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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Makes them stronger and bigger! Remember what they say "There is nothing worn under a Scotsman's kilt; it is all in perfect working order!
  2. How did you know/find out which was the correct system to buy?
  3. I agree with @Mr Derek For pity's sake, stop bulldozing the thread with multiple posts and endless argumentation. It has become so repetitive that it is alienating people, myself included, who may well have been sympathetic to your "cause" earlier but now are just blind or anti it!
  4. They are already in their correct body! All your lot are doing is trying to get them to modify their bodies to suit your perverted view on youth and lives in general. If they eventually believe they need to look at their sexuality etc then they should be assessed that they are mature enough to make any medical/physical changes with professional help and guidance at the appropriate point in their development! It is NOT at 12 years old!
  5. A woman is shopping for a pet as a gift for her husband, but she is concerned that the prices that the Pet Shop are charging are very high. She goes to the cashier and explains her concern. "Well, I have a frog in the back that I can let you have for £50," she says. "£50?" the woman replies. "That seems terribly expensive for a frog.” "Well, this frog is worth it. It's been trained to give blow jobs and use it's tongue on other parts of the male anatomy." The woman is stunned, but because her husband loves this sort of sex, and because she is not particularly fond of it, she decides the frog might be a good investment. She buys the frog, brings it home, presents it to her husband, and explains its special values. The husband is skeptical, but promises he'll give the frog a try that night. The woman goes to sleep happily knowing she won't be bothered by her husband that night. She is suddenly awakened by a clatter coming from the kitchen. She goes downstairs and finds the frog and her husband pulling out pots and pans and poring over cookbooks." What are you two doing down here?" she asks. Her husband responds, "If I can teach this frog to cook, you're out of here!"
  6. I always thought the Ozzie's were bigger d!cks than the rest, now we have proof! ????
  7. Do they all work on 125KHz and if not how do you find out the frequency?
  8. An old woman had been going to the same doctor for over 50 years and during that time had made his life a living hell by constantly complaining about one thing after another. Eventually, however, she died and was buried in the local churchyard, but it was less than a month later that the doctor also died and was buried in the next plot to her. For a few minutes after the mourners had gone all was quiet and then the doctor heard tapping on the side of his coffin. “What is it now, Mrs Mowner?” he signed. “Can you give me something for worms, doctor?”
  9. It was cold and pouring with rain but the boy’s mother insisted he go and feed the animals on their free holding before he could have breakfast. The boy went out in a dark rage, kicked the chickens, punched the cow and threw water all over the pigs. When he got back inside his mother, who had watched through the window was furious. “How dare you!” she fumed. “For that you get no eggs because you kicked the chickens, no milk because you thumped the cow and no bacon because of the way you treated the pigs.” You can have dry toast and water instead. Just then, dad came down the stairs and nearly tripping over their female cat, he gave the animal a mighty kick. The boy turned to his mother and said, “Are you going to tell him about pussy or shall I?”
  10. From his business ventures; Thaksin founded the mobile phone operator Advanced Info Service and the IT and telecommunications conglomerate Shin Corporation in 1987, ultimately making him one of the richest people in Thailand.
  11. Sorry but you cannot call them that according to Gabor Lukacs, the founder of an organisation called "Air Passenger Rights". 'Being a large-size person is not a choice,' he says, 'as many people mistakenly believe.' Apparently it is in their jeans sorry genes"! There is an article in the DM on this; TOM UTLEY: Why should airlines give a free extra seat to passengers too fat to sit in one? | Daily Mail Online
  12. They told the American he would share a cell with the Russian! PS; Not sure if they stated which country the cell would be in!
  13. Possibly to warn people not to listen to all the hype that people like you spout forth, especially when you refuse to give straight answers to straight questions regarding some of your claims!
  14. They are not in a true profit at this time unless they have sold at an actual profit! It is only a paper asset (if that) until when they actually sell it for more than they paid for it!
  15. Did they lose money? A single word answer please of either Yes or no!
  16. The OP must remember that it needs to be a SOLE account if he only intends to hold 800,000 in it. He must set up a Thai will as soon as he opens the account to make sure the wife can get it. Do not let her try and depend on illegally using the ATM to withdraw after hubby dies. I would also not trust any promises by the branch bank manager who says that he will make sure he will allow the wife access to the funds on the partner's death. Having ATM or internet access on the retirement fund bank account is a bad security risk anyway. Always have one account (fixed) no internet or ATM access, only passport and in person. Separate a/c for daily expenses etc!
  17. What about the two friends you quoted less than 4 hours ago? Do hey not count as losing as they only got 72% back?
  18. Some more since you (haven't) asked for them; ● Taming Wild Cats by Claude Face.● Making Weatherproof Clothes by Ranier Day.● All Aboard! by Abel Seamann.● One Hundred Metres to the Bus Stop, by Willy Makit, ● The Greatest Detective Stories Ever Told by Watts E. Dunn. ● Improve Your Target Shooting by Mr Completely. ● Monster-making as a Hobby by Frank N. Stine. ● The Worst Journey in the World by Helen Back. ● Discipline in the Home by Wilma Child-Begood. ● How to Diet Successfully by M. T. Cupboard. ● My Years in a Lunatic Asylum by I. M. Nutty. ● Grow Your Own Vegetables by Rosa Carrotts. ● Tape Recording for Beginners by Cass Ette.
  19. A camel and his son are watching the world go by. The younger camel looks up to his father and says: “Dad, why have we got these great big humps on our backs?” The father camel looks down on the son and says: “Well, son, it is so that we can travel for miles in the desert without stopping for water.” The young camel listens intently and says, “Wow, I never knew that!” A few minutes later, the younger camel says: “Dad, why do we have really thick eyelids?” The father answers, “To protect our eyes so that our pupils are not scratched by sand storms.” “Wow!” the young camel says. A couple of minutes later the younger camel says: “Dad, why have we got such huge feet?” “Well, son,” the father camel replies, “ Sand can get very hot and If we have to walk over any we can travel much more easily and painlessly.” “Wow,” says the son. “Dad, all that is very well but what good is any of it to us since we were born and bred in this Zoo in Scotland?”
  20. What do you call an abortion in Prague? A cancelled Czech!
  21. Newly released Book Titles Robots by Anne Droid Songs from South Pacific by Sam and Janet Evening Karate and Judo by Marsha Larts Pain in My Body by Otis Leghurts She Was Naked by Oliver Klozoff Fixing Computer Programs by Dee <deleted> How to Write a Will by Benny Fishery Predicting the Future by Claire Voyant It Won’t Work! by Mel Function It’s All In Your Head by Madge Ination
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