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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I am not being "nasty" or getting at you but! Do you have a source for that info because if true and no changes in share ownership/declarations between 2019-2023it took place then it changes everything, does it not!
  2. I think it is perfectly correct that politicians should NOT hold shares, or even work for that matter, for in any media company. In any country. The UK has rules that limit political parties from owning some forms of media shareholding for example! Media-ownership-rules-report-2018.pdf (ofcom.org.uk) If they don't own shares or work for the media then it is one less way that the politicians can be accused of using their "financial power" to influence the media!
  3. Only one of the two mentioned is human and able to choose anything!
  4. Where does Netflix provide a link to referenced documents? Not that it matters but, as I said I earlier I will never subscribe to it Netflix and pointing someone to Pay for view/subscription service is not the best way to provide the proof that I am requesting! The previous poster said, and I quote; "There are some well-documented accounts"! I would love to read these well-documented accounts and check their veracity!
  5. I do NOT consider Netflix, which I will never watch as a source of reliable factual information! You said; "There are some well-documented accounts"! Please provide links to these documents!
  6. Where does this photo say anything about; "The FBI took documents out of safe storage".
  7. Time for a Trump Tower on the Island of Saint Helena perhaps!
  8. Trump Launches Conspiracy Theory That FBI Was 'Planting' Evidence At Mar-a-Lago | HuffPost UK Politics (huffingtonpost.co.uk)
  9. Why should Scotland take them? I wonder why anyone would want to go there anyway as the SNP have turned it into a communist freeloading drug riddled and illiterate country now!
  10. Trump really wants to make the US better stay out of prison and many, apparently deluded people, want him to do exactly that. I am most certainly not one of them.
  11. I think you are quite correct. You cannot take back you have already printed and going by some of the responses you got in your original "setting up thread" it is probably wise to stay below the radar!
  12. It appears that he does believe this, the same as he believes that we all speak to our late departed loved ones!
  13. Are you sure that is still true in this new "trans" world?
  14. I suggest you take off your MAGA/Trump blinkers before looking at things!
  15. I am one and I am sure there are many more like me! What a ridiculous idea, trying to communicate with the dead! How are they supposed to respond?
  16. He might claim it but it is not a legal defence!
  17. Who are you implying it applies to? And what "exact same offences."
  18. I suggest you get a new needle for your broken record player! I never raised the subject of the "quality" of establishments and others have already shot you down on that topic. I will not respond! I am questioning your totally ridiculous numbers and inaccurate statements!
  19. If you wish to advise someone, especially those you do not know, it is normal in polite society to use the word "please" before making unwarranted or unasked for suggestions regarding another person's behaviour!
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