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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I thought all happy people were gay! No matter what letter of the alphabet they "come" under!
  2. "You could but most have tried it". - Tried what and whatever it is who says "most have tried" whatever it is? "Hopefully most straight men have at least tried a naughty finger." - What is "tried a naughty finger"?
  3. I totally disagree having been in this business for some time! Do you have any experience in this business area? Are you saying that all Thai restaurant/hotel/food businesses rely only on seasonal footfall and if not/so that they cannot adjust the model quoted to suite their seasonal experiences.?
  4. That joke slid by me! I am inclined to think it might work better if it were posted on a level playing field!
  5. Here is the link to the article the graph came from; The Complete Guide to Restaurant Profit Margins | Lightspeed (lightspeedhq.co.uk)
  6. What is the point of a cr@pper if you cannot input and output cr@p at the same time?
  7. Trump supporters do not deal in facts, only in the lies spouting forth from his mouth!
  8. Who makes up these ridiculous and totally useless woke terms. I can just imagine the conversation down the pub "Hi john I saw you with your two buddies yesterday, you know the cisgender one and the heteronormative one!"
  9. But they are not a source of documentary proof are they under your/AN rules? I am asking for a source of this so called "There are some well-documented accounts"! Where are these so called links to documents?
  10. Unfortunately you are perfectly correct. If the Egomaniac had the real USA's interests at heart he would withdraw his nomination for president now but that will never happen with him!
  11. Who cares! Where is the link to a proven document/research source! I am not interested in unverifiable videos!
  12. It might as well be from tick tok. Not a credible source!
  13. But most certainly to the MEGA/Trump brigade! If Trump were to say he hit a Golf ball into the water and he retrieved it by walking on the water they would believe him!
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