there but did see songtow shuttles there with signs quoting 20 baht












  10. I’m curious... If someone has not been in compliance and wants to register... could they not just sign a new rental lease with their landlord and then have the landlord go and apply for the TM30?

  11. Also for those of you reading this post to try to understand the reentry permit process - It is important to note that obtaining the reentry permit is only the first step - When you return to Thailand you MUST put the reentry permit number on your arrival card in the space that ask for your visa number... If you fail to do this the immigration officer will just stamp you in for a standard 30 days... and you join the ranks of Nancy's lost souls... ;-)


    Even if you put the number on the card they have been known to forget (It happened to me)... I always make a point to look at the dates on the stamp right after being stamped in... and if incorrect walk right back to the officer and politely point out the error...


    I have also been taking a photo of my arrival card, reentry visa and flight boarding pass together with my cellphone once I have filled out the arrival card in the plane on the flight back...





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