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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Only after being repeatedly attacked and did so to protect their original borders which others invaded (to their cost!)!
  2. Nothing ever gets as pathetic or idiotic as that twit posts!
  3. How do posters hide their posts and why post if your going to hide it? I do not understand that post!
  4. Don't they do that sort of stuff in the cellar or is all out in the open now?
  5. No sh!t! Are you taking the p!ss or just a dump on all of us? Either way it is just a load of cr@p!
  6. They are not sharp to you as you are so thick skinned that you do not realise just what a <deleted> you appear to be to the rest of the sane world!
  7. For the sake of your health I hope you are still taking your regular toilet dumps!
  8. I might have to start on you then if I succeed, although I am not bored enough and also you nowhere come even close to his annoyance level!! 🙂 PS; Re "Pan and kettle" I may blow off steam at Gattling Gob but I am neither a "Pan", nor more accurately, a "Pot" and cannot state what type of now useless kitchen utensil the GG is!
  9. It would be the only way it could digest the (meaning of the) words! 😃
  10. He is only giving me way of thinking of getting rid of him from the forum! PS; and also people like you who support the idiot!
  11. By disconnecting the keyboard and microphone thereby giving us all peace!
  12. Totally untrue! The only things you love are your self and the ludicrous outpourings you inflict on AN!
  13. They are probably still sleeping off their hangovers! Give them time! PS; It does look impressive!
  14. I am pleased to see that you recognise your proper title of "Gattling Gob"! I just wish you would stop!
  15. Are you Gatling Gob under another guise? He may keep YOU entertained but please do not state that he keeps US entertained or that he writes damm good stuff! He could not entertain a gerbil!
  16. He will not have an army pension as he only served 4 years. He served in the King's Regiment of the British Army between 1969 and 1973 and dedicated his life to helping soldiers. Dad dies suddenly on holiday to Thailand - Liverpool Echo
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