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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I hope the above is meant to be a joke!
  2. What was the question?
  3. And you failed to put a period/full stop at the end of your last sentence oh great and mighty leader of the grammar police!
  4. Not yet! But it is what he will be now that Trump will let him become it!
  5. Then please retract your confused posts!
  6. What do you think, your pathetic little country matters?
  7. And you of course are very happy with that one sided solution ending to an unprovoked invasion!
  8. There is only one logical and truthful answer to that question; YES
  9. I think he has already agreed to whatever his master Putin has told him to agree to whenever it is required!
  10. I think it is both tits and someone else's appendage!
  11. I like that! I think we agree and disagree at the same time! 😆
  12. What if I didn't know about it?
  13. I seem to find that most woman are actually from nature and therefore natural!
  14. Now we know your true leanings!
  15. Talking to yourself yet again! Any chance of replying to a poster with a useful constructive comment rather than your repetitive insults?
  16. What has a F1 driver got to do with this subject, or your comments for that matter?
  17. Please change your Yap yap Record! It is so boring and shows what a total lack of communication skills, if any, that you could possibly have. Please post, if possible, an erudite response without any of the following words; Yap Socialist Left/left wing
  18. When did Putin send you that message to spout forth?
  19. This unnecessary and completely invented war by the globalist elite Putin!
  20. +1 It is getting worse by the post unfortunately and it does not realise that the more it tirades in so called support of it's idol Trump the more it is doing him. They are both buffoons! It is so deluded that it is incapable of any form of logical response except for it's constant Yap, Left and Socialist bites! PS; Any money on a response from it not including any of it's usual stock in trade words' Yap yap yap 2 to 1 Socialist evens left/left wing 1 to 2
  21. The Wikipedia search/index must have been busy tonight!
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