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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Thanks to @Nick Carter icp I have my answer! The answer BTW was I had my zoom settings too high! My excuse is I have poor eyesight! Mods may close now if they wish. Thanks!
  2. Thanks! Found it! It was my - + settings being at above 125!
  3. Which forum page will I find the "unread Content" Link mentioned in another thread? I cannot see this on the AN pages I look at using Edge!
  4. Thanks for the response but I do not see that at the top of this page! Which page? I
  5. Where is that button please? PS; This is a serious question not some pun/dodgy comment as I am not aware of the function!
  6. In real life? I hope not! PS; He appears to be from a galaxy far far away!
  7. We should focus more about our White culture instead which is absolutely depraved right now. Why only your so called "our White culture"? Are there no other cultures that should or could be focussed upon?
  8. Looking in the mirror and talking about yourself yet again!
  9. What has LBFMS - Comprehensive Facility Management Services | LBFMS got to do with the subject!
  10. I think you should beam yourself back up to whatever planet you came from as the history of this earth is obviously alien to you!
  11. Does that make them any safer or less likely to be retaliated against with opposing nuclear weapons?
  12. I think if you look with open eyes and mind that the provocation was when Russia (Putin) invaded Ukraine!
  13. Do you mean that many people actually like him or is it the case of "I won't go to Aussieland, because of people like him?
  14. I have asked before and do not expect a sensible English language response but hope springs eternal! If you insist on making non sensical posts can you at least try using the English language which I assume, probably wrongly, has been taught to you at some time!
  15. That law should apply to all countries! I refuse to enter any establishment that states that cash is not acceptable!
  16. I assume, from your total lack of your use of your own brain(?) to elucidate whatever your point is, is that you are totally incapable of expressing your own thoughts in plain English and therefore have to rely completely on AI generated gibberish! As such our so called "discussion" is ended unless, in the unlikely event, that you actually respond in human English with coherent comments/points! PS; I am not holding my breath in anticipation!!
  17. But the VPN will not be connected to Europe I assume!
  18. Have had the TIN for over ten years! First time Went to bank (fixed deposit) get their paperwork Went to local tax office and they did all the paperwork including TIN Waited for letter from Tax Office and off to whichever bank it is (starts with K) to open new account with them and deposit the cheque. Get ATM card (will not cash cheque immediately so got ATM card immediately-no idea if I paid)) Now every 2/3 years repeat process, except opening of new account!
  19. I'm in CM and do not have a work permit but have a TIN and claim back my withholding tax every 2/3 years
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