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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. How could he have had a lobotomy as there could have been nothing there to operate on in the first place! Unless of course they meant they were implanting some brain cells in which case they failed miserably!
  2. Read my post again! I am not quoting Government "Woke Titles" but stating what I believe to be common day UK ex service personnel usage and expressions between themselves! UK ex-servicemen/women tend to refer to themselves as such and not as "veterans"! I am stating that as a 28 year served ex serviceman and not as a veteran! PS; I suggest that your last paragraph could have been written in clearer English!
  3. VPNs (Winscribe and Tunnel bear) on Windows 11 laptops and desktop are working fine for me in CM connecting to UK and Germany!
  4. Which just goes to prove/show how awful all your other topics/posts have always been and given how awful this one is sums up all your posts!
  5. The term "Army veteran" is not normally used in the UK where we tend to use the term "ex serviceman"! Could this be some unconnected people starting this fund and using a US expression to get a larger potential donation pool!
  6. Why do I have to suffer this every time I log in and every time after logging in and click on a new forum. I will never subscribe to it so why ram it down our throats!
  7. I agree, I also AD Block but that newsletter ad is appalling. It pops up evert time I log onto any forum on AN! I will never subscribe to it so why ram it down out throats!
  8. Wrong! The Med Sea is Tidal! Does The Mediterranean Sea Have Tides - Deep Sea (deepworldsea.com)
  9. Knowledge obviously never reached you! What a load of garbage! PS; Not of course that I even attempted to try read any more than the first few lines! What an idiot who IMO should be banned from AN!
  10. And should not be discussing your perverted sexual preferences about teenagers! Grow up!
  11. So at last we agree on something! You are stating that you are not intelligent!
  12. Wrong! A crass generalisation from a righty tightly!
  13. Do you want him to defeat the Ukraine and either take over all of Europe and/or see the destruction of the world via WW111
  14. There will be no peace in Europe if the Ukraine is forced to surrender!
  15. Please explain! The Falkland Isles were invaded by Argentina just like Putin Invaded Ukraine and Hamas Invaded Israel! The UK successfully recovered the Islands with unfortunate losses of life on both sides because of a military dictatorship's attack! During the period 1976–1983, Argentina was under the control of a military dictatorship, and in the midst of a devastating economic crisis. Events leading to the Falklands War - Wikipedia
  16. Yes! You of course fall into the majority category if we go by the content of most of your posts!
  17. What a sad and obnoxious topic! I assume you are all mature adults and yet you are arguing over sex with people under the age of 20! You should all be disgusted with yourselves!
  18. Is that not just a way of you making the statement that they "should get him hung, drawn and quartered..." without it being attributed to you! If so the what a wimp!
  19. Will they become his nappy/diaper changers? If so I feel really sorry for them!
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