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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. So it is NOT the news saying it but just the political nonentity "Zeldin" making the statement as if it was fact!
  2. I assume it came from the same place as all it's previous outrageous posts; It's imagination!
  3. I am not being pedantic but is that 7 working days or a standard week? I have also been quoted 5/6 days! Mine is due soon and I do not want to waste journeys to/from the bank! PS; I have just had a thought!! Does it matter if you order the one year statement one month or even two in advance as I believe BKK can produce 6 months worth of back statements on demand!
  4. It always does, especially if it's post count is getting low!
  5. I need a phone because my ears don't pick up the internet even though my hearing is good! But why do I need glasses to connect to the internet when my eyesight is good and my phone still works? Tech ideas for tech Techies only!
  6. It is not intelligent enough for that but on second thoughts it may have been one of the test bed Bats used in the experiments!
  7. The little brat should have spread the "boogies" over Trump where they belong!
  8. It is what else Musk is pulling off Trump that really concerns me!
  9. So Trump agrees that Putin has won the war. Which European country is next for Putin to invade with Trump's approval!
  10. I would blame that on the contents consumed during the visits and not memory lapse due to advancing years. You obviously enjoyed them! As I always did when I found an excuse to join in!
  11. Since it was only Glenfiddich, which IMO is the lowest of the low class Malts, he may be excused, I do however agree with your choice of Macallans. My Malt of choice is "The Glenlivet"! PS; Thank you for your support against the boorish poster above!
  12. Who pointed you to that publication as you stated earlier that you NEVER read the news! BTW you are supporting some wild prediction regarding something that Trump;s lackey says will "predicts that in less than a decade, smart glasses will replace smartphones"
  13. Your total lack of UK/European history/geography etc is quite amazing! I was going to suggest you stick to US subjects but reading your last posts shows that it would be a pointless exercise on your part!
  14. No but I do bend down to talk down to Yanks like you!
  15. Please explain both sentences and connect them in English if you are capable of so doing!
  16. He is jumping to his usual conclusions as he never lets facts get in the way of his preconceived ideas and the truth!
  17. I agree! There is nothing worn under a Scottish Kilt as everything is in perfect working order! Unlike certain posters above!
  18. The Scots took over England in 1606 when King James V1 of Scotland also became King James 1 of England! Try learning some history, if you can!
  19. Says only the empty echo chamber in your head!
  20. The USA can do what it wants with its Maps but it cannot change the names on nautical charts! That is a job for the IHO!
  21. I have no need to re-read my posts, I know what I wrote unlike you who just keeps churning out the same meaningless drivel and insults without any constructive comment!
  22. Don't give up your day job if you are thinking of becoming a "comedian"!
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