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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. He/it does not know what a promise is, even after a paying a bar fine!
  2. How could " his friendly media would have defended this already long ago if as there was any no possible truth to his statement." Or any other of his statements for that matter!
  3. Maybe so they can get three square meals a day and a roof over their head!
  4. Some are very smart and never get caught! Especially Politicians!
  5. Don't they have to prove that he has the mental capacity to give such instructions to a doctor? Better he goes to Switzerland where the lack of mental acuity is not relevant! and
  6. Stick the cup in the microwave! Problem solved for minimum cost!
  7. You should know as you have just said "have lived here before" and I thought you had said in the past that you lived on another planet or level than us mere mortals!
  8. The master of the English language! You either have a "The very reason" or you have "many reasons"! I seem to remember you saying on numerous occasions on AN that you were leaving Thailand to go to ...................(insert country) because Thailand was .....................(insert reason) or country ................ was (insert reason)!
  9. More BS! from the Gatling Gob! What about others? Like Bad men and woman etc! Don't they count in your rant?
  10. Given your attitude at your post I would not blame them! Why do you stay here?
  11. Does his profile look truthful? Asking for a friend!
  12. Not by mental arithmetic in Thailand! Most Thais need a calculator for that! πŸ˜†
  13. You must be very healthy! πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ
  14. What whimsical tone? He is yet to make a sensible post as they are all nonsensical!
  15. What reports? I hope and wish it to be true but posts like your are meaningless without verifiable sources! They are just poor clickbait otherwise!
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