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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. I agree totally DirtyDan... But if I were the judge I would have approached this differently...

    As she is an elected official of the county (And not an employee)... I would have gone after the county instead...

    How about imposing a $10,000 a day fine on the county every day they thru their elected official violate the civil rights of their citizens...

    Give them 30 days at $10K a day to organize a special recall election... If not raise the daily fine on the county to $20,000

  2. So if you lose your passport on ELITE visa, they make you get another visa and do a visa run out the country??

    For 500K one would expect less hassle.

    Losing a passport containing a valid visa usually means the visa is also lost and cannot be reinstated.

    If an Elite visa can indeed be replaced by doing a "visa run" that is a small price to pay for "losing" the passport.

    I thought the Elite Visa was about peace of mind, Limousines and luxury hotels & spas.

    A visa run in Vientiane equals 2/3 days of boredom, queues at embassy, grumpy embassy officer, then VAN (no LIMO on fly n ride) then moody immigration officer...

    Sooo not Elite style!

    Can't you leave thru Swampy immigration and once thru immigration have the Elite Card VIP golf cart pick you up and drive you over to the immigration entry... Problem solved ;-)

  3. I seem to remember that a repeater cuts down the transmission speed substantially??

    The standalone repeaters are crap for the most part...

    A pair of Airport work differently as they have two frequencies (2.4 & 5.0ghz).... They can broadcast at say 2.4ghz and transfer data between themselves at 5.0ghz - and are software optimized to work like this...

    Think of it like a one lane road verses a two way road...

    If you are looking for a way to get a bigger range thru walks and such look into the extenders that use the houses electric wiring to communicate between the repeaters... But the best way would really be a ethernet wire from one area to another with separate wifi routers...

  4. Got a very old Airport Express and which now goes through 2 walls or a floor easily. At my old place it was going through 4 walls, brick surfaced with concrete/Thai plaster.

    To be clear, it is not a modem too, you need a modem + Airport Express if you connect to a phone line.

    Is the Airport Express just a relayer-type thing to make signals stronger?

    (Serious question).

    No it is a stand alone router with a Ethernet port where you would plug in a service providers modem (True & 3bb foe example) and create a wifi network - but it can also be set up as a stand alone repeater if you have another Airport Express or Extreme....

    This is my setup... I have a AirPort Extreme in the first floor plugged into my True Internet router... Then an Airport Express on the second level just plugged into an electric outlet... The software easily created a dual network for me ;-)

  5. I went there yesterday and dropped off all the paperwork at the outside desk... I told the nice girl i did not need it right away so the 30 day free option was fine... She smiled and checked everything and then told me I needed to go with her to the officers desk inside the glass room... we went and she handed him the paperwork... He was definitely not from the land of smiles!!!... he didn't like the unclear copy of the lease which was in english... but I showed his a copy of my last True Internet bill which I also included and then showed him my Thai drivers license (which was expiring in 30 days) where on the back it all had the same address as I put on the form... Still no smile... But he reached into his drawer and pulled out a receipt and date stamp (which I don't think he uses much) and stamped my return pickup receipt for 30 days!!!... I smiled and gave him a great big Korp Khun Kab!!!... Sadly I still did not receive a smile back from him... wai2.gif

  6. It was reported in another post that the majority of people waitng on line in the early morning are For slots are now Thais working for theses agents... Eventually the twenty or so slots that are handed out in the morning will all go to the agents who will sell them for 2-5,000 baht...

  7. I've hear the North Gate area outside of the Moat referred to as the best night food market in the world.

    This used to be the case... But lately the area has been overrun by Chinese tourists... Mainly because an interprising lady vendor that sells pork over rice has made herself famous on the Chinese Internet with a cowboy hat...


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