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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. He should have added a PS; PS; The herd of sick buffalos died, the bar and house burned down and the three MCs and the Mercedes were written off in accidents. I never saw any of them but that is what she says happened!
  2. Putin would be laughing all the way to Paris etc if they did not send the money. They do not want to let that evil dictator get his way in Ukraine now and the rest of Europe soon!
  3. the authorities can't detect where the smoke is coming from, can't see any fires, because they've been blinded by indifference a brown envelope.
  4. We all know that but were too embarred to tell you!
  5. Fireworks policy in the European Union - Wikipedia Fireworks - Wikipedia
  6. Seems like you hang out with a bunch of clones or Klingons if you are all so similar!
  7. Asia is not a single country! In fact there are about 48 depending on definitions! List of Countries in Asia (Alphabetical Order) – Countryaah.com
  8. Now a second stupid response! Please explain your point of view, if you have one, in detail, if possible!
  9. If your native language is English could you please repost the above in readable English! If your native language is not English them I apologise and suggest you get a native English speaker to make the rest of your posts!
  10. Are you sure he can read, as he certainly cannot write coherently!
  11. Stupid question with no relevance to my post!
  12. There is also a huge difference between sitting as a child in an (over cooled?) A/C environment that you are not used to, especially, at home and using a fan system that you are so used to (if available) and happy with. PS; My comment re beer was meant to be light hearted!
  13. Who the hell relies on YT-video for serious and accurate information on anything!
  14. Only the person doing the thinking, if any, can tell you what they were thinking!
  15. They are quite correct! I prefer a fan to a/c in most situations! I am at present sitting outside a bar in Northern Thailand with a small personal fan blowing on me (which I carry with me) rather than sit inside with the the A/C blasting and having to shiver!
  16. As hinted above many IO's insist on blue ink for all form inputs/signatures! PS; They have not yet worked out that there are colour copiers/printers and cameras around now!
  17. And which bits of the "manifesto" they actually try to implement!
  18. All politicians lie! You have to find the ones that you think may be lying the least!
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